
Best approach for running an "endless" process monitoring MySQL?

I have a process that has to be ran against certain things and it isn't suitable to be ran at the users end (15+ seconds to process) so I considered using a cron job but again, this is also unsuitable because it will create a back log. I have narrowed my options down to either running an endless process that monitors for mysql changes, o...

Wildcard not working in SQLite

I keep trying to use wildcards in a search in an android app, and keep running into errors. I'm performing a search on my application using the string below: Cursor c_name = b.query("namedrxns", new String[] { "_id", "name" }, "name LIKE %?%", new String[] { query }, null, null, null); when I use name LIKE %?% or name=...

ASP.NET Code Behind - DB data to HTML

Howdy! :D How are ya? I'm a PHP developer initiating my studies of ASP.NET, out of necessity, and I would like to know the easier way to retrieve some data from DB into an array and use this array to write some HTML. In PHP I'd pull the data, then use a foreach() loop to write, for example, rows of a table. But I don't have idea of how ...

Debug/visualize database query internal mechanism

I wonder if some open-source SQL database servers have a possibility, how to find out (maybe even in graphical representation), what actually happened inside during the query (e.g. whether table scan was used, or if and which index(es) were used..) step-by-step. It would be useful for database optimization. ...

NonWriteableChannelException when restoring database file

I'm trying to write a file to the Android database directory and I keep getting this exception. Here's the chunk of code that's blowing up: File database = new File(mDbPath); database.createNewFile(); File backup = new File(sdPath, mRestoreFileName); if (database.exists()) { ...

How to ALTER a view in PostgreSQL

Folks, PostgreSQL does not allow altering a view (i.e. adding column, changing column orders, adding criterie etc.) if it has dependent objects. This is really getting annoying since you have to write a script to; Drop all the dependent objects Alter the view Recreate all the dependent objects back again I understand that postgreS...

How do you reset the database connection in an Android app?

I can't figure out how to reset the database connection in my app. I am deleting and replacing the SQLite database file, and need my activity to see the changes. ...

How can I control log switches and checkpoint frequencies?

What are the differences between LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL and LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT? I need a clear picture of volume based intervals and time based interval. What are the relations among LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT,LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL and FAST_START_IO_TARGET? ...

how to represent a oracle view with in ATG Repository structure

I have some queries which cross repositories in ATG. I am not aware of a way to link repositories together in order to provide data from one repository to the other. The queries do have some complicity to them such that trying to build them by hand will take a lot of lines of code. So my thought is that I could just create a view with...

GWT "database" to store data server-side

Hi, I'm looking for the easiest way to store data on the server-side of the GWT app. The application is typical: consists of the client-side interface and server-side that performs all the calculations. I just need to store the data on the server. The application would be deployed to google code so the solution must obey the app engine ...

Creating Tables at runtime vs Creating Databases at runtime.

I am building a customer sales and invoicing app for a company.The app is in PHP MYSQL, but I guess that shouldn't matter much. The app structure is as follows: website files: .php, ,.htm, images and css database: containing 20+ tables The app is currently being used by the company and 2 other sister concerns(beta testing mostly). Si...

Is it possible to read a CLOB from a remote Oracle database?

This answer on a question on SO says ... you can read a LONG from a remote database, but you can't read a CLOB I did not find anything about this on the internet, is it true? Any documentation or citings for this will be helpful. ...

Default risks of losing data on a single MongoDB server

My particular scenario: I want to spin up a new Linode VM solo for running MongoDB. I'll have backup services and etc. for everything related to the disk, so this question about 'risk' pertains only to the following. I've been reading the MongoDB documentation and I've gotten to the fsync portion. It mentions that data in memory is writ...

Store with encryption and access a lot of big data using ruby

Which options do I have if I need to store a lot of files or big data chunks with encryption, access them fast and have it all in one file? Something like Sqlite with encryption and optimized for big chunks of data. Also I need ruby binding. ...

How to dblp (Digital Bibliography & Library Project) data update ?

I'm doing a graduate thesis using data from dblp. therefore I researched about your DBLP program .Follow this Link I know the way that program built to go up from TOC file . But I woudl like to have some questions about updating DBLP's data : How DBLP update data quickly ? DBLP updated automatically or manually ? if DBLP updates auto...

How do I create an empty table with SQL?

This isn't much of an issue with MySQL per-se. The Full Story I'm writing a very small PHP framework. It isn't like existing frameworks where they force you to use a certain methodology. It isn't either like a CMS framework. Trust me, I've seen Zend framework and I've used CMSes like Joomla and WordPress extensively, none of them come ...

Using my database class with other classes in my project

I have a custom database class that I wrote myself, and I also have a user class and a site class. The MySQL class has methods like this: connect query clean fetch The user class: register login logout resetPass The site class: updateTopics addTopic addPost addReply etc. These classes need to interface with a database, which i...

Crosswords Puzzle Database or Web Service

Hi, I would like to obtain an existing db dump of a collection of crossword puzzles or a web service through which I can get one. Is any one aware of any web sites that provide you with free dumps? Thanks in advance John ...

Backup MySql database with PHP

I have a pretty large db in MySql, and I need to take backups of it every day or so. I need to be able to take backups from any computer, so therefore I thought about making a php script to do this and put this php script online (offcourse with password protection and authorization etc so that only I can access it). I wonder however, h...

c# Connecting to a local MDF DB File

On my development computer I have MS SQL Server/Visual Studio 2005. My program can correctly connect to my local DB and use it. However my other computer (non-dev) does not have MS SQL Server/Visual Studio 2005 and does not connect to the DB. It spits out the following: "An error has occurrred while establishing a connection to the serv...