
How to efficiently store ever changing datasets (search results) for periodic reports

Hi all. I am having trouble coming up with a good way to store a dataset that continually changes. I want to track and periodically report on the contents of specific websites. For example, for a certain website I want to keep track of all the PDF documents that are available. Then I want to report periodically (say, quarterly) on the n...

MySQL, polish characters and duplicate insert statement.

Hi. I've got a problem with inserting two rows to table. The database is in UTF8. The problem seems to be connected to the collation. This statement works: insert into test(code,text) values('xx','aaa'); However when i try to add other row to the table: insert into test(code,text) values('xx','aąą'); it fails with duplicate entry e...

Database SQL Compatibility

I am deploying a Ruby on Rails application that I developed with Sqlite3 to a server with either MySQL or PostgreSQL. I quickly discovered that the "group by" and "strftime" functions that I am using heavily to produce by-month rollup reports are working differently or not compatible between the various databases. I can refactor my co...

keeping two databases in-sync (asynchronously)

I'm thinking of adapting a current database application to have a persistent web-based component. The idea is to have a local client version that can be run whether or not the client has connectivity. The data for the application is stored in a local database. What I'd like to have is that, whenever the client does have connectivity, the...

MySQL Select Query when wanting groups of x elements returned in batches

How to return a select result with batches through a single query, that should be a straight forward compound select somehow. Below is a sample table and a simple query that will generate the desired result by currently using a temporary numeric column that could not work in the final real world process. There are only two key columns ...

Accept Multiple Data Types in Stored Procedure

I'll avoid any explanations and just get to the question. Is there a way to accept multiple data types for one parameter of a MySQL stored procedure? I want to be able to accept both int and varchar-typed data for an IN parameter of the procedure. Is this possible? I know this is not good practice (I'd never choose to do it myself) but...

MySQL record existence optimization

Using a site like StackOverflow as an example: I have a table of users, questions, and user-questions mappings. My user-questions mappings table looks like this: userID (int 8) questionID (int 8) When displaying a list of popular questions, I am trying to mark the questions that have been posed by the logged-in user. Is it more effic...

Error when updating table in Sybase

Hi, I am issuing an UPDATE Statement on a Sybase table but I am getting the below error: Msg 325, Level 18, State 4: Server 'dev', Line 1: Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement. If an Abstract Plan is forcing the query plan, check its correspondence to the query. If not, please contact Sybase Technical...

Listview error can't run; force close

Hi all! I've managed to show existing user in a textview. But it can only show one at a time so I decided to use listview. package log1.log2; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; public class AdminMain...

SQL 2008 Express (R2): Creating an UPDATE trigger to update a table on another server?

Hi there, I am just trying to think through a process I need where I have: One SQL 2008 express database on a webserver - takes orders into an orders table Another SQL 2008 express database on another webserver acting as a backend system to process the orders etc The idea being that the webserver database can be left to do what it d...

Is it necessary to do select command before update command in OracleDataClient

I've recently started working in ASP.NET and RDBMS.I'm making a test form where I can do basic add,update,delete operations.I'm using OracleDataClient to do the DB operations.I was able to populate a listbox using OracleDataAdapter. Now after clicking on update button,I intend to Update in DB.I've Dataadapter with it's update property.Bu...

What are the Database replication methods used in your projects? If you are using CDC, how is it useful and what are the challenges?

This is a question for most of the DBA's / Information experts at product level. I need the solution for as many different databases as possible. So please provide the details of the replication methods used. For e.g: Database: Oracle 11i Replication method: Oracle ODI-EE with GoldenGate Pros: Can be integrated with any databases, etc...

Structure and Format for Skype history databases.

Skype seems to use .db, .db-journal, and .lock files, as well as subdirectories full of .dat files for storing conversation histories.ces Are the formats of these files available anywhere, or is there an open source library for accessing them that I can examine and possibly modify? I think several libraries allow the retrieval of conve...

can we use truncate query in android sqlite

can we use truncate query in android database? otherwise can we performing truncate operation using our java code? ...

Would implementing files (all types: audio, video, text, etc.) as database tables and their content as their rows be worthwile?

Consider I modify the way files are stored in a system, where every file name would actually be the table name in a database and each line in the file would actually be the rows of that table. Would that increase overall system speed? would it be worthwhile? what are the tradeoffs? To further clarify the distinction between this and the...

Android-SQLite Database

Hi, I am new to android.I want to save my name in Sqlite database when i enter the text in TextEdit and clicking the save button .I have created a database as name.db.I do know how to link the text in TextEdit and button to the database. Please Help me out .Sample codes Will be were useful.Thanks in advance... ...

ASP.NET Data Access Layer Tutorial - TableAdapter error

The error:: The type or namespace name 'NorthwindTableAdapters' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) I am following the tutorial below and doing exactly like it says but getting this error..tried everything to make it ...

Sync mysql table data from client to master

I have run in to a slight problem. The story goes as follows: I have a document archive system (written in PHP) which runs at multiple clients (23 at present). On their system they only have their documents. Every night, they all need to be 'synced' to a master database on site (central server). I have access to each MySQL database from...

.net beginner question : I connected my own DB..where can I find its TableAdapter class?

Can't see it no where in the solution explorer..the tutorial that I am following is using the NorthWind DB and hence need to add the code line "using NorthWindTableAdatpter;" statement. So I thought I need to add "using myDBTableAdapters" statement in my code which I did but it's giving an error saying: "The type or namespace name '...

Relational database backend for mercurial or git

What I like about fossil is that it uses plain old sqlite to store changesets, files, etc. I can use its command line tool to query the repository, but if I want something not supported by it, I can fallback to writing an sql query. Mercurial and git are more mature, they have more libraries, more momentum, but they use their own reposi...