
Interface For Accessing Equal Databases

I've several databases that contains the exact same base tables with identical design. Now I need to be able to access a base table from any one of those database. Is there any way to create a common interface that can still utilize the power of Linq2Sql? I was thinking that I would have a factory that created a data context for that ch...

How to have multiple apps - one Core Data?

I’m an experienced developer, but new to Mac. I just don’t want to go down one path only to find out that I made some fundamental error or incorrect assumption later on. I want to ultimately build and sell an iPhone app using Core Data. The app will be free with content available through in-app purchase. Here is what I want to be able ...

How to instantly query a 64Go database

Ok everyone, I have an excellent challenge for you. Here is the format of my data : ID-1 COL-11 COL-12 ... COL-1P ... ID-N COL-N1 COL-N2 ... COL-NP ID is my primary key and index. I just use ID to query my database. The datamodel is very simple. My problem is as follow: I have 64Go+ of data as defined above and in a real-time applic...

Command line program for database script extraction

I am looking for a command line program that extracts a script containing commands for creations of all database objects (tables, views, procedures, generators, types). It should work with MySQL, Firebird, Oracle and MS SQL Server. As a part of our automatic build process we would like to put in our SVN repository a script for database...

Can triple stores be made scalable

Most triple stores I read about are said to be scalable to around .5 billion triples. I am interested to know if people think there is a theoretical reason to why they have to have an upper limit, and whether you know of any particular ways to make them more scalable. I am curious to know if existing triple stores do things like this: ...

Backing up very large MySQL DB

Hi What is the best way to backup very large MySQL database (Gigas of info)? ...

Modeling resource availability over time with exceptions in Rails

I'm struggling with how to model a resource and its availability using the tools, gems or plugins available to us in Rails. Basically each resource will have a typical availability of 0..24 hours for each day (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) of the week. BUT then there will be exceptions that need to be considered for example a holiday or special event ...

Opensource Object Oriented Database for WPF application

Hi, I am planning to implement an application using WPF, I want to use an Object Oriented database. Could you suggest an Open Source Object Oriented Database? Thanks ...

c3p0 database pool errors

hi all, I'm getting the following exception after my program runs for 30 minutes or so with 3cp0 as my connection pool. here's the error: [java] INFO [Timer-0] ( - A checked-out resource is overdue, and will be destroyed: com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection@eaecb09 [java] The last packet su...

index many documents to enable queries that supports AND/OR operations

We have many documents that consists of words. What is most appropriate way to index the documents. A search query should support the AND/OR operations. The query runtime should be efficient as possible. Please describe the space required for the index. The documents contain words only(excluding AND/OR) and the query contains words and...

Android Database Access Across Tabs

I have four tabs (reports, review reports, map and settings). I have an sqlite database populated with report information. I wish to have the database accessible throughout the application. The reports tab successfully adds data to the database however using the same methodology crashes the application. The Android debugger points to the...

How to determine how much disc space a table is using in ASE

I have a table which I think might be better off if it uses different data types for many of the columns. I wish to design some tests to determine the pay off in disc space if these columns are switched to better data types. How can I determine how much disc space a table is taking up in ASE 15.0? ...

SQL Server: Import and Export CSV

I am working on SQL Server 2000. As you know, there is an application that's shows query results (Query Analyzer) The data is shown there, on a grid, and you can save that grid in a csv file. That's great. Now, I want to INSERT those csv values into a Table. Does SQL Server provide any method?? And I mean, automatic or semi-automatic me...

Hibernate, assigning multiple columns as primary key

Hi, I am having below database schema. Table:items item_id int(11) autoincrement not null item_name varchar(22) not null version_start_date datetime not null version_end_date datetime The primary key for above table is (item_id,version_start_date). The semantics of version_start_date and version_end_date is to keep track of any chang...

Is there an SQL database that can rollback in time?

I am looking for an SQL database of some type that is entirely based around the concept of time, just like those that are geo-centric, relationship-centric, etc. My main wish is that I can make changes to the database as I go along, and then at any point run a query that essentially says, show me how the database looked at this date and...

Database Best-Practices for Beginners

So, I am a fairly new programmer working towards an undergraduate Comp Sci degree with a very small amount of work experience. In looking for internship-type jobs for my program, I have noticed that what I've heard from several profs -- "working with databases makes up 90% of all modern computer science jobs" -- looks like it is actually...

Query using JOIN instead of INTERSECT

Hello, I have a schema like this: // table badge_types id | name +++|++++++++++ 1 | mentor 2 | proctor 3 | doctor // table badges id | badge_type_id | user_id +++|+++++++++++++++|++++++++ 1 | 1 | 5 2 | 1 | 6 3 | 2 | 6 4 | 3 | 6 5 | 2 | 19 6 | 3 | 20 ...

Help with rake db:create

Im about to turn in to my school library a project which was done on rails.. this project is to be stored in a cd so that the school can have a copy of all my work for future reference if anyone wants to.... I want a simple way for people to install my project.. right now, my app depends on several migrations I made throughout the develo...

What are best practices in dealing with oEmbed regarding storing and caching responses?

I'm currently working on a website and I'm fairly new to working with oembed. What are considered best practices in regards to storage and caching of the response? If ultimate speed is my goal and the site I'm working on has potential for huge amounts of traffic, am I better off saving myself database space by just storing the end-point ...

Database field type for storing web pages

What database field type should I use to store web pages (html, pdf, text) files in the same field? nvarchar(max)? ...