
Database application with C#

Hello everyone, This is my first application with a database. I'm using SQLite and Visual Studio. I have the database added, but how do I store and retrieve information from it? I'm using System.Data.SQLite as the .NET wrapper. The wrapper obviously provides me with methods to create connections and execute queries, but is there an ea...

Creating date/time ranges with Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE datatype.

How does one create date/time ranges for TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE timestamps with a range precision down to the level of seconds? Here is my sample query, however I can only create ranges down to the day level: SELECT COLUMN_NAME, MY_TIMESTAMP FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE (MY_TIMESTAMP BETWEEN SYSDATE - INTERVAL '1' DAY AND SYSDATE - INTERV...

MySQL Auto Increment Based on Foreign Key

Lets say I have the following table called assets with the following fields: id | job_id | title I would like to use id and job_id as the primary keys. job_id is the foreign key. The id field is auto incremented. How would I get id to start incrementing at 0 if there is no row with the same job_id. If there is a row with the same job_...

MySQL: Materialized Views?

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to have an indexed view in MySQL? Does MySQL support Materialized Views (for crazy fast SELECT performance)? If so, how do I create one? ...

Is there any python web app framework that provides database abstraction layer for SQL and NoSQL?

Is it even possible to create an abstraction layer that can accommodate relational and non-relational databases? The purpose of this layer is to minimize repetition and allows a web application to use any kind of database by just changing/modifying the code in one place (ie, the abstraction layer). The part that sits on top of the abstra...

How does a bitmap index work?

Is there anyone can help me to get the logical represntation of a bitmap index and reverse key index? ...

distinct in mysql

i want to select from a mysql table title , url from the table title can be duplicate so i need distinct title from them' if i use sachin's code then i find duplicate rows so how i can get the information where title not show again as the result. means no duplicate title get from table in mysql ...

e-commerce structure for products (MySQL)

Hello. I am considering how to structure my MySQL database in e-commerce solution. To be more specific I am looking at the product structure. These are the tables I have come up with so far. What do you think? Explanation of structure The application is multilingual. Therefore the product table are split in 2 tables. If a products h...

SybaseHelper class ?

I am trying to connect to sybase ASE 15 and call a SP that does some DML. I was wondering if anyone has any pointers to a sybase helper class analogous to SQLhelper.cs or if someone has any pointers to any blog / sample code. Eventually I will be migrating the solution to SQl Server 2008 R2 (couple of months from now) so I want to creat...

Silverlight client-side database with LINQ

I'm creating an out of browser silverlight app and would like to have a database in the client side. I've looked at sqlite but it seems that it does not work with silverlight. It would be great if I could use LINQ with it. I would prefer a free solution but payed is always an option. Any suggestion? Thank you ...

SQLite optimization

I consider to use SQLite in a desktop application to persist my model. I plan to load all data to model classes when the user opens a project and write it again when the user saves it. I will write all data and not just the delta that changed (since it is hard for me to tell). The data may contain thousands of rows which I will need to ...

Which query will execute faster in MySql

Hi folks, I created indexing on my tables and then I fire same queries using two different ways:I run those queries on MySql but always got different execution time sometimes first one is faster and sometimes second..Thats why I want experts opinion on this.Queries are First one is select t1.field from table1 as t1 w...

ASP - Oracle DB connection problem

dim sql set con = server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") set rs_editorcolumn = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") set rs = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") mydsn =Application.Value ("dsn") con.Open (mydsn) This is my code.. It is working in another machine where it is deployed In my machine. ...

How to develop a real-time event analytics solution?

Hello all. I need to develop an in-house real-time event analytics solution for our web application (e.g: mixpanel, chartbeat, kissmetrics like tool). We mainly use ruby on rails, Redis, MySql and JavaScript. The analytics solution must have an API and must be real-time. I've never done any API nor worked with real-time data. What te...

working with db using .NET c#

I am in my first steps using db in an application so my goal is to build simple db with one table from scratch in order to improve and learn I have opened new db using the visual studio : Tolls -> connect to database and announced him to create new data base the next step was to populate a table with 4 columns (the all 4 are nchar(1...

ActiveRecord talk to two databases?

We've recently revamped a project, and are looking to bring all our old data into the new system. The problem is that the schema is marginally different, so a straight SQL import isn't possible. Due to some denormalization and database changes, we'll need to do some massaging of the data before it's ready for import. I was hoping for ...

how to start using db in .NET platform

i want the most simple example from scratch how to open new db populate it with one table connect and open it to simple select query I have been looking for sothing relvant in the last 2 days please help me i neede just the basic I am using visual studio 2008/2010 and i know mysql but dont know how to use VS for DB I would p...

Database Model Dependent Relationship

A picture does more justice so I'll start with that. So in my Relation_Type table I have several different Types (Owner, Reviewer, Approver, etc). In my Relation_Status table I have different status' for some of the types: Reviwer: (Pending Feedback, Feedback Received) Approver: (Pending Decision, Approved, Denied) My prob...

Quickest way to write logging/stats data - file, database or url to external service

Hi, I am running a high volume web service and want to track the number of times the service gets called (per customer). However, I want the logging/writing of this data to have minimal impact on the overall time taken to process the service request. I have thought of three ways: Write to file (would need to open the file, read the 'h...

Should I be autocreating my DB tables in code, or pre-init during install?

I have a Java application that uses an Apache Derby database with the embedded driver. Right now, in the installation, I run the SQL create scripts out of process. So when the application starts up, the tables are already existing. Recently I've started to think it would be better to have my SQL script in the classpath or something, l...