
2 partitions in a sharded mysql database

the first one is running at 73% memory utilization. The second one runs at 16% utilization. how can i balance the 2 out? ...

Database solutions for storing/searching EXIF data

I have thousands of photos on my site (each with a numeric PhotoID) and I have EXIF data (photos can have different EXIF tags as well). I want to be able to store the data effectively and search it. Some photos have more EXIF data than others, some have the same, so on.. Basically, I want to be able to query say 'Select all photos th...

[Ruby on Rails] Data Structure

I am building a online form, with about 20 multiple choice checkboxes. I can get the nested data with this command. raise params.to_yaml I need to store these data and call them again later. I want to sort out which user chose which specific checkbox, i.e. who chose checkbox no.2? What's the best way to store these data in database...

Best solution for reporting database

Here is the situation: There is a transaction intensive database - used for both routine transactions and reports. I was wondering if I could isolate these two operations and 2 independent databases, so reports could run off of one database and all the transactions could occur in another one. This would improve performance for the OLTP ...

How to Bind Data to an ASP.NET ListBox Control?

How can I bind data from a database to a ListBox control in ASP.NET? ...

How to display content of one site in another using PHP?

Hello I'm trying to show contents of two websites in one another , someone suggest me to use RSS reader but my question is : is there anything else i could try to show the contents , beside using rss !? i thought i can connect to the database of another website , but that didnt work / thanks in advance ...

Drupal, mysql server settings

hi, I've a problem to configure database settings in Drupal. I will propose here some sample data: Database Mysql: Database: databaseName User: user Password: password Server: Server Choice: mysqldb2 (in phpmyadmin I have this option and I can choose between mysqldb1 and mysqldb2 to access to the mysql server) The error me...

can i use google maps data for my own app on android?

Hi, i want to know if i can use the data (for exaple a tour from point A to point B) and extract it for example to save the tour infos to an text file or post it somewhere or do whatever i want with it? i want to use maps as a database, so what are the restrictions, what am i allowed to do? ...

Oracle TNS problems ?

I have an error ? My pl/Sql Developer says my oracle database cannot find the service descriptor But when I Do a check the listener I get this error. LSNRCTL> start Starting tnslsnr: please wait... Service OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener already running. TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error LSNRCT...

Using Multiple databases with a common code

Hello, I just want to be able to store and access data from ACCESS,SQLSERVER,SQLCE,SQLLITE based on the users choice. Is there a SINGLE library that can help me do this job in c#? I would like to simply change the connection string and not the code. Is there any way for this? Thanks. ...

how do i implement / build / create an 'in memory database' for my unit test

Hi all, i've started unit testing a while ago and as turned out i did more regression testing than unit testing because i also included my database layer thus going to the database verytime. So, implemented Unity to inject a fake database layer, but i of course want to store some data, and the main opinion was: "create an in-memory dat...

Partioning with Hibernate

Hello, We have a requirement to delete data in the range of 200K from database everyday. Our application is Java/JEE based using Oracle DB and Hibernate ORM tool. We explored various options like Hibernate batch processing Stored procedure Database partitioning Our DBA suggests database partitioning is the best way to go, so we can...

Light-weight client/server DB?

Hello, (This question falls between programming and finding a tool, so I guess I'll ask here in SO since it has more activity than SuperUser.) I like the simplicity of SQLite, but by design, it doesn't support concurrent access. The apps I write don't have heavy needs, so I'd like to avoid heavier solutions like MySQL that are more dif...

Easy way to observe user activity - how improve my database structure.

Welcome, I need some advise to improve perfomence my web application. In the begin I had this structure of database: USER -id (Primary Key) -name -password -email .... PROFILE -user Primary Key, Foreign Key (USER) -birthday -region -photoFile ... PAGES -id (Primary Key) -u...

Replacing ORM schema without dropping the entire data

Hey, I'm using OpenJPA as a JPA provider. Is there a way in which I can recreate the database tables (When an entity changes) without dropping the entire data? When an entity changes, I drop and create every table in the store, and obviously lose the data within. Is there a tool or product to keep the data somehow? Thanks, Udi ...

An exception for a circular reference database - is this one?

I have 4 tables, linked in a circular reference - I remember from college that I was told this is bad however there are exceptions...I am hoping that this is one of them :) My database contains 4 tables; teachers, classes, subjects and teachers_classes. The following sums up my relationships: A teacher can have many classes A class ...

SQLite vs Firebird

The scenario I'm looking at is "This program uses Postgres. Oh, you want to just use it single-user for the moment, and put off having to deal with installing a database server? Okay, in the meantime you can use it with the embedded single-user database." The question is then which embedded database is best. As I understand it, the two ...

write image file larger than 4096

Hi, *************EDIT********** i am using ODBC and found that can not read more than 4096 for a field Any suggestions *************EDIT************ i am reading an image from db $image=$row["image-contents"]; Now try to write the file to disk $image_name="test.jpg"; $file = fopen( "images/".$image_name, "w" ); fwrite( $file, $i...

In-memory Database in Excel

Hello, I am looking for a way to import a datatable from Access into an Excel variable and then run queries through this variable to speed up the process. I am trying to migrate from C# .NET where I read a data table from an access database into memory and then used LINQ to query this dataset. It is MUCH faster than how I have it curr...

C# Design How to Elegantly wrap a DAL class

I have an application which uses MyGeneration's dOODads ORM to generate it's Data Access Layer. dOODad works by generating a persistance class for each table in the database. It works like so: // Load and Save Employees emps = new Employees(); if(emps.LoadByPrimaryKey(42)) { emps.LastName = "Just Got Married"; emps.Sav...