
mySQL and general database normalization question

I have question about normalization. Suppose I have an applications dealing with songs. First I thought about doing like this: Songs Table: id | song_title | album_id | publisher_id | artist_id Albums Table: id | album_title | etc... Publishers Table: id | publisher_name | etc... Artists Tale: id | artist_name | etc... Then as I t...

Synchronizing Asynchronous request handlers in Silverlight environment

For our senior design project my group is making a Silverlight application that utilizes graph theory concepts and stores the data in a database on the back end. We have a situation where we add a link between two nodes in the graph and upon doing so we run analysis to re-categorize our clusters of nodes. The problem is that this re-cate...

Storing pictures per user on website (php)

Users of the website need to able to store images in their "area" , should I store these in the database directly or create a directory for each user. Or should I just have a single directory for all images and in the database store a list of images that each user owns? I'm looking for the most effecient way, which I think is a folder fo...

Where can I find a definitive reference on HTML 5 database SQL syntax support?

Does anyone know of a good online resource which gives a clear reference on the SQL syntax supported by HTML 5 client-side databases? I've looked about and cannot seem to locate one. Thanks ...

Unit Testing in the real world

I manage a rather large application (50k+ lines of code) by myself, and it manages some rather critical business actions. To describe the program simple, I would say it's a fancy UI with the ability to display and change data from the database, and it's managing around 1,000 rental units, and about 3k tenants and all the finances. When ...

Need suggestions for a good way to encrypt/decrypt data stored in SQLite database on Android.

Title says it all. I have some sensitive data that is stored in SQLite for an Android app. I need to be able to encrypt when persisting but then also decrypting when deserializing from the database too. Not sure what my options are on Android for doing this? ...

MySQL WHERE IN - Ordering

Hello When using: SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN(4,2,1,3,5); The resulting order is: 1,2,3,4,5 What can I do to return the results in the same order I queried them in? thanks ...

Oracle Trigger to persist value

I have a column that I need to be able to guarantee never gets set to anything other than "N" - I thought a trigger would be the perfect solution for this, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it so that anytime the column gets set to something other than "N" I reset it back to "N" Any pointers? EDIT: I wouldn't want to do a cons...

Simple ASP.NET Database Query

I have loaded my database with one table under "Data Connections" in the "Server Explorer" pane. What is the standard / best-practices way to handle a simple query in a VB ASPX page? My left <div> would be a set of form elements to filter rows, and when the button is clicked, the main <div> would show the columns I want for the rows re...

Question About DateCreated and DateModified Columns - SQL Server

CREATE TABLE Customer ( customerID int identity (500,20) CONSTRAINT . . dateCreated datetime DEFAULT GetDate() NOT NULL, dateModified datetime DEFAULT GetDate() NOT NULL ); When i insert a record, dateCreated and dateModified gets set to default date/time. When i update/modify the r...

Is there a way to sync (two way) tables betwen a mysql server and a local MS Access?

Help me figure out a solution to a (not so unique) problem. My research group has gps devices attached to migratory animals. Every once in a while, a research tech will be within range of an animal and will get the chance to download all the logged points. Each individual spits out a single dbf and new locations are just appended to the...

MS Query Analyzer / Management Studio replacement?

I've been using SQL Server since version 6.5 and I've always been a bit amazed at the fact that the tools seem to be targeted to DBAs rather than developers. I liked the simplicity and speed of the Query Analyzer for example, but hated the built-in editor, which was really no better than a syntax coloring-capable Notepad. Now that we hav...

Database design for very large amount of data

Hi, I am working on a project, involving large amount of data from the delicious website.The data available is at files are "Date,UserId,Url,Tags" (for each bookmark). I normalized my database to a 3NF, and because of the nature of the queries that we wanted to use In combination I came down to 6 tables....The design looks fine, however,...

Is it worth caching a Dictionary for foreign key values in

I have a Dictionary<int, string> cached (for 20 minutes) that has ~120 ID/Name pairs for a reference table. I iterate over this collection when populating dropdown lists and I'm pretty sure this is faster than querying the DB for the full list each time. My question is more about if it makes sense to use this cached dictionary when disp...

Are these tables respect the 3NF Database Normalization?


Multi-Threaded data insertion in MySQL using python

Hi, I am working on a project involving insertion a lot of data in to the database. I am wondering if anybody knows how to fill 2 or 3 tables in the database at the same time.An example or psueodecode would be helpful. Thanks ...

Postgres update rule returning number of rows affected

I have a view table which is a union of two separate tables (say Table _A and Table _B). I need to be able to update a row in the view table, and it seems the way to do this was through a 'view rule'. All entries in the view table have separate id's, so an id that exists in table _A won't exist in table _B. I created the following rul...

How would be data stored at database in case of social networking site?

In social networking site, a person has friends/followers. There is a chain of relation. How would be data stored at database in this scenario? This is a very huge information, still result of a query comes back very fast on these sites. Is it possible that someone explain the relations between various entities? What does make the searc...

How to backup database (SQL Server 2008) in C# without using SMO?

I have this code and it is not working but I don't why? try { saveFileDialog1.Filter = "SQL Server database backup files|*.bak"; saveFileDialog1.Title = "Database Backup"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { SqlCommand bu2 = new SqlCommand(); SqlConnection s = new SqlConnection("Data Source=M1...

.NET DB Query Without Allocations?

I have been given the task of re-writing some libraries written in C# so that there are no allocations once startup is completed. I just got to one project that does some DB queries over an OdbcConnection every 30 seconds. I've always just used .ExecuteReader() which creates an OdbcDataReader. Is there any pattern (like the SocketAsyn...