
Is there a sample MySQL database?

Hi, I would like to learn SQL by creating and running queries. However, it does not seem like a great idea to build some bogus data, so, does anyone know a free sample database to download? ...

Struggling with a MySQL database of phone numbers

My application wants to store a list of international phone number in a mysql database. Then the application would need to query the database and search for a specific number. Sounds simple but it's actually a huge problem. Because users can search for that number in a different format we'll have to do a full scan to the database each ...

database archive

Hello, I am working on a project about employees and one of the requirement is that 5 years old employees should be archived to a text file somewhere and removed from database. I don't have that much experience with administrating DBs. What is the best way to go about this? Write triggers of some sort? Thanks, Nishant ...

SQLite suitable for concurrent reading?

Will an SQLite database perform well to around 50 reads/second without locking? I'm trying to decide whether it'd be feasible for use on a PHP website that won't get 'written' to very often - it'll be mostly reads of the same data from a small handful of tables Thanks ...

solution to perform lots of calculations on 3 million data points and make charts

i have an excel spreadsheet that is about 300,000 rows and about 100 columns i need to perform various functions on this spreadsheet and out of this spreadsheet i need to create about 3000 other spreadsheets which are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller for every created spreadsheet i will need to have a separate powerpoint file that will have an au...

Use cid in sqlite instead of column name?

When creating a view, the name assigned to a column is not always usable in sqlite, in order to perform a specific operation afterwards. For instance, I created the following view: CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT amount, count(name), name FROM mytable GROUP BY name HAVING count(name) > 1; Then I would like to do the following...

how to do mysql select query on two tables linked by another table

Suppose I have a table whose function is specifically to link two other tables in terms of OOP So suppose that I have two tables: one for person's name and another one for phone numbers Table 1: id person's name 1 John 2 Smith Table 2: id Phone number 5 23424224 6 23424242 And then I have a third table that links ...

Generic Information Schema for multiple database..

I need to get the db table informations like columns detail, pk/uk/check/fk constraints etc. for popular databases (Oracle, MySql, MSSql , DB2 etc). I know each database provide some way or other to retreive the schema information. Does somebody know the generic way to collect the schema information from different databases (Some sort of...

How to use data reader in

Please help, how do I really use data reader in I'm using odbc to connect mysql and Function I declared on a module: Public Function form2search(ByVal drugname As String) As OdbcDataReader cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM drug WHERE Drug_name LIKE'%" & drugname & "' " Return cmd.ExecuteReader End F...

Direct link to Ajax search results

Currently users can search a database using php and ajax with the results shown without a page refresh. This requires uses to enter a search criteria - is it possible to create a direct link to the search results by including the criteria in the url? For example: search.php?keywords=iphone would bring back any results for iphone with...

Best practices team working with database

What is better for team working on DB? Is it Local database instance for each developer or shared database? ...

Insertion without duplication in MySQL

I'm fetching data from a text file or log periodically and it gets inserted in the database every time fetched. Is there a way in MySQL that the insert is only done when the log files are updated or I have to do it using the programming language ? I mean Is there a type of insert that when It sees a duplicate primary key, It doesn't give...

Access 2007 - Docmd.OpenForm not opening form, OpenArgs??

So I am trying to use a button click to open the next form (in my form flow), and pass the ID to the next form using openArgs: docmd.openform "NextForm",,,,,, MainID docmd.close acform, "CurrentForm", acSaveYes the second form will not open....i have never run into this problem with a docmd.openform in a sub before. however, this is m...

MS Access 2007 - OpenArgs not passing the value to next form???

So I pass the ID value from one form to the next using Docmd.OpenForm "SecondForm",,,,,, MainID Docmd.Close AcForm, "FirstForm", acSaveYes and then I check the value on the Second Form's load event: MainID = val(Me.OpenArgs) and when I debug and step through I hover over this and can see it contains a value Then I have a button cl...

Storing "likes" of an item in a database?

I'm running a Rails app on Postgres through Heroku. I'd like to implement similar to Facebook "likes" on my site for various items, such as user comments. What's the smartest way to store these in my database that will be efficient and fast? The obvious one is just to have a like join table between users and items, something like this:...

How to visualize database tables schema in VS

How do I display that schema of tables in my database and foreign keys that links them in VS ? Example of such schema is used in this question mattlant's answer. ...

Inheritance of database tables in VS

I want to create Table-Per-Type database table inheritance. Simply base table RowElement will have 2 children tables. First child table Lyrics will inherit all parents RowElement's columns and will just add one more column. Second child table ChordUse will only many-to-one relationship to table Chord. This is how my database schema lo...

EtherPad Database Schema?

Does anyone have an EtherPad Database Schema? I googled for it, see tons of requests, but can't seem to find one. I'm interested in taking a look. I'm also curious how EtherPad handler revisions/timeline. Do they create new records for each save in a main pad table? ...

Maintaining a secure database of user logins and info?

I want to have a login form on a charity website I am building (it's for a friend, and I'm learning on the go), and I want to know what languages/software should I learn to build databases for user logins and info? Note: it HAS to be secure and relatively simple to learn for someone with moderate programming experience. Update: I unders...

A good reference for Oracle PL/SQL

Possible Duplicate: A good reference for Oracle PL/SQL I need make a procedure to fill some tables in oracle, i'm new in oracle, i need receive two ids, with that make a couple of loops, iteratos, or something like that, and then make a few of sql, the procedure will be called into a trigger, but i can't find a good and comple...