
Rapid prototyping and development of business applications.

Thirty years ago, when I began to design and develop CRUD business applications, I envisioned that as time moved on, designing, prototyping and customizing business applications would become easier and more streamlined. In 1983, I discovered a simple, easy-to-use RDBMS called INFORMIX which enabled me to quickly define schemas, generate ...

How do I move a database from one server to another in PgSQL?

I am trying to move a database from my old server to a new server. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Help with difficult OLEDB driver implementation bug

I've fixing a bug in an OLEDB driver implementation that provides access to our proprietary database. The problem that I'm having is that after executing a command to write a newly inserted record to disk I need to update an identifier column defined as DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWID. This column needs to hold the physical offset of the record ...

mysql query for timezone conversion

hi, is there a way to convert from unix timestamp to GMT in mysql while running the query itself?? My query is as follows: SELECT , , r.namestring , , i.description , r.rid , , d.unixtime // this is the unix time i am asking to print , d.ifInOctets FROM range AS r INNER JO...

What situations require me to store different versions of the same data in a database?

This is a shot from Google BigTable paper What can be the kind of scenarios in which instead of having something like Oracle's redo logs, I will need to store multiple versions of the same data within the database? Coming specifically to this example, why do I need to store multiple versions of a html page in my database? It cannot ...

Synching two table in SQL Server

Hi I have two database servers (2 different machine, but on same network). I have one table in Database_1 and same table in Database_2. Only Table in DB_1 will be updated by user, table in DB_2 will be used by other user for read only. I want to program something which can copy the updated record from table in DB_1 to DB_2. I want to m...

How can I organize tables in SQL*Plus?

I am practicing SQL, and suddenly I have so many tables. What is a good way to organize them? Is there a way to put them into different directories? Or is the only option to create a tablespace as explained here? ...

TSQL RAND random values

Hi, I need populate with dummy values a table. I need create a random generated value "RANDOM_VALUE" for every single row created. Random value must be a string and its range could be only 'A' or 'B'. The script should be able to list a series of row with value A or B randomly generated Here an example of how should work: ROW RAND...

Entity framework, LINQ or another framework?

We are working on a large C# 3.5 project that requires a centralized database. The database itself is small both in number of tables and in the size of those tables. Typically, the user will pull information from the database and work on a local copy. My assumption is that the local copy will be in XML but this is not a requirement. In s...

file syncronization library

Hello I'm looking into C/C++ libraries (Win/Linux) that allow me to synchronize information over network. I want to run multiple instances of my program (on different PC's), and want to synchronize files locally instead of accessing files remotely over the network at a single location. If all instances are to maintain DB consistency it...

Android SQLite database: slow insertion

I need to parse a fairly large XML file (varying between about a hundred kilobytes and several hundred kilobytes), which I'm doing using Xml#parse(String, ContentHandler). I'm currently testing this with a 152KB file. During parsing, I also insert the data in an SQLite database using calls similar to the following: getWritableDatabase()...

Which database should you use to program an iPhone/iPad application?

I am new to iPhone development and want to know which database you use to program an iPhone/iPad? I have heard its SQLite, are there any alternatives to this? The application I am programming is like an online shop however you can't buy products, only view their details. ...

Which database(s) should I use?

Hi, I'm building an application that needs to query a lot of data that is written once and not changed anymore. Should I use MySQL for that or should I use something like SimpleDB or BigTable? (I need to write once, read many times) Thank you. Edit: I want to use Heroku, big for me is more than 5MB. "Thousands of rows" take more than ...

Restrict access to MySQL DB through localhost, not through IP ?

I'm using MySQL and a web-service connect to the database to read some values. The web-service and the database are on the same server. I want to deny access to the database through the public static IP of the server and the port of MySQL. That means only allow access to the database through localhost, so that only the web-service can ...

(MySql) Why NOT NULL add to primary key field?

Why NOT NULL add to primary key field?(primary key is already not null+unique) Example for NOT NULL id field: create table student ( id int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id) ) Instead Just: create table student ( id int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id) ) Edit: I add AUTO_IN...

what is good, explicite cursor in backend or loop in front end?

what is good,using explicite cursor,while loop on database side OR using loop on front end (application side programm)??? Edited:- Hi,if I want to iterate and i am using asynchronous(disconnected) connection (ie.I have a datatable and i am applying for loop on datatable in front end) -- In this case,If i want to iterate which is...

many to many table - 1 seperate field primary key or 2 existed fileds primary key (Example inside)

Hi, I have 2 tables with many to many relation: student ( id int(11) NOT NULL, name varchar(255), primary key(id) ); teacher ( id int(11) NOT NULL, name varchar(255), primary key(id) ); and I should do 3 table - student_has_teacher option add id separate field primary key student_has_teacher ( id int(11) NOT NULL, teacher_i...

How can I stop Fluent NHibernate from creating foreign keys

I got a polymorphic relationship like the following example: public class A { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } Class B & C contining a List of A's: public class B/C { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual IList<A>...

storing school names in a database schema

I'm designing a schema for an event registration system which will involve students from schools across many different regions. My main problem is the method by which I store school names in the database. Given that students will be registering separately, it's highly likely that spelling variations of the same school name will accumula...

Storing a Bitmap into a ContentProvider from a BroadcastReciever ...

Hi all. I'm working on an app that, upon instillation of certain apps will send a message to them to register with a content provider. It all works fine, the strings are stored, but I can't get the byte[] blob (a bitmap .png file) to convert properly from within onRecieve() in the broadcastreciever. @Override public void onReceive(Cont...