
Is an extent used to add new data?

Is an extent used to add new data?what is segment and how is it releted to an extent? ...

upgrade and move SSRS database

Hello all, I am going to upgrade and move current ssrs 2005 to another ssrs 2008 enterprise edition server. I'd like to ask for a clean way to do please. Upgrade first and move? OR Move first and upgrade? OR Any tips will my. Thanks. ...

How to remove a tuple from an SQL table after a timeout?

Hi, I am faced with a peculiar requirement which is as follows: A network-intensive operation is triggered to a server by multiple clients, through a web-interface. However, only one operation is allowed at a time, and hence an entry(tuple) is made in an SQL table to indicate that the operation is in progress. Once the operatio...

Calling a web service in an atomic way?

I have a MySQL database with product prices and from now on I want to synchronize another database with these values, but this other database is not in my server, and I can only update it through web services... Is there a way to make these two operations (updating my database and calling the web service for the other database to be upd...

WebSite Started to throw error : System resource exceeded. (Access DB)

I have a webpage that is giving me this error on a couple of pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded. -----------------------------------------------------------...

On the relationship of database tables to a pivot/junction table

In a database, one may create a many-to-many relationship between tables by creating a third table which maps the two together using foreign keys. What is the relationship between the third table and the two original tables? For example, if table A and table B have a many-to-many relationship and table AB is the pivot table, is the A->...

What is a good embedded database to use with C#?

Hello, With the demise of VistaDB (, I am on the look out for a good embedded database to use for my C# programming. Does anyone have any suggestions for something to use that it is simple to install along with my application? VistaDB was simple because I only had to copy 1 DLL file along with my app to get it to work. I ...

Why is SELECT * considered harmful?

Why is SELECT * bad practice? Wouldn't it mean less code to change if you added a new column you wanted? I understand that SELECT COUNT(*) is a performance problem on some DBs, but what if you really wanted every column? ...

simple sql for mass changing passwords

Changing password for user 1 looks like this: UPDATE `mydb`.`wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5( 'password' ) WHERE `wp_users`.`ID` = 1; Now, I have text file with such format: user30 pass30 ... user2 pass2 user1 pass1 How can I change passwords for all these users without doing it manually? Maybe some sql command that could imp...

Are created and modified the two fields every database table should have?

I recently realized that I add some form of row creation timestamp and possibly a "updated on" field to most of my tables. Suddenly I started thinking that perhaps every table in the database should have a created and modified field that are set in the model behind the scenes. Does this sound correct? Are there any types of high-load ta...

Create day, date, time in DB - Question.

Create_date -> Assume it will record as 5/2/2009. For search purposes when searching create date can we search by individual month or year from this or do we need to even record a create_day, create_month, crate_year for this? Once of the search filters for user content will be like example -> "Show content from last 2 weeks, last month,...

Ensuring your database isn't missing any objects from C#

This is a long shot, but is anyone aware of any libraries that would compare a database schema with [something] (a script, a c# definition, a backup file...anything) and if any fields, tables, relationships are missing, fix the database? The idea being that when a user first starts up a program, it adds all the necessary database object...

Using SQL Server as a DB queue with multiple clients

Given a table that is acting as a queue, how can I best configure the table/queries so that multiple clients process from the queue concurrently? For example, the table below indicates a command that a worker must process. When the worker is done, it will set the processed value to true. | ID | COMMAND | PROCESSED | | 1 | ... | tr...

How to search keyword in 100 billions of posts ?

This is a college project: I have a database ( mysql or postgresql doesn't matter ) with 100 billion of posts and I need to search ( as fast as possible ) a generic keyword. Every post is 500-1000 keywords. This isn't only a database issue but also a software ( for indexing or other ) issue. How can I do that ? I could use some adva...

File based storage system

Anyone know of a commercially available file based storage system that meets the following requirements: Should not require installation Should provide APIs to read and write onto the storage system, preferably .net APIs Paid/Free (either way it should be supported) Should be fast and efficient Basically I am looking for something with...

Upgrade from SQL 2005 EXPRESS to SQL 2008 EXPRESS

Hello friends, I restored My database in SQL 2005 of size more than 4 GB but it creates problem when i save picture (image data) in database.i.e i can't save it.So i searched for that problem and came to know that SQL Express 2005 has database size limit of 4 GB. i upgraded it to SQL EXPRESS 2008 and restored it to there.Still it has t...

Using the MySQL link returned by mysql_connect() as a global variable?

Hi, Background: We have a class which is used for accessing the mysql database. The methods within this class form a new mysql connection if a link isnt supplied as a parameter. The way we've used the class in the system (not the database class) is to declare a database object and call the appropriate method and let the object scope ...

MYSQL / opening and closing connections or keeping one open per browser user?

Hi, If I were designing a new system, should I have each function open and close the mysql connection as and when needed OR should I form one connection and keep that as a "globally accessible variable" for that browser session? Why is it a bad idea, if indeed it is? ...

How to store mail info for mail client

I'm working on a side project right now for an email client. I'm using a library to handle the retrieval of the messages from the server. However, I have a question on caching. I don't want to fetch the entire list of headers everytime I load the client. Ideally, what I'd like to do is cache them and then update the list with what is...

Java Connection Pooling best practices?

After getting fed up with c3p0's constant locking I'm turning to boneCP for an alternative Connection Pool for my Database. I have a server app that processes around 7,000 items per minute and needs to log those items into our mysql database. I currently have 100 worker threads and have set up my Pool like such: BoneCPConfig config = ne...