
Problem connecting to ASP.NET Membership services database

I have been making some changes to an application that uses an ASP.NET Membership services database for authentication. I can access the database locally using windows authentication, and using my SA user. However, after moving the application to the prod. server, I can't access the DB at all. I wrote a simple test-app to test my conn...

how to create a file of mysql database schema?

I need some help about how to dump only database schema, not the data. Our database already has data.But i want to create a database dump only for schema with out data. I think mysqldump dumps schema along with data. Are there any options i can specify which will let me to dump schema without data. ...

Interacting with a Database from Scheme

Hi, i try to learn scheme and as a test project i wanted to create a very simple website with 1-2 database queries (MySQL preferred, but PostgreSQL would be ok, too). I know it's not really schemes domain but i still want to see how far i can come. Sadly, it seems i'm already stuck at using a database and googling for "scheme database" ...

How can i store and retrieve images from a database?

I am creating a website as a mini project which will be used to sell various products. In the website i intend to give detailed info about the products which will be retrieved from the database. I am using Servlets and JSP as the serverside and pointbase DB. So i'll be using JDBC to connect to the DB. Please tell me how insert images int...

What is wrong with my index on this MySQL query?

select xml_record_product.product_id, IfNull(xml_record_product.product_short_description,xml_record_product.product_description) AS BookDescription, xml_record_product.product_image, xml_record_product.product_publisher_name AS Publisher, xml_record_prod...

Data Base design turnkey records

Hi, I have some questions regarding data base design for simple CMS. Every Page in Table "PAGES" could be "AssignedTo" and "LockedBy" by a specific User. To manage Users I am using SQL specific table "aspnet_Users", every User is identified using a GUI uniqueIdentifier column. If a page is "Unlock" and can be edited by Users, its value...

Oracle NCLOB Problem

I have the following function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetVarchar2 (iclCLOB IN Nvarchar2) return NVARCHAR2 IS cnuMAX_LENGTH Constant number := 32767 ; nuLength Number := DBMS_LOB.getlength(iclCLOB); sbBuffer Nvarchar2(32767); begin,nuLength,1,sbBuffer); return sbBuffer; END; when I call it like this: select G...

Fluent NHibernate 1.1 with Microsoft Access 2007 Database

Is it possible to use Fluent 1.1 with Access? I found this site here that shows how to create a configuration file that can be passed into Fluently.Configure(config). The issue with this is that you need to use NHibernate 1.2.1 which Fluent gets upset with because it has a reference to version Here is the error: Error 1...

how to know if storedproc executed successfully

I am trying to execute a stored proc in java. I know I have to connect to database and do the stuff.... But the thing is How do I know that if that stored proc executed successfully? Thanks. ...

No duplicate rows, but redundant data

I have a mySQL table which represents a company's products. The table shows whether or not two products are compatible with each other. The table looks somewhat like Product1 Product2 Compatible? A A Yes A B ? A C No A D ? B A ? B ...

Managing large databases on iPhone devices: simple sqlite3 coding or CoreData?

Hi, I have to manage a table on a large database with over 20k records (the db size is 25MB). I use standard queries like SELECT\INSERT etc. programmatically using SQLITE framework. But the app on the Device is VERY VERY slow. When I tap the icon, the Default.png freezes for 10-20 seconds and the app crashes. When I run it on the simulat...

a bash script to dump a database

how to write a bash script which will dump a database and restore it. there should be two arguments. first one is the name of db which is going to be dumped and another one is name of the db in which i am going to restore the previously dump data. ...

Web-based database editor / data entry framework, PHP preferred.

I need to build a simple web-based data entry/editing tool - something that would let me avoid using MS Access for the task. Preferrably in PHP and something that would be support SQLite, foreign keys/references and field validation. I've looked at the demos of Symfony and was not impressed with the user interface in the end. Are there ...

Are there databases that bases durability on redundancy and not on persistent storage?

Sorry that the title isn't exactly obvious, but I couldn't word it better. We are right now using a conventional DB (oracle) as our job queue, and these "jobs" are consumed by some number of nodes (machines). So the DB server gets hit by these nodes, and we have to pay a lot for the software and hardware for this database server. N...

Database flexibility and privacy, hidden structure, software compatibility and 'public' permissions

Hi everyone, I'm one of those that recently decided to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL and with it a lot of old habits are being torn apart. However there is functionality from MySQL I would like to preserve in PostgreSQL. So... topics: User should have ability to create tables under a restricted namespace. Tables of one user shoul...

What is the SQL MODE in MYSQL (or any RDBMS)?

What is the SQL MODE in MYSQL (or any RDBMS)? Also what is the best option to have for the SQL MODE and Why? If i could have a layman explanation with a example it would be great! Thank you in advance ;-) ...

storing occurrences for reporting

What is the best way to store occurrences of an event in a database so you can quickly pull reports on it? ie (total number of occurrences, number of occurrences between date range). right now I have two database tables, one which holds all individual timestamps of the event - so I can query on a date range, and one which holds a tota...

Is there a safe subset of JSON that can be used with all JSON parsers & databases

JSON is still becoming more and more important for exchange of data but the JSON specification is rather lax in some aspects: The names within an object SHOULD be unique. An implementation may set limits on the size of texts that it accepts. An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting. An implementatio...

Is there a shortcut to normalizing a table where the columns=rows?

Suppose you had the mySQL table describing if you can mix two substances Product A B C --------------------- A y n y B n y y C y y y The first step would be to transform it like P1 P2 ? ----------- A A y A B n A C y B A y B B y B C n C A y...

SQLite - table order in FROM clause affects query plan, why? (no explicit joins here)

Question to SQLite database engine. I have fairly complex question, which finds path in directed graph between two sets of known nodes, with exactly one node between (to be precise, path in public transport routes, but it has graph representation). Now something unexpected - there are no explicit JOINs in question (only conditions in WH...