
Where to find free-to-use, complex test databases?

I need a database for testing a data masking solution. Any database would do (Oracle/MSSQL flavor). I just need the schema / db definition. I have tools to generate data records. The magnitude of database I am looking should have 30 odd tables with 30 odd columns in each table - a HUGE database. Do freely available complex database /sc...

Python / SQLite - database locked despite large timeouts

I'm sure I'm missing something pretty obvious, but I can't for the life of me stop my pysqlite scripts crashing out with a database is locked error. I have two scripts, one to load data into the database, and one to read data out, but both will frequently, and instantly, crash depending on what the other is doing with the database at any...

html-encode output && incorrect string error

my data includes arabic characters which looks like garbage in mysql but displays correctly when run on browser. my questions: how do i html-encode the output? if i add this to all my files: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> i get this error: Error: Incorrect string value: '\xE4\xEE\xC3\xD8\xEF\xE6...'...

How to identify foreign key in MySQL DB?

How to identify foreign key in MySQL DB Table? ...

How do I delete all tables in a database using SqlCommand?

Unlike the other posts about the task "delete all tables", this question is specifically about using SqlCommand to access the database. A coworker is facing the problem that no matter how it attempts it, he can't delete all tables from a database via SqlCommand. He states that he can't perform such action as long as there is an active c...

What is an index in MySQL? I created a table like the picture above. What are the "Indexes"? primary key? unique? It works well without setting indexes.. What do they do? why do I need them? Also, I set all String fields to TEXT because I didn't know how many characters I need. Is this a good idea? I don't see any difference. Thank...

Drupal's not reading correct values from DB

Hey Everyone, Here is my current problem. I am working with the chat module and I'm building a module that notifies users via AJAX that they have been invited to a chat. The current table structure for the invites table looks like this: |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CCID | NID | INV...

Storing Preferences/One-to-One Relationships in Database

What is the best way to store settings for certain objects in my database? Method one: Using a single table Table: Company {CompanyID, CompanyName, AutoEmail, AutoEmailAddress, AutoPrint, AutoPrintPrinter} Method two: Using two tables Table Company {CompanyID, COmpanyName} Table2 CompanySettings{CompanyID, utoEmail, AutoEmailAddress, A...

How to Auto-Increment Non-Primary Key? - SQL Server

CREATE TABLE SupplierQuote ( supplierQuoteID int identity (3504,2) CONSTRAINT supquoteid_pk PRIMARY KEY, PONumber int identity (9553,20) NOT NULL . . . CONSTRAINT ponumber_uq UNIQUE(PONumber) ); The above ddl produces an error: Msg 2744, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Multiple identity columns specified for table 'SupplierQuote'. On...

Read a text file and transfer contents to mysql database

I need a php script to read a .txt file. The content of the text file are like this: data.txt 145|Joe Blogs|17/03/1954 986|Jim Smith|12/01/1976 234|Paul Jones|19/07/1923 098|James Smith|12/09/1998 234|Carl Jones|01/01/1925 These would then get stored into a database like this *DataID |Name |DOB * 234 |Carl Jones|01/01/192...

Can't store Data URI to database without stripping + characters

I am trying to grab a reference to images with src's in URI scheme. An example would be the images on if I alert(escape(saveObj.image)); I get something like below: data%3Aimage/jpeg%3Bbase64%2C/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQ...

Java efficent strategy to access a DB

A simple question: what is the more efficient way to access a db in Java/JDBC? I'm a web developper and I'd like to write some reusable and scalable code. What is interesting for me is the use of tools like the ResultSupport: is it too expansive in terms of resource usage? What can you suggest? ...

How to create a huge Informix database?

Can anyone provide me with a script for creating a huge database (for example, 2 GB of data) in IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) version 11.50.FC4 on a Linux RHEL 64-bit machine? ...

How do you determine an acceptable response time for App Engine DB requests?

According to this discussion of Google App Engine on Hacker News, A DB (read) request takes over 100ms on the datastore. That's insane and unusable for about 90% of applications. How do you determine what is an acceptable response time for a DB read request? I have been using App Engine without noticing any issues with DB res...

Verify two columns of two different tables match exactly.

When writing views and nesting views within deeper views I sometimes miss something and end up losing rows/data. How can I check that columns from two different tables have an exact match of data? Example: select count(distinct table1.col1) from table1 where table1.col1 not in (select distinct table2.col1 ...

How do you make life easier for yourself when developing a really large database

I am busy developing 2 web based systems with MySql databases and the amount of tables/views/stored routines is really becoming a lot and it is more and more challenging to handle the complexity. Now in programming languages we have namespacing e.g. Java packages, C++ namespaces to partition the software, grouping it together to make t...

Best approach to creating a database driven Java website?

I'm fairly new to programming and new to java, but I'd like to jump in the deep end with a little database driven website project. I've read quite a lot about requirements in the 'real world' requesting experience with Spring and Hibernate, so I have those installed on netbeans and a project created (if I hit run I get the default spring...

how to generate dbml file from Sybase database?

I think we may have trouble with our existing project. For some reasons we have to switch from SQL Server to Sybase SQL Anywhere 11. now we trying to find a way continue use our existing LINQ code. We wish we can still use L2S? If cannot, we wish we can use L2E, then we have to change to ADO. how to generate dbml file from Sybase Anyw...

Processing large recordsets in Rails

Hello, I'm trying to perform a daily operation on a larger than normal dataset (2m+ records). However, Rails seems to take a very long time performing operations on such a dataset. Operations like Dataset.all.each do |data| ... end take a very long time to complete (I assume this is because it can't fit all the items into memory a...

Uploading Big Files to database with MTOM

I have looked at and it's seems like a great way of transferring files between servers. But what If you wanted to upload the file to database?! Do I still need to call database functions on every chunk? Thanks, ...