
How can I convert a MySQL database into an older version?

How can I convert a MySQL database into an older version MySQL 5.1.48 - > 5.1.46? ...

Best practices for database development in Visual Studio 2010?

I'm starting a new, large server based project using .Net 4 and Visual Studio 2010. I've done this many times before (with various versions), but I've never found a good way to maintain my database. There's been a lot of new technologies in the past few years to make this easier. However, there is one thing I haven't found: A technology/...

Updating mysql table using checkbox

Hi all, i try to update a mysql table with multiple check box, but my code doesn't seem to work, so any help is welcome. My code is: <strong>Update <strong class="highlight">multiple</strong> <strong class="highlight">rows</strong> <strong class="highlight">in</strong> <strong class="highlight">mysql</strong></strong><br> <?php $hos...

How to make the simplest DB Application in Visual Studio 2010

I am new to Visual Studio and I would like to quick start some simplest window forms application using DB (prefferably MySQL, anything else may be if it is simple) in Visual Studio 2010 C++ project: to establish a local connection (do I need to install and run SQL server separately?) to fill a datagrid with data to execute SQL queries ...

SQL query help, conditional join

Hi guys, SQL newbie here :) Here are my tables if anyone's interested. AHH, cant post image yet What I'm trying to do is query the tblPatientStats table within a date interval (@StartDate, @EndDate) and group them accordingly in a data grid on winforms. So each row in tblPatientSta...

What's needed to develop a database in the cloud?

What is needed (in general terms) to create a service like MongoHQ or SimpleDB? Thank you ...

Is Access 2007 with a touch-screen POS interface the right choice to convert my INFORMIX-SQL app?

I have evaluated several development tools for converting my informix SQL-based app. They are: Genero/4Js, FileMaker, Oracle APEX, VFP, Clarion and Access 2007. I have a CRUD pawnshop app (see video-demo This app centers on customers who pawn, sell or buy merchandise. I need to have one CRUD multi-table form which...

What should be the best design approch

We have a simple table with employee data containing a 100k records. We want to display them using pagination on a simple JSP page with helper class/bean. On one page we'll display 50 records. Shall I fetch 50 records as per the page number & display them/ Use some other alternative? What should be the best design approach to this pro...

get all indexes declared in database from java

Hi All, Is there any standard java api that returns the indexes declared in the database. I tried using the getIndexInfo() in database meta data but that seems to expect a table name as input and does not meet my requirements. Thx. ...

Saving drupal webform data to a database

Hello, Im using Drupal version 6.19 and the webform module in Drupal to create forms.I have two forms on my site.When the user submits the form, where in the drupal database are the entries saved for each form ? Please help Thank You ...

SharePoint 2007 Language Pack Garbage

Hi all, I have a MOSS 2007 Enterprise production server, that i would like to migrate to SharePoint 2010. I chose the database attach upgrade method, but when i try to attach the MOSS 2007 content databases to a fresh SharePoint 2010 install, it gives me some errors. These errors are that the fresh SP install can not locate some folders...

Merge Data from Multiple Remote SQL Databases into One SQL Master DB

Hi, Well, I'm sure this question has been asked before but I'm yet to find a single solid answer to it. I'm in the process of creating a solution that involves remote offices uploading data to one master db via web service. Basically, each office will have a windows service that runs every 1hr or so, picks up any new data into a dataset...

Slow PostgreSQL function

Hi, I use this query to select products from my database. Performing this query takes ~0.220ms. If I remove the 3 lines where the number_percentage() function is used everything is fast (~0.07ms or less). SELECT DISTINCT ON ( AS product_id, pv.price, number_percentage(pv.price,t.percentage) AS price_vat, number_percentage...

Problem with "Finalizing Cursor" error in custom CursorAdapter

I have a cursor adapter and the logcat is filled with above errors, as soon as I click on a view. I am already releasing the CursorAdapter's cursor in onDestroy(). Is there any way to get information about when the cursor was opened? ...

Feasibility: Auto-tweet on Update of a page

On my company's website we have a display of 40 100px X 100px images that represent the projects that we have been involved in. We have more like 150 projects, but only 40 are displayed on the homepage and the selection of the 40 is random. See Example Here. We also have an Update page which sorts these 40 projects by the date they were...

CakePHP getting data from multiple models

In my CakePHP application I have a model called 'Customer' which describes (unsurprisingly) an individual customer. I then have a 'Sale' model about a sale. (One customer per sale, many sales per customer). Each sale then has a 'car_id' (which maps to the 'Car' model) and an 'engine_id' (maps to 'Engine model'). Currently when I get the ...

How are secure database connections usually implemented in JAR files?

I'm not a Java developer, but my client has hired one to update some JAR files on their site. Prior to doing so, we audited the existing code and found a number of security vulnerabilities. One of the solutions we employed to make the files more secure is to create a new database user with read-only access to the database, and only for t...

What kind of database is used in android document call functions? [android]

Okay, so I am still learning to do some coding here, and I seem to have gotten stuck I want to have a select number of documents added to a package for the android os but i dont know how to store said documents. Do I add them all under res/raw? or make an SQLlite database and call from there? more importantly, I need to be able to call...

Database and DB engine for social website

For a heavy user content website with user profiles, live feeds, photo /video/content sharing, etc what DB to use, and what DB engine? Ofcourse Oracle/Microsoft sql are out because they are not free (or cheap). I am using MySQL with MyISAM but that will run into performance issues on a social site. Even using InnoDB may not help performa...

Easiest way to duplicate rows in a table, subtable, and subsubtable

I am implementing a "Save As Copy" function for a small web app that uses MySQL. Let's say I have three tables, like so... TABLE Doc ID, title, text TABLE DocAttributes ID, DocID -> Doc(ID) title, text TABLE DocSubAttributes DocAttrID -> DocAttributes(ID) title, text What we have here is a situation where a single Documen...