
Update the value of a field in database by 1 using codeigniter

Hello all I want to implement a SQL statement using codeigniter active record. UPDATE tags SET usage = usage+1 WHERE tag="java"; How can I implement this using Codeigniter active records? Regards ...

how to compress an unsorted list of numbers?

I am working on compressing graphs. The graph is represented as an adjacency list i.e each node in graph maintains a list of adjacent nodes. The lists contain Node_IDs(4 byte integers) and they are ordered by popularity of each Node_ID(score). So, I end with up unsorted list of Node_ID numbers and I have to compress them while maintainin...

notifying applications on db INSERT

Consider an application with two components, possibly running on separate machines: Producer - Inserts records into a database, but does little to no reading from the database. Multiple instances may be running concurrently. Consumer - Must be notified when a record is inserted into the database by an instance of component A. May also ...

How to structure URI query for multiple values for same key?

I'm trying to structure a URI that accesses my data by id. Currently my URIs are query based like so: .../content?parentList=15&type=note How could I structure a similar URI so that I could query for notes in multiple lists? Essentially combining the results of the next two URIs. .../content?parentList=15&type=note .../content?pare...

Fastest Way to extract from SQL Lite in C#

We have a single table (25 columns int, text and datetime) with about a million of recrds, and we need to extract them from a SQL Lite database and then render to a wpf xamDataGrid, What is the fastest way of doing it in C#? PLUS, what would be the most efficient way of doing it? Options we have thought about: Getting a DataSet List ...

COUNT and GROUP BY on text fields seems slow

I'm building a MySQL database which contains entries about special substrings of DNA in species of yeast. My table looks like this: +--------------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +--------------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | species | text | YES ...

How to implement an online audio library (store audio in database or file)

Hi there, Can anyone shed some light on how to implement an online audio library? In my project, the audio files will be wav files, and they are short in length (a few seconds max). Should I put them into the database or just leave them in the file system? I'm thinking when I play them back in the browser, I have to write them in a fil...

Weblogic - Received exception while creating connection for pool: "mds-SpacesDS": Socket read timed out

Hi, I am upgrading Oracle middleware suite from 11.1.2 to 11.1.3. When creating my weblogic domain, come to the step of testing database schema connections, it works fine (I have upgraded DEV_SOAINFRA to 11.1.3). However, when I start my weblogic admin server, I have this error : Received exception while creating connection for pool: ...

Create DB2 view across 2 databases

I have an application that needs to query two different DB2 databases for the exact same data. Is there any way to create a view that takes my query, executes it against both databases, combines the results, and send them back to my application? ...

how to compare two mysql databases on a mac?

hi i am using snow leopard and was wondering how i can compare two mysql databases? one of the dbs is located on a remote server while the other is local thanks ...

Database Designing: An art or headache (Managing relationships)

I have seen in my past experience that most of the people don't use physical relationships in tables and they try to remember them and apply them through coding only. Here 'Physical Relationships' refer to Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check constraints, etc. While designing a database, people try to normalize the database on paper and kee...

Recover postgreSQL databases from raw physical files

Hello all, I have the following problem and I need to know if there´s a way to fix it. I have a client who was cheap enough to decline buying a backup plan for his postgreSQL databases on the main system that runs his company and as I thought it would happen some day, some OS files crashed during a blackout and the OS needs to be reins...

How to get this result with and only with SQL ?

The question is: Two tables (t1, t2) Table t1: SELLER | NON_SELLER A B A C A D B A B C B D C A C B C D D A D B D C Table t2: SELLER | COUPON | BAL A 9 100 B 9 200 C 9 300 D 9 400 A ...

microsoft access table designing

How do I format a field to be 10 characters or numbers i.e. 112255353v or 5555551155 (for both these conditions) The field should contain only 10 characters and it can be numbers or letters or both. ...

Transferring data from one field in a table in a database to another field in a different table but same database in VB.NET

I am creating a database in VB.NET for a movie rental place. I currently have three forms; Member Information DVD Information Borrow DVDs What I would like to do is when I am viewing a member's details, if I click a button 'Borrow DVD for Member', the member's ID number transfers over to the Borrow DVDs table in the Member ID which a...

Look up Table and use of Primary Key

Hi, I have a question regarding DataBase design. I have a Entity Table named: CARS and I have a Lookup Table named: COLORS Table CARS has: Id, Name and Table COLORS has just: ColorName Table COLORS has a short list of colors, instead CARS could have a long list of entities. CARS has a Primary Key on ID. My questions are: Adding a ...

How would you compare large amounts of data from a database?

For example. 2 Datasources, the 1 database you are allowed to meddle with, the other you are not. The 2 datasources contains Person records and you need to perform the following functions. Find matching persons from both data sources Run business rules on these matched persons (this might be to check whether the person has received a s...

How to map between two code sets (enumerations) using talend

Hi suppose I have the following Source Table (called S) Table S: name Gender Code Bob 0 Nancy 1 Ruth 1 David 0 And let assume I also have the a lookup values table (called S_gender_values) Gender_Code Gender_value 0 Male 1 Female My goal is to create a target tabl...

How to use a WebServices to display Progress Indication?

0 down vote favorite I have a daily launched multi-threaded loading service. I would like to keep tack of the percentage progress of the loader. I was thinking that it would be good to have an update column on a database table that writes the %Progress. However, I have learned that this may not be a good idea as there will there be a ...

How to hide my data stored in database from domain administrator of web server?

I want to make a secure website using ASP.NET, but when I publish it, the domain administrator can see all the data stored in my database (SQL Server). I want to hide my data and code from the domain administrator too. Are there any procedures to do that? Please give me the address of a good domain I can use, which will give me all admin...