
mysql 5.1 partitioning - do I have to remove the index/key element?

I have a table with several indexes. All of them contain an specific integer column. I'm moving to mysql 5.1 and about to partition the table by this column. Do I still have to keep this column as key in my indexes or I can remove it since partitioning will take care of searching only in the relevant keys data efficiently without need t...

IronPython - What kind of database is useable

Hello, i'm using IronPython 2.6 for .Net4 to build an GUI logging application. This application received data via serialport and stores these data in an sqlite3 database while showing the last 100 received items in an listview. The listview gathers it's data via an SQL SELECT from the database every 100ms. It only querys data that is n...

PayPal: IPN and PDT scripts working together and simultaniously

Hi, I am working on integrating PaylPal as a payment module in my webshop. I use PHP and Mysql. After a payment has been made with PayPal the customer is redirected to my webshop. At that time my IPN en DPT scripts are called simultaniously. I do that because sometimes IPN has a (tiny) delay. I don't want my customer to wait for the IP...

How do I plot the points (data) from the database to the OpensStreetMap?

Hi! I wonder how the mapping thing works in the OpenStreetMap. I'm building an app that uses my own database(which I will build using OSM dumps using Osmosis; same as in the OpenStreetMap website). I have really no idea how it works. Thanks in advance! :D ...


Hi, I had a look at EF 4 (Entity Framework) from MS (notice I am a beginner :-). I understand its use for separation of Layer Logic as DAL. In EF 4 I see it is possible to create code for query the Data Base, query are stored in DAL. My questions is what could be the benefit of using SPROC with EF 4? To me calling SPROC from the EF 4 ...

Implementation of "Most Viewed" feature database

Hi, I was wondering how to best implement a "most viewed" featured (like youtube) on my database. Let me explain the "most viewed" feature a little bit better: Basically I want to list the most visited pages/video/etc from this day/week/month, see for an example. So I was wondering how to b...

Difference between Primary Key, Unique Key and candidate key

What is difference between Primary Key, Unique Key and candidate key? ...

Getting Jpeg error #51 when loading from BLOB with Delphi 2010, fine w Delphi 2006

I have an old application developed in Delphi 2006 that I now needed to make some changes in. In this app, I'm loading images from a MsSQL "image" field but when i compile with delphi 2010 I get the error : "raised exception class EJPEG with message 'JPEG error #51'." The code that get's the image from the database: aStream := TMemory...

delete specific entries in table

In my table I have many rows with data. One row has seven columns with values. Is it possible to delete from one row values of two columns and rest five leave without changes? Can I to it with SQL delete? cmd.CommandText = @"DELETE ImageData," + " ContentType, " + " FROM Users " ...

Database Wrapper Class for Python

Hello Friends, I am a PHP developer and recently migrated to Python. In PHP, there are many classes available at for example which saves a lot of developer's time. I am looking for similar kind of repository for python. I need a database wrapper class for accessing the database with python. One of the class i found was a...

Access Database Alternatives.

Ok before I explain... I know Access should basically not be used anymore. My application now uses access for its portability.. its an internal application and makes private/internal database storage a snap. Problem is, it uses JET 4.0 which is not supported in 64 bit operating systems and is frankly not very well implemented anymore....

Naming convention for database change scripts?

I plan on using a "base script" for my initial database version 1.0.0 but after that I will require change scripts which "upgrade" the database to newer versions. I'm not sure how to name these scripts in my repository. I was envisioning something along the lines of: Baseline-6.0.0.sql Patch-6.0.1.sql Patch-6.0.2.sql Patch-6.1.0.sql ...

How to download all posts of phpBB3 forum if I am not admin?

I am used to post my ideas on one forum and started to worry that I will loose them if it gets closed. Do you know a good way to download entire (ideas of other guys are also nice!) phpBB3 forum to a database? Is there software already available, or I have to write it myself? UPDATE1: Well, I can write it myself - this is not that hard...

Open a Watcom DB with C#

So, I was just asked if I can open a watcom db file through C# as we need to retrieve some data from it, and neither Access nor Sql Server appear capable of importing it. I don't know where to begin... All I've been given is a .DB file, and those vague instructions. Thanks ...

What are some real use cases for going with a NoSQL Document Store db?

I have been reading documentation and watching screencasts specific to Mongo DB over the past few days and I am at a loss for when a solution like this would be better than a typical pg or mysql environment. Specifically, my question is under what circumstance (w/ use case would be nice) would you want to go the nosql route? Thanks! ...

Using the title of a posting as a unique identifier [Ruby/Rails]

Hi gang! I need to store a range of unique strings. For each unique string, i need to store this in the DB: ["Unique title/unique description"] -> [3][pointer_to_posting 1, pointer_to_posting 2, to_posting 3] I have a model for the posting, but i do not have a model for [unique title]. All I want to do is to store a list of questions...

Database solution for client server application with encrypted database?

Hello, We have a Windows application on .net 2.0 that uses embedded encrypted database. The database consists of secret data - around 350mb, which is read-only and is updated with new one each 4 months. Untill now we use SQLite file as a database and it worked good, but we need to move to client-server version since some customers have...

Transfer column data from one database to another

Hello, I'm trying to transfer an entire column's worth of data from the backup database to the current production database (earlier in the day I had ruined this column in production with a bad update). I am using MS SQL Server 2005. In this example, I am trying to restore 'Column1' from DB2.Table1 into DB1.Table1: begin transaction ...

Using Paypal IPN for subscription-like purchase

I'm trying to integrate paypal in a php website but I'm not sure how to use IPN.. or if IPN is the right choice. In general, for $8 a user can post something for 30 days. After 30 days their posting will expire. For this I will need to insert into the database the date the user made a payment. Is this possible with IPN? If yes, can som...

Insert Paypal payment date in database with PHP

I'm not sure how to go about doing this.. I want to add a Paypal "buy now" button on my website and when a user pays I want to save the date they paid into the database using mysql. How would this be possible? ...