
Accessing data from the CRM Higher Gear?

I'm trying to find out more information on a CRM for auto dealerships called called Higher Gear. Does anyone know where I can find out more technical information about this product? I'd like to know if it runs on a proper database or a proprietary database. I've already emailed their support staff and marketing staff, and I haven't h...

how to create a copy of a table in HBase on same cluster? or, how to serve requests using original state while operating on a working state

Is there an efficient way to create a copy of table structure+data in HBase, in the same cluster? Obviously the destination table would have a different name. What I've found so far: The CopyTable job, which has been described as a tool for copying data between different HBase clusters. I think it would support intra-cluster operati...

Comparing SIFT features stored in a mysql database

Hi, I'm currently extending an image library used to categorize images and i want to find duplicate images, transformed images, and images that contain or are contained in other images. I have tested the SIFT implementation from OpenCV and it works very well but would be rather slow for multiple images. Too speed it up I thought I could ...

However convert a memory to a byte array?

Now I have a database, which one field type is an array of byte. Now I have a piece of memory, or an object. How to convert this piece of memory or even an object to a byte array and so that I can store the byte array to the database. Suppose the object is Foo foo The memory is buf (actually, don't know how to declare it...

SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android

I am doing my first app with a database and I am having a little trouble understanding the onUpgrade function. My database has a table with an items and a favorite column so that the user can favorite an item. Most implementations I see simply drop the table and reconstruct it but I don't want to do this. I want to be able to add more ...

How to backup a Solr database?

I wonder how to backup (dump) a Solr database? If it is only to copy some files, then please specify which files (filename, location etc). Thanks ...

How to use a pre-populated database on a coredata context

Hi all, this is my first question here. Well, I am developing an iPhone application that will use coredata, but the theres not going to be an option to insert data into the database of the app. I want to know how to pre-populate it's database. I thought of creating a plist with all the info and make a function to put it all into the c...

Select all row for specific column query SQL Server 2008

i want to know what is the wrong in this query I want to select all rows for 1 column string command = "select money from User_Data"; SqlCommand update_money = new SqlCommand(command, con_string.con); SqlDataReader money_reader; money_reader = update_money.ExecuteReader(); ...

Ruby on Rails: How to set a database timeout in application configuration?

I'd like to set my database to timeout requests that do not complete within a set amount of time, in order to prevent outlier requests from monopolizing the entire application. Is there anything I can add to my Rails configuration files in order to set this? I tried to add a line I saw often online of timeout: 5000 to my database.yml, ...

Query works in MySQL not Oracle

The following SQL statement works in MySQL but not with Oracle: SELECT *, MAX(COLUMN_A) FROM table_xyz WHERE COLUMN_A <= 100 GROUP BY COLUMN_A Oracle complaint: "FROM keyword not found where expected" ...

In Django, how do I select 100 random records from the database?

myqueryset = Content.objects.filter(random 100) ...

MySQL - math queries

How can we find percentile, skewness and kurtosis in MySQL? Is there any formula? I want to find the above three for a large number of data records. Thank you, J ...

Problem with displaying Contacts like App on iPhone

Hi, I am trying to create a contacts like app for iphone where the name of contact is displayed on the top (to do this I am writing code in viewForHeaderInSection) and then the details follows in the grouped section. The problem is I am retrieving the values from database and if the first name is null it is displayed on the table. I wan...

Advanced tutorial on analytic functions in Oracle/SQLServer

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial (or book perhaps) that covers advanced topics in the use of Analytic Functions? I'm looking for something that covers both Oracle and SQLServer - or two separate guides if a single one doesn't exist. Something that offers good examples of using nontrivial functions (LAG, LEAD, GROUPING, PERCENTILE) ...

Are all modern RDBMS row oriented? Why?

If one of relational databases paradigms is to be tuple oriented we have the biggest limitation here. If one could design column oriented db, that would improve performance a lot. Vector operations would perform out of the box, indexing, hashing for simple symbol columns lookups, linked lists behind the scenes as engine. Memory mapping...

KO3/Kohana3: How do we escape quotes (double and single) before saving to db with ORM using values()?

Hello everyone! I allow users to submit a question, and they should be able to have single quotes in their title. Currently, if a title contains a single quote, it will submit properly. $question->values($post_data); $question->save(); Any ideas on how I can set Kohana to escape that single quote / escape my information automatically? ...

MySQL DataBase design Question

I'm thinking of the best way to design a database given the following situation. There are over 1000 hotel room units. Each hotel room unit has a list of about 100 individual types of items with a qty attached to them. The inventory is standard for each hotel room. But the qty of each item can be changed. For example 3 coffee mug...

Cant Update MySQL database

I am trying to learn mysql and having some problem with updating/adding data to the table this is my code and after running this page when I go to phpmyadmin to see if the new data showed up, i dont see it there. <?php $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); if(!$conn) { die("Could not connect"); } $dbname = "test"; mys...

Database for Moonlight

I'm looking for a local database for Moonlight. I checked EffiProz Silverlight database and it seems to work fine with moonlight Any other databases that work well with Moonlight? ...

How should I represent a unique super-admin privilege in a database?

My project needs to have a number of administrators, out of which only one will have super-admin privileges. What is the best way to represent this in the database? ...