
Ecommerce database design looking for good book

Hi I looking for good book about E-commerce database design. Thanks ...

Is there away to store info, without a database?

HI, I was wondering is there any way to store data, like say I wanted to make a login form and save the usernames and passwords, without using a database or .txt file? Seems like alot of work to set up stuff like that, for something simple, and I was just wondering if there was another way. :) And if any one has some tutorials on how to...

Google App Engine: Which is its RDBMS?

According to this: it seems that GAE only uses Datastore to store data, which is equivalent with Table service on Windows Azure Platform. Does anyone know that which RDBMS it uses? or such thing exists or not? EDIT: Windows Azure Platform, a cloud-computing platform by ...

Database design: OR relation

I have a database with a "users" table containing data about my users. Each user is to be linked to a company or a college. I wish to have two separate tables "college" and "company" each with a field "ID". So how do I link each record in the users table to either a company or a college? The basic thing is that I wish to establish an "...

Database design - alternatives for Entity Attribute Value (EAV)

Hi, see for similar topic. My question: i want to design a database, that will be used for a production facility of different types of products where each product has its own (number of) parameters. because i want the serial n...

zend navigation using database

hello all how we could create a container for Zend_Navigation instead of xml file use of database table? thanks ...

Is it a good practice to implement aggregate routes in Entity Framework 4?

Having just started working on a new project using Entity Framework 4, I spoke to some of the other team that use NHibernate for advice. They implement aggregate routes on their entities, so instead of adding an order through the orders entity, they would add it through customer.order by having an addOrder method on customer. This is th...

Searching 2 fields at the same time

I have a table of first and last names firstname lastname --------- --------- Joe Robertson Sally Robert Jim Green Sandra Jordan I'm trying to search this table based on an input that consists of the full name. For example: input: Joe Robert I thought about using SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ...

Why can we not execute a stored procedure inside a function in sql server 2005?

Why can we not execute a stored procedure inside a function when the opposite is possible? ...

Integrity and Confidentiality in Distributed Transactions

Hello! I've a question regarding distributed transactions. Let's assume I have 3 transaction programs: Transaction A begin a=read(A) b=read(B) c=a+b write(C,c) commit Transaction B begin a=read(A) a=a+1 write(A,a) commit Transaction C begin c=read(C) c=c*2 write(A,c) commit So there are 5 pairs of critical operations: C2-A5...

Merging Bit, Enum and Set fields in MySql

I know up to eight Bit fields are merged into one byte to save space, but what if I have a couple of Bit fields and an Enum or a Set field? Are they internally merged too? I'm asking because I'm going to have a lot of rows in my table and I want to avoid overhead as much as possible. ...

NHibernate - Stream large result sets?

Hi, I have to read in a large record set, process it, then write it out to a flat file. The large result set comes from a Stored Proc in SQL 2000. I currently have: var results = session.CreateSQLQuery("exec usp_SalesExtract").List(); I would like to be able to read the result set row by row, to reduce the memory foot print Thanks ...

Best architecture for accessing secondary database

I'm currently developing an app which will use a Linq to SQL (or possibly EF) data access layer. We already have a database which holds all our Contacts information, but there is currently no API around this. I need to interact with this DB from the new app to retrieve contact details. I can think of two ways I could do this - 1) Develo...

Best way to auto-restore a database every hour

I have a demo site where anyone can login and test a management interface. Every hour I would like to flush all the data in the SQL 2008 Database and restore it from the original. Red Gate Software has some awesome tools for this, however they are beyond my budget right now. Could I simply make a backup copy of the database's data fil...

Data retrieval and Join operations with cluster db server

If any database spreads across multiple servers (ex. Microsoft Sql Server), how can we do join or filter operations. In my scenario, if suppose: A single table spreads across multiple servers how can we filter rows based on user input? If master table is there on one db server and transaction table is at another db server, how can we d...

Get data to android app from mysql server

Hi i have an mysql database with some sports results in it. I want to write an android application to display these data on mobile phones. I´ve searched on the internet for this issue and i think it is not possible to have a direct connection between the mysql database and the android application. (Is this right?) So my question is th...

How to handle large table in MySQL ?

I've a database used to store items and properties about these items. The number of properties is extensible, thus there is a join table to store each property associated to an item value. CREATE TABLE `item_property` ( `property_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pr...

Using Memcached in Python/Django - questions.

I am starting use Memcached to make my website faster. For constant data in my database I use this: from django.core.cache import cache cache_key = 'regions' regions = cache.get(cache_key) if result is None: """Not Found in Cache""" regions = Regions.objects.all() cache.set(cache_key, regions, 2592000) #(25...

Using MySQL, is there any way to dump the count of records in each of all 200 tables in a database?

Say if there is a database that has 200 tables, is there a quick way to see how many records are in each table, if possible, sorted by the number of records descendingly? thanks. ...

Retrieving data from database. Retrieve only when needed or get everything?

I have a simple application to store Contacts. This application uses a simple relational database to store Contact information, like Name, Address and other data fields. While designing it, I question came to my mind: When designing programs that uses databases, should I retrieve all database records and store them in objects in my pro...