
Automatic Adjusting Range Table

I have a table with a start date range, an end date range, and a few other additional columns. On input of a new record, I want to automatically adjust any overlapping date ranges (shrinking them, splitting them, or deleting them to allow for the new input -- see algorithm below). I also want to ensure that no overlapping records can a...

Any recomendations for an efective way to sync data from one database, to other app's databases?

Here's my problem. I built a web app, and naturally kept the data in a database which describes that app's domain. Afterwords, I built another web app for the same organization, and used a seperate database to describe that app's domain and store data... and naturally a couple more projects came up and for each app I've isolated it's dat...

Javascript data store solution using PhoneGap

Hiya, Does anyone have any experience of storing data in JavaScript across all mobile platforms using PhoneGap? My ideal solution would be to use something like SQLite, but unfortunately SQLite isn't supported across all the platforms PhoneGap supports. I tried to ask this question a little while ago, but it got quite a few negative ma...

Cassandra and (C#)

I am interested to create portal on cassandra services, since I faced some performance and scale issues starting from 1 million of records. Definitely, it could be solved, but I am interested on other options. My main issues is cost of updating all necessary indexes, to make reading fast. First, is cassandra is good way for pr...

How to manage and capture database changes across several developers?

We have three developers and one tester all working against the same database. We change the schema of the database quite often, and every time we do it tends to have a ripple effect of headaches for everyone else. Are there good practices in place for .NET oriented development against MS SQL Server 2008 for managing this? I am thinkin...

Requirements to establish a connection with the database

I am new to web development, I have to create a web application in Java using GWT that connects to a database and download a file from it. Regardless of the type of database, what does the web application need in order to create a connection with the database? E.g. an API ...

What is the equivalent for pycassa ColumnFamily.get_range() with Lazyboy?

I think everything is in the question. I'm looking for the Lazyboy equivalent for Pycassa ColumnFamily.get_range() -- with features like column_start, column_finish et column_count --. Thanks. ...

Add database add-in in Monodevelop 2.2.2 on Windows ?

I have the problem I just installed the new Monodevelop 2.2.2 on Windows but I haven't the database add-in and I cannot add-in with the basic repository. Are-there other repository for that ? Thanks with advance. Narglix ...

Preventing SQL injecting in a database class

I'm building a database class and thought it'd be a good idea to incorporate some form of SQL injection prevention (duh!). Here's the method that runs a database query: class DB { var $db_host = 'localhost'; var $db_user = 'root'; var $db_passwd = ''; var $db_name = 'whatever'; function query($sql) { ...

Creating multiple relationships in rails with same datatypes

What I am trying to do is kind of like this: I have datatypes "user" and "article" for instance. I want to have relationships between these two, but in more than one way. So for instance, I'd like to let a user "like" or "bookmark" an article. So I need to have two relations in the database, one for users liking the article, and one fo...

Architecture for multiple web apps and databases.

We used to have only one web app, but now we are breaking it down into multiple ones. Each one will be packaged as separate product (web app) Some have things in common some do not. It was originally coded with php and using Postgresql 8.4 and CodeIgniter as the framework. I am looking for some good suggestions on how I should set up ...

How can I store in a db several phone numbers to be related to their own restaurants?

I have a table called "restaurants" which contains each restaurant information, I want to add its phone numbers. Should I make another table called say "phones" with fields "phone1", "phone2", "phone3", etc, then make a relation between them? or their is an easier way to do this? Thanks a lot :) ...

is Payment table needed when you have an invoice table like this?

this is my invoice table: Invoice Table: invoice_id creation_date due_date payment_date status enum('not paid','paid','expired') user_id total_price I wonder if it's Useful to have a payment table in order to record user payments for invoices. payment table can be like this: payment_id payment_date invoice_id ...

Rails test db doesn't persist record changes

I've been trying to solve a problem for a few weeks now. I am running rspec tests for my Rails app, and they are working fine except for one error that I can't seem get my head around. I am using MySQL with the InnoDB engine. I have set config.use_transactional_fixtures = true in spec_helper.rb I load my test fixtures manually with th...

Is it possible for double-escaping to cause harm to the DB?

If I accidentally double escape a string, can the DB be harmed? For the purposes of this question, let's say I'm not using stored procedures or parametrized queries For example, let's say I get the following input: bob's bike And I escape that: bob\'s bike But my code is horrible, and escapes it again: bob\\\'s bike Now, if I i...

Start oracle dequeue on startup

Hi, I got the following error of Oracle, ORA-25226: dequeue failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue And the following is the Cause and Action for it from the official document: Cause: The queue has not been enabled for dequeue. Action: Enable the queue using START_QUEUE. But this error occurs every time when resta...

database datatype size

Just to clarify, by specifying something like VARCHAR(45) means it can take up to max 45 characters? I remember I heard from someone a few years ago that the number in the parenthesis doesn't refer to the no of characters, then the person tried to explain to me something quite complicated which I don't understand and forgot already. And...

Database: relational/not relational/object oriented... What to choose?

I'm porting a website that I made for app engine to run on a dedicated server. It is coded in java and I'm looking for a database to replace google datastore. My first thougt was MySql because everybody uses it, but i dont like SQL and I think I would feel more comfortable using OODB or anything else. With google datastore I could m...

In this example, would Customer or AccountInfo properly be the entity group parent?

In this example, the Google App Engine documentation makes the Customer the entity group parent of the AccountInfo entity. Wouldn't AccountInfo encapsulate Customer rather than the other way around? Normally I would think of an AccountInfo class as including all of the information about the Customer. import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGener...

xp_logevent warning entry

i couldnt able to make a message entry as a warning in system event log using xp_logevent ...