
Help forming a complex SQL statement

Hello friends! I'm coming up stumped on forming a working SQL statement for a project of mine. First of all, I have a "questions" table and a "response" table. The response table is tied to the question table through a foreign id called "question_id" (tied to the questions "id"). A question doesn't necessarily have to have a response, b...

Problems with huge CPU overhead

I'm writing an application in 2005. The app reads a spreadsheet into a DataSet with ADO.NET and uses a column of that table to populate a ListBox. When a ListBox Item is selected, the user will be presented with detailed information on the selected record. One part of this information isn't in the DataSet. I have to compare a col...

No data shown on listview

Here is my package one.two; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; public class ...

What is the preferred way to set foreign relationships for an entity?

Product product = new Product() { Category = category }; _session.CommitChanges(); vs. Product product = new Product() { Category.ID = category.ID }; _session.CommitChanges(); What is the difference? Which one to use? Both seem to be valid and get correctly saved in the database. ...

sql error errno: 121

CREATE TABLE `users` ( `UID` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `username` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `password` VARCHAR(100) NULL , `name` VARCHAR(100) NULL , `gender` BIT NULL , `email` VARCHAR(255) NULL , `phone` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , `verified` BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , `time_zone` INT NULL , `time_register` DAT...

Entity framework with oracle database

Hi, I'm using entity framework with oracle database. I downloaded the provider from Today I converted my project to work with VS2010. Is there a way (free) to work with oracle db using VS2010? Thanks! ...

Read large xml file and extract it's data into a form application in C#.Net project

I want to read a xml file data and extract information from it to show in a form in a C#.Net vs2008 env. I can't read this data into a list in Memory, but I want to have a .exe file from project that can run in another computer System. So I think, I can't use database for saving and retrieving data! Please help me to solve my problem! ...

Which should take initiative task on rollback, App or DB?

MySql InnoDB is set autocommit off and used default isolation level REPEATABLE READ. There are two scenarioes that two distinct transactions T1 and T2 run in the time sequence below, 1) time T1 T2 t1 update row 1->OK t2 update row 2->OK t3 update row 2->wait->timeout error t4 commit or rollb...

Whats the cleanest way to handle many-to-many relationships in ruby on rails?

I have one model say user, that can live in multiple towns (represented as another model). If I create a new user I have to choose (and edit) the different towns that they live in. Due to time constraints, I often end up with a "hackyier than I would like" solution involving something like:

Can I perform database specific operation using android.preference package?

hi, I need a database in which I can store data and get data whenever I need. Is this possible with android.preference package. I do not want to use sqlite database regards ...

How should I implement this specflow step?

Okay, I've decided to try and get to grips with the whole TDD process from start to finish. I'm writing a simple blog in ASP.NET MVC 2 Application and have started with doing acceptance tests to test my fetaures as I implement them. I'm using SpecFlow as my BDD/ATDD framework. I've been reading "Growing Object Orientated Systems Guid...

What does inheritance in UML do with your ERD?

Hi, I created a class diagram for a system and now I have to model it into a real system. This means converting it to a database. Now there is a base class which has just a few attributes, but there are many classes that inherit from it. Now my checklist for converting says I have to create a table for every class. I don't know how to...

How to mark a connection for eviction from the pool in Tomcat 6

We have an application using an Oracle StoredProc. When the stored proc is upgraded or recompiled from outside of our application, the database connections have to be closed and reopened. Otherwise we get an Oracle Exception ORA-20003. Until now, we were using a WebLogic specific solution, where we were throwing a specific Exception and...

Free/open Translation databases ?

Are there any open/free downloadable translation databases, besides wiktionary? (any language welcome) ...

How to only show specific elements in a CursorAdapter

I have a custom CursorAdapter that is taking items from a database and displaying them in a listview. If possible, I would like to display only certain elements based on some boolean value within a database element. Here is something similar to what I would like to do: package itp.uts.program; import android.content.Context; import and...

Enterprise Library Caching Block - DataBackingStore cannot be resolved

Hello, I have just started to look at the caching block which sounds very promising but am having trouble getting it to work with a DataBackingStore. It works fine with a NullBackingStore but when I switch to data, I get the following error when trying to create the CacheManager from the CacheFactory: The type 'Microsoft.Practices...

Get SUM in GROUP BY with JOIN using MySQL

I have two tables in MySQL 5.1.38. products +----+------------+-------+------------+ | id | name | price | department | +----+------------+-------+------------+ | 1 | Fire Truck | 15.00 | Toys | | 2 | Bike | 75.00 | Toys | | 3 | T-Shirt | 18.00 | Clothes | | 4 | Skirt | 18.00 | Clothes | | 5 | ...

How to I merge two databases with same schema that are on Heroku?

I created two applications that were essentially identical on heroku. They started off different because I was testing uploading to heroku and having some challenges making the adjustments. But now things seem to be working, but both have data that I would like to consolidate. Since they run off the same git repository, the code is th...

How to include database file in windows set up project

How to include database file in windows set up project ...

.NET Dataset design

I have some concern about designing Datasets. I was told that it would be good to have a dataset for each table for maintenance purpose. Because frequent change in database tables is expected, having one dataset including every tables would be pain to make the corresponding change in the application. Q. is it good approach to have a ...