
Data gathering and manipulation: is there something better than Excel?

I work with people who have historically used Excel and e-mail to 'gather' data from their external contacts. The cells these contacts populate are linked to complicated equations (occasionally macros), or are part of a large cascading cell relationship. All the data we gather produces multiple outcomes, but all of it requires additio...

"Call to undefined method" when trying to pass handle as a constructor argument

I have a user class that I need to use my database with. To do this, I am passing the database handle as a constructor argument like so: index.php: <?php include('classes/user.class.php'); $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'testdb'); if ($mysqli->connect_error) { die('Database connection failed (' . $mysqli->connect_errno...

what is the best way to create all pairs of objects of two, from a huge list of objects (say a million strings)?

lets say I've a list of 10 strings (lets just call it "str1", "str2", ... "str10" etc). I want to be able to generate all pairs from this ("str1", "str2") ("str1", "str3") . . . etc upto ("str9", "str10"). That is easy, with two loops. How to do the same thing with a million strings? Is there anyway to put it in a table, and run a q...

How to put Flag on a column?

Hey Guys, I am working on something where i have a table C with two columns Ndc and Price. All i care about the price field. it shows invalid values like 0, Null, negative. there is a left join between two tables A and B and i am getting table C from that. so Ndc values are matching and unmatching from both the tables but for that value...

Load Balancer need info

HI all, I would like to know the internal working of load balancer. Considering I am using either hardware or web server for load balancing, does the load balancer process request parallely. Scenario: Database cluster with load balancer Request 1 and Request 2 both are querying the database for different table at the same time. Consi...

How do I add a record in my database when it is coming from a checklist box control from

I'm having trouble on how to code this. First I need to assign a value for every item in the list (1 for the first item, 2 for the 2nd and so on). Does this control have a separate field for the value aside from text? Second, I need to insert this into my database(MSSQL 2008) in this format: insert into table values(ID,selectedvaluegoe...

Store large image

Hey, I'm looking for a way to store a very large image (e.g. 100.000x100.000 pixels) on a webserver. I must be able to retrieve parts of that image and write parts into it. The cherry on top would be a way to get parts of that image, resized to a specific resolution (for example, i want alle pixels from 0,0 to 10.000,10.000 resized to 1...

Can I configure ssl with an remote database server

Hi all, I would like to know if I could configure ssl between my application and a remote database server. Oracle Database and web app on weblogic server Thanks ...

How decently track the database structure modification by SVN?

The main problem is the versioning of the database structure. The standard mysqldump and pg_dump utilities do not produce very well suited files for versioning. The dump commands produces the dump files with autoincrement values, TOC entries and so on. Since these objects is subject to continuous changes it always produces the huge di...

Database Engines and ANSI SQL Compliance

I've been searching for half an hour and can't find any resources stating what level of the SQL ANSI standard is supported on various database engines. It looks like some level of support is provided by most engines, but I'd like to know exactly what level is officially supported. I'm primarily interested in MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Serv...

Database Relationship or friend table design for a social networking site

Hello Im in the midst of creating a social networking site and I would like to know how I would go about creating the relationships between users. Many sites say that I should create a relationship/friend table, but Im looking into the future and believe that this would be ineffective. This idea could be as popular as facebook and I wan...

Prevent duplicate database table entries

To prevent duplicate table entries in a database I use a primary key. I just add the information and if it is a duplicate then the primary will be a duplicate and it will not add to the table. Should I also do a SQL query (before trying to add to the database) to see if the entry exists? Or is this redundant since I already have the p...

Large amounts of static data to populate a webpage - store in a database, or static?

I have a large amount (several gigabytes worth) of archival data that I want to make available to users and search engines through a web interface. Most of the data will rarely change, so I'm debating the best way to store and deliver the data. I would like to ensure that the data loads quickly and efficiently so it can easily be viewed...

Appending to Informix BLOB without running out of memory

Hi SO, I'm writing a c# app that inserts a large (1GB+) amount of data into a BLOB in an informix database. However, many times the file is too large and the process runs out of memory. I have implemented the WCF Chunking Channel to mitigate this, but I need to put these chunks into the BLOB without consuming memory to store them all....

Database design too repetitive?

I'm working on a database schema that's driving me a little mad at the moment because I seem to be repeating the same tables to reproduce behaviour for different types. Basically the system consists of live sensors that are monitored over a network, and loggers that are collected via a handset. The sensors and loggers are divided up in...

Connection pool query results jumping between live and old data?

I'm developing a Java SE application with a MySQL database. It uses a connection pool of size 10 as there are many screens. Each screen has a Thread that will update some JTables about every 10 seconds. My connection pooling code is taken from with a few method...

What is the difference between ON and WHERE in mysql JOINs?

Possible Duplicates: Difference between and and where in joins In MySQL queries, why use join instead of where? What is the difference between SELECT * from T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.X = T2.X AND T1.Y = T2.Y and SELECT * from T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.X = T2.X WHERE T1.Y = T2.Y ? ...

Display Microsoft Access data in textboxes by selecting an item in a listbox

I know how to connect to an access database and so on. My question is, I want to select an item from a list box, and then it must search the access database for the item I selected and display all its contents in textboxes. For example: In the listbox I have the following added: Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 etc. If I select Car 2, I want it to ...

A facebook-like-notification system in php

Hi everybody, How can I put in place a facebook-like-notification system: - A userA writes a message to the userB - A listener on the database routes the message to the userB - On the userB interface, the message appears instantly How can I do that in php? Thank you very much, Regards ...

New to Android. Is it possible for the user to specify the name of a Database to be created? Also on using multiple databases.

Hi everyone. I'm very new to Android. I'm thinking about creating an application that uses multiple databases. The user would be able to specify the name of the database to be created, and select which database to use from those existing in the /databases/ directory. Is this possible in android? ...