
databases with flexible indexes?

form wikipedia: Some databases extend the power of indexing by allowing indexes to be created on functions or expressions. For example, an index could be created on upper(last_name), which would only store the upper case versions of the last_name field in the index. Another option sometime...

How do I restore one database from a mysqldump containing multiple databases?

I have a mysql dump with 5 databases and would like to know if there is a way to import just one of those (using mysqldump or other). Suggestions appreciated. ...

Only import tables from a complete MySql database export

If I have exported a .sql file with my database in it, can I then only import "parts" of that database instead of the entire database to MySql? The question appeared when I was trying it out on a test database. I exported the testdatabase. Then emptied some of the tables in the database. Then I planned on importing from the .sql file...

Socket Exception when connecting to Analysis Services Locally

I keep getting this error when trying to connect to an Analysis Services on the same machine the service is running on. If I connect via my desktop I don't see this error. I did quite a bit of googling, haven't found any solutions yet. When connecting from my desktop I am authenticated over a VPN. I get the feeling this error has somet...

Why Wordpress Multisite created new Table?

Hi, I want to have the expert opinion about the Wordpress Multisite Feature, the question is Whenever Wordpress create a Network site it creates new table for the Network Site. Why it does this? Why it does not sotre the data in the already created tables? Thanks ...

What shall I learn if I want to stay ahead of the curve?

What are the most recent technologies being used by startups and companies like Google? For example: Databases: Redis, MongoDB. ...

GAE Datastore - Is there a next page / Are there x+1 entities?

Hi. Currently, to determine whether or not there is a next page of entities I'm using the following code: q = Entity.all().fetch(10) cursor = q.cursor() extra = q.fetch(1) has_next_page = False if extra: has_next_page = True However, this is very expensive in terms of the time it takes to execute the 'extra' query. I need to extra...

Count SQLClient database queries from ASP.NET app

I need to do some performance testing for an ASP.NET MVC application and specifically want to measure how many databsae queries each HTTP request results in. The data access layer is using LINQ-to-SQL. I'd like to be able to automate the tests so am looking for a good way to be able to do a before and after count of the number of SQL qu...

Is TRUNCATE a DML statement?

Can we classify/say that TRUNCATE belongs to/falls under DML statement? Check here for PostgreSQL TRUNCATE compatibility. NOTE: TRUNCATE is part of SQL standard ANSI SQL 2008 - F200 ...

Database Delete Android

android code to delete the database from the application? ...

New project Python 3x PostgreSQL 9x and pg8000 1x DBAPI?

I'm starting some new projects and want to know if pg8000 is considered a good choice for a production project? Obviously Python and PostgreSQL are mature products, but I'm concerned about pg8000 both when it comes to maturity and performance. Will my DB access suffer or will it be acceptable? So, please take some latitude in respondin...

Oracle: LONG or CLOB?

From these two threads, Why is LONG an issue with Oracle? Is it possible to read a CLOB from a remote Oracle database? LONG is archaic and deprecated. Oracle says, Do not create tables with LONG columns. Use LOB columns (CLOB, NCLOB) instead. LONG columns are supported only for backward compatibility. Oracle also recommends ...

How to load another PHP's phpmyadmin to current PHP

Hi folks, In my application there are two PHP are available. 1) PHP 5.1.6 2) PHP 5.2.6 Currently I am using PHP 5.2.6 version in my application. Also I'm using PHP 5.2.6 database ( phpmyadmin ). Here my question is I want to use another PHP's database ( phpmyadmin ) i.e. PHP 5.1.6 's phpmyadmin. I dont know how to do this, Please g...

create sqlite db programmatically in iphone sdk

hai i a'm trying to create a sqlite database programmatically at the run time. can anybody say how to create it in iphone sdk. thanks in advance ...

How to organize updated row logging

Hello, I have some tables in Sql Server. I want to log row, if row is updated or deleted. how can I organize this process? Sample table structure: [uniqueGUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, *[kod_a] [nchar](5) NOT NULL, *[kod_b] [nchar](5) NOT NULL, *[kod_c] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, *[kod_d] [nchar](4) NOT NULL, [nam...

Returning extra data from HQL

Hello, I'm writing an HQL query, in the form of: from a where ... or exists (from b inner join b.c where ...) and ... I get back an entity of type a from this query. However, I need to also know whether the exists clause came back true or not later on in my code. If this was SQL, I'd tack it onto the select list. However, even if I a...

Symfony database setup: command "symfony" in ms-dos doesn't work

Hello there, I am trying to do this: c:\> php symfony configure:database "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=jobeet" root mYsEcret This doesnt work for me because it says Could not open input file I thought I needed to add symfony-file located in C:\dev\sfprojects\jobeet\lib\vendor\symfony\data\bin\ to PATH, but this didn't do the trick....

SQL update query

Say I wanted to perform an update in a database that held information on for example cars in a table by that same name. The update I am looking to perform consists in changing the designation in the table in model from "Ford" to "Ford-" i.e. only changing where the designatin is "Ford" and not in those that already have a model design...

Best NoSQL-way to store machinedata?

Hi there, I'm looking for a NoSQL-way to store machinedata like information about tools, work pieces, products, operations and so on... Currently I'm concentrating on BerkeleyDB and need input from you guys, whether I should consider using another nosql-database which might fit better on my requierements. Data stored in this db should b...

How does multi child query by example in hibernate work?

I'm using query by example and I have an object which has two child objects. The problem I have is I want to make a query which has limitations for both child tables and I cant work out how you do it. When I do this: List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)      .add( Example.create(cat) )          .createCriteria("owner")      ...