
Help regarding composite pattern with hibernate

Hello, So i am stuck, i am creating a gwt web application, i will be using a tree(gwt Tree and TreeItems) structure to show a list of folders(class Folder) and files(class FileLocation), the folder and filelocation class will all implement a Hierarchy interface basing the classes on the composite pattern. but i am using hibernate to sto...

Any simple approaches for managing customer data change requests for global reference files?

For the first time, I am developing in an environment in which there is a central repository for a number of different industry standard reference data tables and many different customers who need to select records from these industry standard reference data tables to fill in foreign key information for their customer specific records. ...

Class Map Generator for Fluent NHibernate

Is there a Class Map generator for Fluent NHibernate? I need something like db2hbm but I want it to generate Fluent Class Maps instead of xml mappings. I am aware of AutoMapping for Fluent but that is not what I want. I want to be able to generate Class Map files from tables in database and push them to my src repository. ...

Hash Join require Full Table Scan

So, I want to know if to make a Hash Join between two tables is necessary to make a full table scan on the collumns? If i want to join COL1 wiht COL2, and COL1 is smaller, the It makes a full scan in COL1 creating a Hashmap then makes a full scan in COL2 using the sabe hash function. Is this correct? ...

GetdataBy date doesn't work Why?

I am trying to pull the data by date in It is not throwing the error nor giving any result. Whereas It shows the results in table adapter configuration wizard when I try through query builder. I am using date time picker in the form. But I have formatted the date in the database as date.I am puzzled. Private Sub ToolStripButton1...

Google appengine datastore tree structure

I need to be able to make a tree like structure in the appengine database. I have try to make an object reference itself but have not gotten it to work. class Item(db.Model): children = db.ListProperty(db.ReferenceProperty(Item)) ...

Extract primary key from MySQL in PHP

I have created a PHP script and I am lacking to extract the primary key, I have given flow below, please help me in how can i modify to get primary key I am using MySQL DB, working for Joomla, My requirement is tracking the activity like insert/update/delete on any table and store it in another audit table using triggers, i.e. I am doin...

How to create a user customizable database (like Zoho creator) in Rails?

I'm learning Rails, and the target of my experiments is to realize something similar to Zoho Creator, Flexlist or Mytaskhelper, i.e. an app where the user can create his own database schema and views. What's the best strategy to pursue this? I saw something about the Entity-Attribute-Value but I'm not sure whether it's the best strategy...

Denormalization database

I was taking a look at Star Schema Benchmark and then I was thinking is it possible to denormalize all tables from the SSB? So database size will increase a lot but potentially the performance will grow up. Is that right? Is it possible? Thanks and sorry for my poor English. ...

.NET 3.5 DataGridView Wont Save To Database

I have created a test Winforms application in Visual Studio 2008 (SP1) to see just how "RAD" C# and .NET 3.5 can be. So far I have mixed emotions. Added a service-based database to my application (MyDB.mdf) and added two tables - Contact (id [identity], name [varchar] and number [varchar] columns) and Group (id [identity] and name [var...

Displaying mysql results as an object?

If I have a database with the structure: ___id_____|____value____ 1 | value1 2 | value2 3 | value3 How can I pull data from this MySQL database in PHP and have it formatted like this: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [value] => value1 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [value] => value2 ) ...

SQL Server: how can I list distinct value of table in a single row, separated by comma

I have the following table: CREATE TABLE TEMP (ID INT, SEGMENT CHAR(1), SEGOFF INT, CHECKED SMALLDATETIME) INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES (1,'A',0,'2009-05-01') INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES (2,'B',1,'2009-05-01') INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES (3,'C',0,'2009-05-01') INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES (4,'A',0,'2009-05-02') INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES (5,'B',2,'2009-05-...

PHP 2D Array to MySQL Database

I have a PHP 2D array, many keys, each with one value, I need to put this into a MySQL database. The database has 8 fields. Eg. Field1, Field2, Field3, etc. I am trying to ensure value1 => field1, value2 =>field2, value3 => field3 and so on, when one record is full (i.e. after 8 values) a new record should be created for the next 8 valu...

How to reserve a set of primary key identifiers for preloading bootstrap data

We would like to reserve a set of primary key identifiers for all tables (e.g. 1-1000) so that we can bootstrap the system with pre-loaded system data. All our JPA entity classes have the following definition for the primary key. @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false, insertable =...

Cannot deploy database from TFS

Having a really tricky issue deploying a composite database solution from TFS to my local sql install. I wonder if anyone can offer advice? Thanks Composite database projects in Team Foundation Server. MarketRisk and MarketRisk_Structure. Both have references to another database called DataMirror. MarketRisk_Structure contains a vi...

Why use NoSQL over Materialized Views?

There has been a lot of talk recently about NoSQL. The #1 reason why I hear people use NoSQL is because they start to de-normalize their DBMS data so much so, to increase performance, that they end up with just one table with all of their data within that single table. With Materialized Views however, you can keep your data normalized,...

Is there any NoSQL that is ACID compliant?

Is there any NoSQL that is ACID compliant? (Or is that even possible with NoSQL given it's just a bunch of loosely coupled key-value pairs.) ...

What's a good starting point, tutorial, or project, to learn database programming?

I've been a Software Developer now for over 10 years. I've mostly worked in Embedded C with some time spent on C++ (limited) and Java. I'm looking to learn some new technologies and skills. I thought that database programming may be interesting to learn. I would like to make my own pet project in order to learn these things. My plat...

some literature about structure of social networks

Can you advise some literature about structure of social networks? I am interested in building databases of social networks. Sorry for bad English. ...

mysql database normalization question

here is my 3 tables: table 1 -- stores user information and it has unique data table 2 -- stores place category such as, toronto, ny, london, etc hence this is is also unique table 3 -- has duplicate information. it stores all the places a user have been. the 3 tables are linked or joined by these ids: table 1 has an "table1_id" ta...