
what is best flexibility and why? Using db views, db tables, stored proc. and objects in tables...

Hi! I want to know what is best practice for using db views, db tables, stored proc. and objects in tables... Which of these is more flexible and why, can You explain? Best regards! ...

For databases, does choosing the correct data type affect performance?

And if so, why? I mean, is a tinyint faster to search than int? If so, what are the practical differences in performance? ...

How to simplify the following tables and optimize?

Hi Now i have a table with the following fields id country hdate religions season description link rate and i store the data within this table , my sample data will be 1 Afghanistan 2008-01-19 Islamic Winter Ashura ashura 2 2 Afghanistan 2008-03-20 Islamic Winter Mouloud (Birth of the Prophet) mouloud 4 ...

Sharing Data with a Client-Server across a Home-Network Recomendation

I am writing a client-server application in which there is a database maintained on a home server, which will share it's data with a client-app across several computers on a home network. This mdb database consists of three tables with no more than five-columns of data in each table, and there should typically not be more than 5,000 rec...

Validating existing JavaScript code (for more than checking entry). Example: Email and Particular Characters etc.

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me. I have recently used this tutorial: to develop a more complex sign up form for a competition for a client. Basically, the way the validation has been done is different to many other validation methods I've used ...

Viewer/Query Analyzer for SQLite databases

I've been using SQLite databases for development for a while now and I thought it would be useful to just view the contents of the generated db file. Are there any good tools out there for viewing SQLite db files and/or tools for running queries against them? ...

Embeddable database better than SQLite for java

I am creating a web application that is accessing a SQLite database in the server. I also have "clients" that updates this same database. As we know SQLite locks the entire database during INSERTs which are done by the clients and the web application is also trying to make some UPDATEs at the same time. So my problem now is about concurr...

Rails: Oracle constraint violation

I'm doing maintenance work on a Rails site that I inherited; it's driven by an Oracle database, and I've got access to both development and production installations of the site (each with its own Oracle DB). I'm running into an Oracle error when trying to insert data on the production site, but not the dev site: ActiveRecord::Statement...

Best solution for a comment table for multiple content types

I'm currently designing a comments table for a site I'm building. Users will be able to upload images, link videos and add audio files to the profile. Each of these types of content must be commentable. Now I'm wondering what's the best approach to this. My current options are: to have one big comments table and a link tables for eve...

How can I check a type's dependents order to drop them and replace/modify the initial type?

I tried to modify a type using the following code and it gave me the error code: 'ORA-02303'. I don't know much about Oracle or PL/SQL but I need to solve this; so I'd appreciate any further help with this. Thanks in advance. The code is just an example. But then again, I need to check its dependents first. create or replace type A as ...

Retrieving data from ListView control in VB.NET

I have a ListView setup in details mode that looks like this: When the user presses the delete button, I need to go ahead and delete their record from the database. This I can do fine, but I'm stuck on how I retrieve the data that is highlighted in the ListView control. I've tried using Google but all the examples I found have failed ...

Ruby on Rails: Accessing production database data for testing

With Ruby on Rails, is there a way for me to dump my production database into a form that the test part of Rails can access? I'm thinking either a way to turn the production database into fixtures, or else a way to migrate data from the production database into the test database that will not get routinely cleared out by Rails. I'd lik...

How can I do Database testing with Selenium?

Does Selenium supports Database testing? If yes, how to do it? ...

Download Oracle Database 10g Release

Hi, where could I find such edition of Oracle? I need exact this and as I saw doesn't support it anymore. ...

How to build a database from an XSD schema and import XML data

I have a complex XSD schema and hundreds of XML files conforming to the schema. How do I automate the creation of related SQL Server tables to store the XML data? I've considered creating C# classes from the XSD schema using the xsd.exe tool and letting something like Subsonic figure out how to make a shiny database out of it, but not ...

Move million records from MEMORY table to MYISAM table.

Hi, I am looking for a fast way to move records from a MEMORY table to MYISAM table. MEMORY table has around 0.5 million records. Both tables have exactly the same structure (same number of columns, data types etc.). But the MYISAM table is indexed (B-TREE) on a few columns. There are around 25 columns most of which are unsigned intege...

Software to find dependencys in a database that not have them as restrictions

I have a database in SQL server 2005 that originaly comes fom an old mainframe. All relations was set in the surrounding software and there are non i the database. I need to find the relations, not by field name but by actual contence in the registers. (as suggestions, I realize I'l have to check them up) It would be nice with some ext...

autoincrement in access sql is not working

How can I create a table with autoincrement in access. Here is what I have been doing but not working. CREATE TABLE People_User_Master( Id INTEGER primary key AUTOINCREMENT, Name varchar(50), LastName varchar(50), Userid varchar(50) unique, Email varchar(50), Phone varchar(50), Pw varchar(50), fk_Group...

make multiple, composite query in oracle

How can i make multiple, composite query in oracle? for example this several queries in one step? 1 CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR2(30)); 2 CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; 3 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER test_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON test REFERENCING NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SE...

can we list all tables in msaccess database using sql?

Can we find all tables in the msaccess using sql . as we do in sqlserver select * from sys.tables in sqlite SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table' ...