
MySQL access classes in PHP

I have a connection class for MySQL that looks like this: class MySQLConnect { private $connection; private static $instances = 0; function __construct() { if(MySQLConnect::$instances == 0) { //Connect to MySQL server $this->connection = mysql_connect(MySQLConfig::HOST, MySQLConfi...

django forms- register user script

Hi all, I want to make something like using django..the register form. I am new to django. i have made a simple view form using django forms but unable o understand how to connect my form to a database. Im using postgresql. is there an easy way to use some snippet or script to achieve thi...

Update query with conditional?

I'm not sure if this possible. If not, let me know. I have a PDO mysql that updates 3 fields. $update = $mypdo->prepare("UPDATE tablename SET field1=:field1, field2=:field2, field3=:field3 WHE...

How to combine a Distance and Keyword SQL query?

Hi Folks, I have a tables in my database called "points" and "category". A user will input info into both a location input and a keyword input text box. Then I want to find points in my table where the keyword matches either the "title" field in the points table, or the "category" but are within a certain distance from the user's loca...

Fluent Nhibernate napping to existing database with primary key in joining table of a many to many relationship

I have an existing database with a many to many relationship however the joining table has a primary key ID and 2 foreign keys to do the join. Is it possible to configure the mapping files to handle this? at the moment i am stuck. Thanks ...

MySQL - Finding time overlaps

Hi, I have 2 tables in the database with the following attributes: Booking ======= booking_id booking_start booking_end resource_booked =============== booking_id resource_id The second table is an associative entity between "Booking" and "Resource" (i.e., 1 booking can contain many resources). Attributes booking_start and booking_en...

SharePoint: Can't Connect to a Configuration Database When Using Configuration Wizard

Hello everyone. I wonder if you could help me with the following problem: We have a SharePoint farm consisted of two servers with an NLB (a load balancer), a database server and an index server (4 servers in total). The issues initially appeared when we were trying to change Search settings via Shared services provider and an error was ...

Where does the mysql database files actually reside?

Hi, Im just curious as I am beginning to learn php and mysql, as to where the database and other files of mysql reside on the hard drive. I have installed wamp on a windows xp sp2 platform. ...

Rails show company name rather than company ID

Hi Everyone, I am making good progress with my first Rails app with a lot of help from the great community here at Stack Overflow. I have a basic application that has the following models: kase person company party I have associated them in the following way: class Kase belongs_to :company # foreign key: company_id has_and_belo...

how to create database in android

i need step by step procedure for creating a data base in android ...

Calling data from different model in Rails

Hi Everyone, I need to be able to call data from a different model - not just one field, but any of them. At the moment I have the following models: kase person company party I can call information from the company to the kase and from the person to the kase using this: <li>Client Company Address: <span class="address"><%=h @kase.c...

Automatically update or delete record(s) after x time in coldfusion

Hi, I've searched all over the net for this. Hope that someone's got something. How would a record in a database be updated automatically after x time n coldfusion? I know how to manually do it by writing an sql that performs an action to all records older than x time based on the timestamp. How would this be done automatically? Kind...

Which NoSQL storage to choose

According to Wikipedia NoSQL article, there are a lot of NoSQL implementations. What's the difference between document-oriented and key-value storages (as people mention them most often)? ...

When is a query too big?

Hey guys, I'm monitoring calls and putting them into a database. I'm putting caller, called, start, end in database. There are an average of 70-80 calls a day (none in the weekend), so it comes to 350-400 a week. The program will be used for a long time, so after a year there will be many items in the database. A part of the program s...

How Can I Execute *.exe From Table Trigger?

i would like to start an exe or dll once record is updated. If field of interest is updated i would like to call an *.exe with parameters. Is this possible in MySql and oracle? ...

bidirectional habtm linking

Hi, all. I have application with 2 groups of models - content based (news, questions) and "something" based (devices, applications etc). I need to link all models between groups - for example question may belongs to 3 different things - one application and 2 devices. The same - for news. From other side - i need to see all news articles ...

WPF: How to bind and update display with DataContext

I'm trying to do the following thing: I have a TabControl with several tabs. Each TabControlItem.Content points to PersonDetails which is a UserControl Each BookDetails has a dependency property called IsEditMode I want a control outside of the TabControl , named ToggleEditButton, to be updated whenever the selected tab changes. I tho...

using a database and deploying the application

I have a WPF application that stores a large amount of information in XML files and as the user uses the application they add more information to the XML files. It's basically using the XML files as a database. Since over the life of the program the XML files have gotten quite large, and I've been think about putting the data on a websit...

What is the best database to use for a Java desktop application

Hi all, i have to choose a database for a big desktop application. Which of this db is better: Firebird, JavaDB, hsqldb ? I need perfomance and easy to use, and totally free license. Thank. ...

maximum concurrent connections for ubuntu?

i would like to ask how many concurrent connections can ubuntu handle? i heard that xp a maximum of 10 connections.. i will use it as an OS for my small server and will be using mysql on it.. ...