
Delphi connection to OpenEdge Progress-4GL Database

Folks: Has anyone had success connecting to a Progress-4GL database with Delphi?   I've been unable to establish any connection with the ODBC driver provided by the vendor (Progress OpenEdge 10.1C Driver). I've entered (what I believe are) the right parameters, but keep on getting an error whenever I test the connection: "[Data...

NoSQL vs Relational Coding Styles

When building objects that make use of data stored in a RDBMS, it's normally pretty clear what you're getting back, as dictated by the tables and columns being queried. However, when dealing with NoSQL, document-based systems, it's less clear what is being retrieved. What are common methods of keeping track of structure in which data...

How do you write a recursive stored procedure

I simply want a stored procedure that calculates a unique id (that is separate from the identity column) and inserts it. If it fails it just calls itself to regenerate said id. I have been looking for an example, but cant find one, and am not sure how I should get the SP to call itself, and set the appropriate output parameter. I woul...

IF I have multiple candidate keys which one is a primary key and justify your choice ??

Given: R = { Account , Analyst , Assets, Broker, Client, Commission, Company, Dividend, Exchange, Investment, Office, Profile, Return, Risk_profile, Stock, Volume} and a set of functional dependencies: F{fd1, fd2,fd3, fd4, fd5,fd6, fd7, fd8, fd9, fd10, fd11} where: fd1: Client -> Office fd2: Stock -> Exchange, Dividend fd3: Broke...

Seeking a GUI auto-format feature for T-SQL

Is there a freely available GUI tool that will allow interaction with Microsoft SQL Server (via T-SQL) that provides an auto-format feature? I constantly find myself writing queries in SQL Query Analyzer (Microsoft’s standard GUI tool for T-SQL) and cutting/pasting the whole thing into SQLyog (a GUI tool for MySQL), where I can press F1...

Which .NET data provider?

I am new to database programming, so I'd like help getting on the right track. I have read that there are Microsoft-defined and third-party data providers for data access. MSDN has information on data providers for SQL Server, OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, as well as the EntityClient provider (Entity Framework). Which data provider is today's ...

Which one scales better?

I have to make a design decision with regards to fields in the database. Given: users table Problem: Visually we have a check box that says: [*] check this box to not show this again Should this data(boolean) be saved in the users table in a column or in a new joint table that has the user_id? Which one scales better? faster? ...

Magento Installation stuck at configuration

Hi Everyone, I am not sure what is going wrong when I am trying to install magento to my local ubuntu machine. I did all the steps mentionsed in the magento wiki. Everything goes well until I reach the point where I am here which is the magento config page. When I try and continue after entering the necessary details like host, database...

Sorting DB tables from least dependent to most dependent

Hi community, I'm performing a data migration and the database I'm using only allows to export and import each table separately. In such a setup importing becomes a problem since the order in which tables are imported is important (you have to import referenced tables before referencing ones). Is there any external tool that allows me ...

A good database modeling tool for PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL comes with the excellent pgAdmin-tool for managing the database but lacks GUI data-modeling utility? I found this list: but don't have time to evaluate them. Which one do YOU recommend? ...

How do software projects go over budget and under-deliver?

I've come across this story quite a few times here in the UK: NHS Computer System Summary: We're spunking £12 Billion on some health software with barely anything working. I was sitting the office discussing this with my colleagues, and we had a little think about. From what I can see, all the NHS needs is a database + middle tier of ...

C# - Password Database

So I want to make a program that allows you to store and search for user names/passwords for online sites there signed up to. I know C# has some database options but I don't know much about it. I also heard that it can read/write excel files. Whats do you think is best for storing the data? ALSO do databases need to be stored online o...

Windows Mobile local database

Hi, I'm writing an application for windows mobile 6 and above that requires a local database. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with database hosting on windows mobile and which database management system would be most suitable for development. Thanks in advance, Lloyd ...

querying larg text file containing JSON objects.

Hi, I have few Gigabytes text file in format: {"user_ip":"x.x.x.x", "action_type":"xxx", "action_data":{"some_key":"some_value"...},...} each entry is one line. First I would like to easily find entries for given ip. This part is easy because I can use grep for example. However even for this I would like to find better solution because...

How do i do this : Define/Model Database Online

There are many IDEs to create database schema pictorially. I was wondering as to how I can do it online? Are there open source codes/libraries/applications which already do this? Basically, what i am looking at is : let the user define a table and the columns - which in common man's term is : define relations etc pictorially. The pictu...

connecting to secure database on private network from website host

Hello all, I've got a requirement to both read and write data via a .net webservice to a sqlserver database that's on a private network. this database is currently accessed via a vpn connection by remote client software (on standard desktop machines) to get latest product prices and to upload product stock sales. I've been tasked with f...


Where is the error in this statement? query = "DELETE TOP 10 FROM table WHERE field LIKE \"something*\"" I get an error on the query sytax. Thanks. ...

Grails automatic constraint update

Does grails have an automatic constraint update. If we change the field in domain class to be nullable by adding constraint, it is not getting reflected in database without schema export. Is it possible to do get grails do this update automatically. ...

Logging exceptions to database in NServiceBus

If an exception occurs in my MessageHandler I want to write the exception details to my database. How do I do this? Obviously, I cant just catch the exception, write to database, and rethrow it since NSB rollbacks all changes. (IsTransactional is set to true) I tried adding logging functionality in a seperate handler, which I caledl us...

Magento module - database not initialized?

Hello, So I've installed an extension in my Magento Enterprise. I've been able to configure new options in the admin interface after installing the module. However in the frontend it complains "table not found". Checking the database that is indeed true. Seems the mysql4-*.php scripts have not been run or failed. Is there a log or ...