
How to access a website's url programmatically from within the page

For work, I am working on a site that has a feature that lets users make custom instances of the site depending on who they want to show it to. So if they want to show their potential employer a little bit about themselves, they can send them a custom url, that has a uid on the end of it that tells the database what to show and what not ...

i'm trying to call a set of results from a database, not working

hi, i'm trying to re-use and old website I made for an assignment, but I want to be able to keep the same format across the whole site. this is the html/php: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " /TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns=""&gt; <head...

Why use SQL database?

I'm not quite sure stackoverflow is a place for such a general question, but let's give it a try. Being exposed to the need of storing application data somewhere, I've always used MySQL or sqlite, just because it's always done like that. As it seems like the whole world is using these databases (most of all software products, frameworks...

searching for multiple columns mysql and php

i'm trying to search for multiple columns using this code: <?php // Connection Database $search = $_POST ['Search']; mysql_connect("xxxxxx", "xxxxxx", "xxxxx") or die ("Error Connecting to Database"); mysql_select_db("xxxxx") or die('Error'); $data = mysql_query("SELECT CourseName, CourseDescription, CourseLeader FROM course ...

equivalent of Oracle Flashback in SQL Server 2008

What is equivalent of Oracle Flashback in SQL Server 2008 ...

change column widths in mysql query

<?php // Connection Database $search = $_POST ['Search']; mysql_connect("xxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxx") or die ("Error Connecting to Database"); mysql_select_db("xxxxxx") or die('Error'); $data = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM course WHERE MATCH (CourseName, CourseDescription, CourseLeader) AGAINST ('". $search ."')") ...

Any disadvantages to this tagging approach

I have a table of tags ID tag --- ------ 1 tagt 2 tagb 3 tagz 4 tagn In my items table, I'm using those tags in serialized format, comma delimited ID field1 tags ---- ------ ----- 1 value1 tagt,tagb 2 value2 tagb 3 value3 tagb,tagn 4 ...

Application not releasing database connection + NHibernate

Even after successful transaction.Application connection with the database Nhibernate log it shows Nhibernate Log 2010-05-21 14:45:08,428 [Worker] [0] DEBUG NHibernate.Impl.SessionImpl [(null)] <(null)> - executing flush 2010-05-21 14:45:08,428 [Worker] [0] DEBUG NHibernate.Impl.ConnectionManager [(null)] < (null)> - r...

using delete or update command in a function

can we use delete or update command inside a function in sql server 2005 database or any other database? ...

How do map 1-to-1 relationship in grails to just 1 table under the covers?

Let's say I have a UserAccount domain class that has a UserPreferences domain class. I do this to separate the fields for organization purposes. Is there a way to tell grails/gorm that I really want it to map these domain classes to just the user_account table under the covers? Thanks! ...

Limiting results with a join while not counting joined results?

Don't know if this is possible, I am looking a writing social network-esque code but need a bit of help. SELECT wall.Wid, wall.uid, wall.wcomment,, comment.wid, comment.comment,comment.wid FROM wall LEFT JOIN comment ON wall.Wid=comment.wid WHERE wall.uid in (SELECT fid from friends where uid = 3) Cheers guys ...

Programming Language to manipulate an Access Database

By quote, what is the appropiate language to manipulate an Access database? A Windows user interface to manipulate an existing Access Database. ... and why? ...

How do I change a MySQL table to UTF-8?

I know there are many settings for a language for a table and a database. I already created the database. I believe when I created it, it was default/LATIN. I want to change everything-I mean...both the table and the database, to UTF-8. How can I do that? thanks. ...

why does cx_oracle execute() not like my string now?

I've downloaded cx_oracle some time ago and wrote a script to convert data to XML. I've had to reisntall my OS and grabbed the latest version of cx_Oracle (5.0.3) and all of the sudden my code is broken. The first thing was that cx_Oracle.connect wanted unicode rather string for the username and password, that was very easy to fix. But ...

HTML5 Web Database Security

Should the HTML5 database be used to store any form of private information? Say we have the following scenario; You're browsing a web-mail client, that uses the web database to store mail drafts after you've written some information you close the web browser. What's to stop me from getting access to this information? If the webpage t...

(database design,mysql) Is my database design good for basic shopping cart?(I new in database design)

Hi, I new in database design, I want to be sure that i make it well. Please take a look for part of my database design: My database design for basic shopping cart: //table that holds shopping cart items that customer choose(not press checkout and order //them) **shopping_cart** { id (int) product_id (int) fk product_quantity (int) cus...

How can I convert bigint (UNIX timestamp) to datetime in SQL Server?

How can I convert bigint (UNIX timestamp) to Datetime in SQL Server? ...

please help me to interpret the naive bayes result in weka..

Anybody please help me to interpret the following result generated in weka for classification using naive bayes.....Please explain clearly what is this Normal Distribution , Mean , StandardDev , WeightSum and Precision.Please help me.Am new in weka. ** Naive Bayes Classifier Class Normal: Prior probability = 0.5 1374195_at: Nor...

Is it possible to alter the cascading behaviour of existing mysql foreign keys?

I have two tables in mysql, both are type InnoDB and there is an existing foreign key from the first to the second. However, the foreign key was created without any cascading behaviour. The table is large, and any changes to indexes or new keys locks the table for ~20 minutes. Is it possible to add "ON DELETE CASCADE" behaviour to an ...

What is the relation between database books by Ullman et al.?

A First Course in Database Systems by Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom (Amazon links) Database System Implementation by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer D. Widom Database Systems: The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom As far as I know the second one is the second "part" of the f...