
How to handle transaction process in Mysql database. When my database gets interrupted?

I have executing 10 query in my stored procedure. In case after executing the 5 Th query my database get interrupted and its stooped the execution. My first 5 query updated in i have to rollback all the 5 query's execution. How to solve this kind of problems? ...

Retrieve data from database every few seconds?

i need to retrieve data from database every few seconds, display them. i use C#. When i press one button, the data should be retrieved every few seconds,the data is then displayed in a form, any idea how to do it? ...

Get id when inserting new row using TableAdapter.Update on a file based database

I have a database table with one field, called ID, being an auto increment integer. Using a TableAdapter I can read and modify existing rows as well as create new ones. However if I try to modify a newly inserted row I get an DBConcurrencyException: OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Sou...

Django Database design -- Is this a good stragety for overriding defaults

Hi SO's I have a question on good database design practices and I would like to leverage you guys for pointers. The project started out simple. Hey we have a bunch of questions we want answered for every project (no problem) Which turned into... Hey we have so many questions can we group them into sections (yup we can do t...

Creating an object relational schema from a Class diagram

Hi Ladies and Gents. I'd like some help converting the following UML diagram: UML Diagram The diagram shows 4 classes and is related to a Loyalty card scheme for an imaginary supermarket. I'd like to create an object relational data base schema from it for use with Oracle 10g/11g. Not sure where to begin, if somebody could give me a ...

Combining database tables

Hi all, I have two tables which look kind of similar and i was thinking about combining them and thought i would get some input from everyone. Here's what they currently look like: Issues Id | IssueCategory | IssueType | Status | etc.. ------------------------------------------------- 123 | Copier | Broken | Open | 1...

How secure is a PostgreSQL database if my server is stolen?

If I have a server with a database if top secret data in PostgreSQL and my password is practically impossible to crack (128 character string of all sorts of weird chars, generated by hand). The server password is also uncrackable in theory (basically, ignore the possibility of a password crack). Aside from a password crack, how easy is ...

Vehicle 2 Vehicle Communication Questions

I have a rare opportunity to meet the man in charge of implementing vehicle 2 vehicle communication for the US Department of Transportation with 2 others in a few hours. Do YOU have any questions for him? I know this is a little outside the normal, but this is a 'reverse' thread and I felt he has some great knowledge on the subject t...

How Assigning query return value to local a variable, and how to use that in where condition?

Select Meterial_Id from transaction where CustId=1; Instead of Meterial_Id i need to get the Meterial_name from Material table..... ...

How Copy rows from one table to another table?

I have 2 table with same struture i need to select data from one table and have to store in to 2nd table. ...

Is that possible to do bulk copy in mysql.

I need to insert multiple rows in my Mysql rows are available in my dataset. i am using for loop to send the row one by one is that right way?... ...

What books should be on the modern data warehouse architect's shelf?

I have a few on mine. Basically just the set of Kimball books: The Data Warehouse LifeCycle The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit The Data Warehouse Toolkit Are there any others that should be included? Or any other good ones you know? -mcpeterson ...

Maximum Row in DBMS

Is there any limit to maximum row of table in DBMS (specially MySQL)? I want create table for saving logfile and it's row increase so fast I want know what shoud I do to prevent any problem. ...

Why is a database always represented with a cylinder?

This question came up today and I couldn't find any historical answer as to why a database is always represented as a cylinder. I am hoping someone in the stack world would know why and have a link or something backing it up. ...

Must read resources for NoSQL developers.

Can you recommend any resources every NoSQL developer should be familiar with? ...

MySQL multiple dependent subqueries, painfully slow

I have a working query that retrieves the data that I need, but unfortunately it is painfully slow (runs over 3 minutes). I have indexes in place, but I think the problem is the multiple dependent subqueries. I've been trying to rewrite the query using joins but I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The ...

Program to find canonical cover or minimum number of functional dependencies

I would like to find the canonical cover or minimum number of functional dependencies in a database. For example: If you have: Table = (A,B,C) <-- these are columns: A,B,C And dependencies: A → BC B → C A → B AB → C The canonical cover (or minimum number of dependencies) is: A → B B → C Is there a program that can accomplish...

WPF Application with Database.

Hi, i would like to or need to use a database for my wpf project. It has to store "person" "team" "goals" and maybe 2 more things, nothing very big. Ive already used (worked) with databases in java / php (postgresql), but is there maybe an "easier" way to store the things.. i mean if the db is going to be big than i could use (postgre or...

How to create unique user key

Scenario: I have a fairly generic table (Data), that has an identity column. The data in this table is grouped (lets say by city). The users need an identifier in order for printing on paper forms, etc. The users can only access their cites data, so if they use the identity column for this purpose they will see odd numbers (e.g. a 'New...

how to minimize application downtime when updating database and application ORM

We currently run an ecommerce solution for a leisure and travel company. Everytime we have a release, we must bring the ecommerce site down as we update database schema and the data access code. We are using a custom built ORM where each data entity is responsible for their own CRUD operations. This is accomplished by dynamically gene...