
MySQL: Cannot create table with VARBINARY?

I am running this query to set up a VARBINARY (I wish for it to be so, for a real reason) field for my database: CREATE TABLE `test_books` (`id` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,`book` VARBINARY, `timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)) It hands me a standard syntax error telling me to check all the remaining code after 'VARBINARY'...

Best practices of working with multiple sqlite DB tables in Android

Hi guys, in my android app I use a DB with multiple tables, I have an XML parser which needs to write data to 2 tables while parsing. I created 2 DBadapters for 2 tables, but now I have a problem. When working with one table it's easy, I can do: FirstDBAdapter firstTable = new FirstDBAdapter(mycontext);; // open and ...

How to improve performance when deleting entities from database?

I started an ASP.NET project with Entity Framework 4 for my DAL, using SQL Server 2008. In my database, I have a table Users that should have many rows (5.000.000 for example). Initially I had my Users table designed like this: Id uniqueidentifier Name nvarchar(128) Password nvarchar(128) Email nvarchar(128) Role_Id int...

unnecessary normalization

My friend and I are building a website and having a major disagreement. The core of the site is a database of comments about 'people.' Basically people can enter comment and they can enter the person the comment is about. Then viewers can search the database for words that are in the comment or parts of the person name. It is complete...

Database design & table relationships: where would the data go? (Image included).

I need to carryout a data capture exercise, which is looking like a large task, that unfortunately may end up being done in excel. I believe a database is more suitable, but the structure of it is probably very complicated. I've created 4 categories per Unit (30 units). Each category has 8 graphs/dimensions. Each graph/dimension has a s...

export & import blob between sqlite3, xml and iPhone

I have problems with download and upload blob data in my iPhone app using Sqlite. Everything seems to be ok if I insert the photos in the blob field with SQLite manager: I can read the image and manage it with my app. When I export the table to xml with the SQLite manager's feature, it creates a file that contains in the photo field a v...

Using Javascript to show contents that are present in DB.

Hi. I'm having the following problem, and would love some pointers in the right direction. To put things simple: I information from a table, with PHP, that I put inside a <select> tag. Whenever I click one of the options (lines) present it should load/show certain information on a cell that is right next to it. If I click another one o...

Best efficient data structure to store object in Android application

I want to build a data structure in my application to store many entries indexed by keys. Each entry has several parameters to retrieve and update. Could you suggest me which structure is most efficient among these following ones: hashmap SQL Lite hashtable others Thanks in advance. ...

How do I find the count of columns before the first occurrence of LIKE?

Sorted on column Y X Y Z ------------------------ | | A1 | | ------------------------ | | B2 | | ------------------------ | | C3 | | ------------------------ -----Page 1 | | D3 | | ------------------------ | | E4 | | ------------------------ | | ...

sync database to uploaded file using Windows Service or website code

I have a website that occasionally needs to have a handful of the tables in its database updated. The updates come from another system that exports to comma delimited text files. I can then either FTP the text files to the web server, send them in through an admin upload page, or manually log in to Remote Desktop to download the text fil...

How do I add dimensions to textual data in a database?

I have some content in a database, but now I need to add two more dimensions to the content: Language and Reading Level. What is the best way to make content multidimensional? For example, here's the table I have: |-------------| | Food | |-------------| | id | | name | | description | | ... | |----------...

How to store directory path in the DB?

I'm trying to store directory path in the database (as we'll be using them in our project very often) and stuck on a question - which way of storing directory paths is more favorable: /my/directory/path/ - with an ending slash /my/directory/path - without an ending slash my/directory/path something else? Any suggestions are greatly a...

Ms Access replace issue.

Possible Duplicate: Ms Access replace issue. So, I have to update a database with 6000 lines of duplicates. The duplicates are companies who all share a common number code. My issue is I'm only replacing one or two fields at a time, ie company web site that was provided in 2009 but they didn't give it in 2010. This is all tha...

How do I monitor a database for new entries?

I have an application solution which is made up of a web app written in Python (using Django framework) and a Java application which runs on the server. The web application receives data and stores it into a database queue. The Java application is then to process the received data and also store the results in a database. My question ...

How do I use ESCAPE in SQLite?

Trying this answer and not having any luck: I am using the SQLite Database browser (built with 3.3.5 of the SQLite engine) to execute this query: SELECT columnX FROM MyTable WHERE columnX LIKE '%\%16' ESCAPE '\' In column XI have a row with the data: sampledata%167 I execute the statement and get no data returned but no err...

Is it better to create an index before filling a table with data, or after the data is in place?

I have a table of about 100M rows that I am going to copy to alter, adding an index. I'm not so concerned with the time it takes to create the new table, but will the created index be more efficient if I alter the table before inserting any data or insert the data first and then add the index? ...

What's TOO BIG for a database?

I have a buddy who runs a web app for people listing cars for sale. There are a few thousand clients who use it, and each client has hundreds and sometimes thousands of rows in the database (some have been on for 5 years with hundreds of cars selling each month, and 10s of rows per sale (comments, messages, etc)). He has run this system ...

When developing web applications when would you use a Graph database versus a Document database?

I am developing a web-based application using Rails. I am debating between using a Graph Database, such as InfoGrid, or a Document Database, such as MongoDB. My application will need to store both small sets of data, such as a URL, and very large sets of data, such as Virtual Machines. This data will be tied to a single user. I am in...

Database table names: Plural or Singular

What is the most common naming convention for SQL Database tables? Was it historically one way and now it's better to do another way? What are the most common practices now? ...

Database connectivity problem

I have deployed my web application on (which also support MS SQL server db), while connecting to the database, it is giving me an error. So what changes should be made in the connection string, so as to make the connection possible. Error Message: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishin...