
How to execute two command.ExecuteNonQuery() methods using single connection?

Hi, I am trying to invoke ExecuteNonQuery() method of two different objects of OracleCommand class. Both the objects use same connection object but have different commandText and parameters. I am using, C# (.net 2.0 framework) and Oracle 10g. Code snippet is as follows : // OpenDatabaseConnection() methods checks and opens dat...

How to configure phpMyAdmin for multiple users - each with access to their database only

I want to configure phpMyAdmin to be able to accept one of several different user account logins. Each user would be allocated a specific database and only have access to that. The default configuration with phpMyAdmin is one super user, e.g. root which has access to every database on the server. I need to be able to give people access...

Requesting newer technologies

Hi there, I'm working on a project which takes use of several technologies: Java JDBC Transaction Isolation Level Java Service Wrapper Log4j Apache Tomcat Webserver BIRT Apache Version Numbering System Apache ANT Build System SOAP The software supports well known databases, such as MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle and DB2. The environment is ...

PDO: does prepare() escape all data, even if not bound?

Certain data types, I.E. numbers or a table name cannot be added as a parameter with PDO, as it adds single quotes around them. When I add them (the variables) manually, say something like this: $statement = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $TABLE_NAME (id, foo, timestamp) VALUES (1234, ?, 4567890))"); $statement->execute(Array($foo)); ...

Android Beginner: Adapter for simple view or direct DB query?

First off I'm really new to android (< 4 days). I'm trying to wrap my head around how database data is linked to Views and widgets. I've done a few tutorials and I've noticed that Adapters are used to link AdapterViews which are (as I understand it) Views which contain a bunch of identical subviews (eg lists, gallery, etc). So the A...

Recommended people (like social network)

Hi, i'm writing a kind of 'dating service' website (just for fun & practice). But right now i'm stuck. I use PHP and MySQL. Every new member must complete 'What do you like (to do)?' question separated by commas: Like this: computing, dancing, reading, TV, movies and so on. My question is 'how can i show recommended people to s...

read only databases and index fragmentation in SQL Server

I have a number of read only databases alter database [ReferenceData] set READ_ONLY that is used by our application and was wondering what type of things I can tweak for maximum performance? So far, I came up with the following goals: Force padding in indexes to 100% fill factor index fragementation be less than 10% If space isn't a p...

How do I know if a date is within the certain period

We are capturing attendance data in a certain table primarily capturing the values (userId, startDate, endDate). If a person applies leave on a certain date then only startDate is filled and if he applies for a set of dates then the start/end dates are captured. What query will help me find if a person is taking leave on a certain date (...


Hello all, I am currently having an issue pulling all data from db whereby i.e 1 parameter is TRUE. I am using NSPREDICATE and below is a sample code NSManagedObjectContext *context = managedObjectContext_; if (!context) { // Handle the error. NSLog(@"ERROR CONTEXT IS NIL"); } NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescriptio...

Single database call vs multiple database calls Performance

What is the difference in performance of making a single database (MySql) call that retrieves 10 results versus making 10 single db calls to retrieve those results individually? If one is better than the other, is there a way I can go about to test the performance between the two? (I'm just curious because in the future if I have anot...

How to search for a substring in SQLite?

Whats the most efficient way to search for a sub string in SQLite? I'm looking at the LIKE operator. Do I have the right idea? Has this worked well for you? Thank You. ...

is it possible to migrate Data from iPhone to any Desktop SQL Data Base?

Hi I'm developing an app that stores data in the iPhone, but I need to know if it's possible to export the data (as an entities, tables, .txt or xls) to a desktop because I need the data to be readable on my Computer OR do I need to create a web site to do it??? by the way.. I'm still not sure what method is more effective for this kind ...

Is MySQL still a good choice for a free/open source database?

Until recently, I've used MySQL for all my database needs in all my server projects. However, after Oracle came along and bought MySQL, there seems to be some uncertainty about the future of MySQL. So I'm left wondering whether I should stick to MySQL (which I'm fairly familiar with), or should I switch to something like PostgreSQL. An...

Something as easy as drupal_write_record for reading

Does drupal have a simple version for reading like drupal_write_record. I want to read a record from a table called {allcategories} and find the record that has a category field of value computers. It's a custom table defined with schema. ...

Inheritance and foreign key constraints with postgresql?

In our project we benefit a lot from the inheritance feature of the PostgreSQL database! We implement the dynamical creation of schemes for different agencies. This structure permits us to solve a lot of security issues which occurs immediately in the case of bulk tables (without partitioning). The only problem we encountered is to gu...

SQLite - inserting a string with newlines into database from csv file

All, I am trying to inject a long text entry into a SQLite database, in a TEXT field. This text has new lines in it (i.e. it spans multiple paragraphs). I can get the new lines to show up if I do the INSERT manually: INSERT INTO "LOGENTRY" VALUES(5,40,'PLACE','line1 line2 line4 ',1283990533315,'4A','TEXT','',NULL); but if I have ...

What makes Cassandra (and NoSQL in general) a better solution to an RDBMS ?

Well, NoSQL is a buzzword right now so I've been looking into it. I'm yet to get my head around ColumnFamilies and SuperColumns, etc... But I have been looking at how the data is mapped. After reading this article, and others, it seems the data is mapped in a JSON like format. Users = { 1: { username: "dave", passwo...

MySQL Users table separation (Ruby on Rails and Authlogic)

I was wondering if it would be better to have things like perishable_token (used for account validation and resetting of passwords), banned (boolean to check if the user is banned), email_verified (boolean to check if user's email has been verified) in a separate table in the database, as it will rarely ever be used. Also, I have my app...

What is a semantic open database

I read an article on a website and it mentioned something about semantic open databases. I tried googling this term but could not determine what the term meant. Here is the article here: new data created from scratch to motivate users to do the same thing. a tool to import d...

Location / Brands / Company - schema design route?

Geo entities are: Continent, Country, Province, City, Neighborhood. By default Continent, Country and City will always exist. Province is optional as not all countries have state/province. And neighborhood data takes time to find, so it is a load as the data comes in. Other entity: Zipcode (mapping to City(required) and Neighborhood ...