
connection problem

how to write this script if (con.Open == true) ; { totalv.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { con.Open(); totalv.ExecuteNonQuery(); } ...

SelectGroupByInto is not grouping!

Hi people. I'm trying to use this implementation of a DataSetHelper to group a DataSet by a column. What I'm doing is: DataSet ds_tmp = new DataSet(); DataTable dt_tmp; ds_tmp.Tables.Add(data_table_UserTime); dsHelper = new DataSetHelper(ref ds_tmp); dt_tmp = dsHelper.SelectGroupByInto("UniqueUsers", ds_tmp.Tables[0], "User, sum(Time) ...

SQL Script - Check if a IP has been black listed

Hi, I am studing SQL, and I would like your advice, to see if my code is written properly, or better way to do it. This script create: a table to store IPs address that are Black Listed a sproc to allow spitting an IP address in 4 octet a SPROC that allow to check if a IP is Black Listed or not Please let me know! thanks! -- Black Lis...

How to make DB return different rows for subsequent transactions?

I have the below flow in a multi-threaded environment start transaction read n number of top rows (based on a column) from db check some criteria update those set of rows commit/rollback the transaction I am using optimistic locking to handle multi-threaded scenario, but in above situation DB is always returning the same set of rows ...

Data Type for storing Urls

Hi, what is the best data type to store Urls?. I need save on database file system path for pictures. thanks ...

How to add only unique records to a database in scalable fashion

I want to add only unique records into a database table. Is there any way to do this without having to do a select to see if the current record already exists, because that will get very time consuming as the table grows. I am open to all types of suggestions (if they exist). Also as a possible alternative, perhaps there are some indexi...

how to connect turbo c/c++ program to database

Hello Friends, I want to connect turbo c or turbo c++ program with any database like MS Access/SQL Server/Oracle/MySQL. If any body know then please tell me and also give source code for it. Thanks, Karandeep Singh ...

Where to rollback a transaction in PDO ?

my problem is , i have a database design from this link edit* ok maybe useing transaction ? but where should i put the rollback if it fails ? $dbConnect->beginTransaction(); $RegisterInsert = $dbConnect->prepare("INSERT INTO companies ( `name`, `address`, `ema...

Is it possible to do replication of only one table with different mysql databases in different hosts?

Hi there. I'm trying to do replication of one table in a remote host in my database. Suppose there is a change in the remote database and i want it commited or replicated to my database in order to keep it up to date with the lastest changes without having to run any dumps, cron scripts or something similar. Is there any way to replica...

Storing longitude and latitude data in a database, and query for nearby records.

I am creating a rails application which will use geolocation. One can add a longi- and latitude to a record. If there are multiple records with geolocations, one can see a Google Map with nearby records, just like Twitter geolocation. How can I store the coordinates (I don't mind to do calculations) and find nearby records? My database ...

Wordpress (database); Show last modified date?

How can I show the last modified date, when my Mysql-database was updated? (I know there is plugin for showing latest modified date for post/pages, I want to do similar, but show when fields/metadata was updated) Thankful for answers" ...

TSQL command to call *.sql files

Hi, I have several *.sql files with script to create table and sprocs for a new database. Is there a way to create a TSQL script that could be run from the SQL Query Analyzer that would sequentially call the *.sql files? Example: call scrip 01; call scrip 02; call scrip 03; GO Sorry but I was not able to express my problem properly b...

Ant task to check if a database (connection) exists?

Hi, is there a possibility in ANT to check whether a database (connection) exists or not without failing the build? For example: <target name="check-database-available"> <sql classpath="${oracle.jar}" driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@${}:${my.db.port}:${my.db.sid}" userid=...

Ordering Select clause result in specific way

I need help with writing a select clause query. For example, lets say I have a query like that: select value from some_table order by value asc; as a result I get this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 but a special query I want to write, is the one which still will give me sorted values, but will put 5 after 8. this means I need one value ...

Storage of Static data within android app

I am currently developing a simple info app on various uni campuses. I want the app to operate predominantly in an offline state thus I want to store all my information locally. The data within the app will not be subject to any change thus I was wondering what the best (practice) method was to store such data? Basically should I be sto...

Embedded DBMS with XML support for .NET?

Is there an .NET-enabled embedded database (like SQLite.NET) with support for XML? It doesn't matter for me if it is SQL or NoSQL, XPath, document-oriented or not. I just know of BerkeleyDB XML, but this project is still alha and seem to be dead for a year. ...

Play MP3 from stream...

Dear All Is there any way to play MP3 directly from a memory stream (without any temp. files) using VB.NET or C#? or play from SQLCe database? Thanks ...

Object Oriented scope and inheritance in Android activity classes

I'm still very new to Object Oriented programming and am having problems with the class inheritance and the scope of variables from one instantiated class to another. I'm trying to build an android application that can read multiple XML feeds and save them to the phone's SQLite database. Each feed has a different name ("news", "audio_mi...

Paging With a Cartesian Product

Please do add a comment if more information is needed to answer this question. We have a query that returns a cartesian product. Since there are a lot of results, there are potentially a ton of objects that get hydrated. We'd like to do simple paging on the database end so it's fast, and so it only pulls n results starting at row n*pa...

Migrating content from legacy blogging platform to wordpress

i am working on a massive site for a client, but their current website (thousands of pages deep) is built on a legacy blogging platform that was built specifically for them in aspx. My job is to take all of the SQL tables filled with data(comments, categories, posts, titles, dates, etc) and convert them to a wordpress ready format. I wan...