
How to analyse Wikipedia article's data base with R?

Hi all, This is a "big" question, that I don't know how to start, so I hope some of you can give me a direction. And if this is not a "good" question, I will close the thread with an apology. I wish to go through the database of Wikipedia (let's say the English one), and do statistics. For example, I am interested in how many active ...

What happens when auto_increment on integer column reaches the max_value in databases?

I am implementing a database application and I will use both JavaDB and MySQL as database. I have an ID column in my tables that has integer as type and I use the databases auto_increment-function for the value. But what happens when I get more than 2 (or 4) billion posts and integer is not enough? Is the integer overflowed and continue...

Storing URLs while Spidering

I created a little web spider in python which I'm using to collect URLs. I'm not interested in the content. Right now I'm keeping all the visited URLs in a set in memory, because I don't want my spider to visit URLs twice. Of course that's a very limited way of accomplishing this. So what's the best way to keep track of my visited URLs?...

Using PHP to display button with hyperlink or greyed out button if no URL in database

I've got a webpage that I'm working on where you click on a letter or category and it displays records matching that query from a database. One of the things I want to display is a hyperlinked button that says "Website" if the database record contains a URL in the 'URL' field, and if there is no value in that field, it will display a gr...

Explain this SQL query in plain English.

Please explain, in plain English, what question this SQL query answers: SELECT SUM(price) FROM Room r, Hotel h WHERE r.hotelNo = h.hotelNo and hotelName = 'Paris Hilton' and roomNo NOT IN (SELECT roomNo FROM Booking b, Hotel h WHERE (dateFrom <= CURRENT_DATE AND dateTo >= CURRENT_DATE) AND b.hotelNo = h.hotelNo AND hotelName = 'Paris ...

How to select view in Oracle from another connection(other user)?

Hi, I want to select a view from my sys user, but with other connection. I need to select view DBA_USERS. Is there any way of doing so? I am new in Oracle, so maybe it is silly question, but still, I have no idea how to do it. ...

Database application using MVC paradigm

In classic Delphi database application we have a form, a set of data-aware visual controls connected to TDataSets via TDataSources. If one wants to design database application using MVC model, where to place TDataSet components? Should they stay on form and therefore be a part of View? Or should they be encapsulated inside some Model obj...

Generating db schema from c# class

Hi, Is there any other method than nHibernate by wich we can generate db schema from class definition? My classes arn't that complex etc (few one-to-many relations). However I would like to just be able to save my objects in db and recreate schema if needed. I am stuck with .NET 2.0. I am not that particular about performance for this p...

Keeping files or database records? Java and Python

My website will use a Neural Network to predict thing based on user data. The user can select the data to be used in training the network and then use their trained network to predict things. I am using a framework to create, train and query the networks. This uses Java. The framework has persistence for saving a network to an XML file....

database row/ record pointers

Hi I don't know the correct words for what I'm trying to find out about and as such having a hard time googling. I want to know whether its possible with databases (technology independent but would be interested to hear whether its possible with Oracle, MySQL and Postgres) to point to specific rows instead of executing my query again. ...

How to separate name and surname

Hello friend I have code name and surname put into same string with coma in the middle ,as "JohnSmith" I need to insert into database to separate Can you show me how to code that please. Thanks vijay ...

informix huge db creation

how to create huge database in informix ids 11.50 ...

What alternatives do I have if I want a distributed multi-master database?

I will build a system where I want to reduce single-point-of-failures, and I need a database. Is there any (free) relational database systems that can handle multi-master setups good (i.e where it is easy to add and remove nodes) or is it better to go with a NoSQL-database? As what I have understood, a key-value store will handle this b...

What stage of normalization is this? (moving repeating data into separate table)

Hi There, I have noticed that when designing a database I tend to shift any repeating sets of data into a separate table. For example, say I had a table of people, with each person living in a state. I would then move these repeating states into a separate table and reference them with foreign keys. However, what if I was not storing a...

How to form an optimal query to get high scores from a data base?

Hi, I'm using a MySQL database to store scores for my game. A very simplified version of the table would be (PlayerID - int) (Name - string) (Score - int) I'd like to form a query that would return me a set of say 10 results where the player of interest is in the middle of the table. Perhaps an example would make it more clear. I h...

Question about Non-Relational Databases (NoSQL)

Although I've not yet used any of the new NoSQL databases I've tried to keep myself informed by reading Wikipedia articles, blogs and the peeking into some of the NoSQL DBs documentation. I've just (re)read the August 2009 edition of php|architect, specifically the article about the Non-Relation Databases and a few questions popped up i...

mySQL removes first digit

Hi guys, I am inputting data into a mySQL database via a PHP script, but for some reason when I check the database, all of the phone numbers have their first digit removed, like so, 0123456789 shows up as 123456789 in the database, but if I change the data type from INT to TEXT, it shows correctly, I am very hesitant to keep it as TEXT t...

SQL Server identity issue

I have a query like below declare @str_CustomerID int Insert into IMDECONP38.[Customer].dbo.CustomerMaster ( CustomerName , CustomerAddress , CustomerEmail , CustomerPhone ) values ( ‘werw12e’ , ‘jkj12kj’ , ‘3212423sdf’ , ‘1212121′ ) select @str_CustomerID= scope_identity() After execution it returns null in my parameter. I want to ...

Circular references in Visual Studio Database Edition

I'm using Visual Studio Database Edition to script a number of databases. Many of the databases have references between them - for example, view in database A might do select ... from B..TableX This works fine as long as database B is also a project in the solution. The problem comes in when I have objects in database A referencing da...

Please suggest me some solutions for building a download service

I'm planning a web service providing file download service for handheld devices. The requirement I got is use HTTP or FTP Protocol to build a server, use database, store files and provide Command Line Interface for devices to download requested files. No platforms and languages limit. I'm a student and I'm learning Java Web(practicing...