
How to make a RTA analyser in Iphone

Hi Guys I want to make a RTA for audio. I will try it by the aurioTouch sample code but i did not able to make that actual RTA, I want to make RTA on the basis of octave and 1/3 Octave. Please suggest me the right way. Thanks, KD ...

Sqlite 3: How to DROP TABLE IF EXISTS?

My version of sqlite does not support IF EXISTS operator. So how can I drop a table which may or may not exist without getting an error slapped at me? EDIT: FYI, IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS were added to SQLite 3.3.0 That's not my solution though, I can't update the version on a live applica...

How to load from database once, and then use static methods to retrive data?

Hey, I'm a first time write long time reader of this site. I'm building an .NET MVC site, using ProfilBase to store a custom user object. The profile base is stored on an database on an other server than the webserver. I have an helper class, UserInfoHelper that contains static method to retrive username, email, telephone etc. Right n...

Full text search from the database

Hi: Suppose I have a MySQL database named DB, and a table named ContactInfo. The following is its structure and some example data(Just one item): Table----ContactInfo: ----------------------------------------------------------- name fullname phone -----------------------------------------------...

Database reads varying dramatically on a query with indexes

I have a query that has appropriate indexes and is shown in the query plan with an estimated subtree cost of circa 1.5. The plan shows an Index Seek, followed by Key Lookup - which is fine for a query expected to return 1 row from a set of between 5 and 20 rows (i.e. the Index Seek should find between 5 and 20 rows, and after 5 - 20 Key...

database table design

I design the tables as below for the system which looks like a package delivering system For example, after user received the package, postman should record in system, and the state(history table) is "delivered",and operator is this postman, the current state(state table) is of course "delivered" history table: +---------------+-------...

proper hibernate annotation for byte[]

I have an application using hibernate 3.1 and JPA annotations. It has a few objects with byte[] attributes (1k - 200k in size). It uses the JPA @Lob annotation, and hibernate 3.1 can read these just fine on all major databases -- it seems to hide the JDBC Blob vendor peculiarities (as it should do). @Entity public class ConfigAttribut...

Adding and getting data displayed

Hey smart guys, please help me! I dont understand what I need to add in to my code, that the "items" what I enter goes to database. If Im adding item into arraylist with buttonclick, how can I do so, that the item goes to database. And if I close the application, where is five items for example, and then open the application again and t...

How to insert, edit, delete, show entries using Ajax for MYSQL?

Hi, I am trying to build a php/mysql website. But in the past, i didn't like the way php handled insert, update, delete, showing of entries. Ever since I have seen AJAX implemented beautifully on so many sites, i want to be able to do the same? I am familiar with how to use PHP to accomplish: DB Insert, Edit, Delete, and show. But ...

How to cap memory usage by Extensible Storage Engine (JetBlue)?

I have an app that every so often hits a ESE database quite hard and then stops for a long time. After hitting the database memory usage goes way up (over 150MB) and stays high. I'm assuming ESE has lots of cached data. Is there a way to cap the memory usage by ESE? I'm happy to suffer any perf hit the only way I've seen to drop the...

Database design question

I have a form where users submit different fields to create events. The number and type of fields requested are different on each form, depending on the category of event. What is the best way of going about designing this database - should the events contain every possible field and simply null the unused fields? Thanks! ...

Best database for a real-time event analytics solution

I'm developing a real-time analytics solution and I need to choose the best database to do it. I believe MongoDB is ideal but I don't have the experience to compare all the other solutions. What's your advice? Thanks ...

How to be downward compatible to a customers old local database when the application is brandnew?

Hello, I want that my users can read my sqlite database still in 10 years, because there could be data in it they want to browse. Well the database file is 10 years old. In the meantime I have upgraded my database structure (additional fields is best example) and my latest version of the application makes use of that new fields. Now t...

Tool to generate ER diagram in Chen's notation

Hi I'm looking for some sort of database diagram tool, that can generate a ER diagram for a database in Chen's notation. I would much prefer a tool that can generate the diagram from a existing structure, if such thing is possible. For some reason most tools available today doesn't seem to support Chen's notation. ...

How to encourage myself to switch to ORM?

I'm working with a legacy project of my team-mate (.NET/Oracle). The project is not yet completed, it's under construction and far from production. He followed a "traditional way" to access data, which is creating stored procedures and then use database driver to call them. I want to follow a "modern way" to access data: use an ORM to ab...

python django database synch

I use django in project. I have many cron jobs which operate with database. I want to replace cron jobs on other machine and synchronize processed data with main server. But my host provider doesnt allow external connections to db. How to organize sync. best way? I know what i can pass it via POST request with my own written protocol, bu...

PHP: Efficient way to store simple cache array in database?

Basically for a plugin for a dynamic site (site can be fairly large) I am caching results of some sort of search (because results are from an external search), the results can be 400-1500 characters in length. As the results come in an array, I use json_encode (faster than serialize) to store in the database, but ~1.5KB per entry (since...

Database under version control (Sitecore)

I have just read the following post on SO; Do you source control your databases We are working with Sitecore and normally Attach 3 standard databases to our MSSQL server. We have a Core , Master and Web database. In the proces of developing the different templates on the backend of Sitecore we all use one database and just publish our...

Using one mysql database or few. What's suits for me?

Hello all, I'm looking for guidance. Here is what I'm doing. I'm creating an advertising/publishing script using PHP and MySQL. At this time, the current program contains 41 million rows (7.5GB). I'm thinking about storing real-time statistics and other data (users, ads, places, daily/monthly stats) on two mysql databases. And then up...

How does ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef play with WebConfig in Azure?

Hi, I have a big Silverlight app which I have successfully converted and added a CloudService project. I have uploaded the database to SQL Azure, and from my webconfig file with a connection to this database on SQL Azure everything works fine. So, my next step, where I'm crashing, was when adding a Cloud Service to my solution and setti...