
Following multiple log files efficiently

I'm intending to create a programme that can permanently follow a large dynamic set of log files to copy their entries over to a database for easier near-realtime statistics. The log files are written by diverse daemons and applications, but the format of them is known so they can be parsed. Some of the daemons write logs into one file p...

adding extended properties table

hi, i am trying to create a data model (sql server 2008) for the data transfer adapter factory i am building. some examples of an adapter would be FTPS, email, and web service (WS). right now this is what i have as far as DB design (see attached image): Adapter table - each row is a different type of adapter AdapterProperty table -...

Besides "pebongo" is there another MongoDB component for FreePascal?

I'm aware of pebongo. It looks like a splendid effort. My issue with it is that it's in a very early stage and the only thing I can see the guy implemented was the BSON I/O lib. MongoDB over the wire is still in progress, according to the info of the project. I haven't tried it myself, but I need a bit more than this. ...

iphone sdk: Adding data to sqlite database not working !?

hi, i use the code below to insert data into my sqlite-database but for some reason the application always crashes as soon as the method gets called and the problem seems to be the "sqlite3_open" statement. Does anyone have any idea what i might be doing wrong? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.title = @"Animals"; animals...

Hwo to configure a JDO transaction to simulate creating a database sequence in App Engine Java?

This syntax does not produce unique values across different Fetch Groups: @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) private long id; So I've written the method below to simulate generating a database sequence for my Order model. But what I'm not sure about is what the transactional state needs to be configured as here ...

Dealing with nulls for foreign keys, displaying in grid

I have to display some data (I am using teleriks grid with ajax binding) but there are problems with the data I have. For example, a lot of records have null values for the foreign keys, like as an example Let's say we have a table with a lot of foreign key references, like CategoryID, LocationID, FoodTypeID, etc etc (I am just making ...

Can a database support "Atomicity" but not "Consistency" or vice-versa?

I am reading about ACID properties of a database. Atomicity and Consistency seem to be very closely related. I am wondering if there are any scenarios where we need to just support Atomicity but not Consistency or vice-versa. An example would really help! ...

How to transfer data from Microsoft Access to SQL server 2008?

Hi friends, In my current project i have to transfer data EVERY DAY from MS Access to Sql Server 2008 standard edition. of course i can use SQL Migration tool to transform Access database into Sql Server database, but problem is i have to do this again and again every day to keep updating my sql server database. SO is there any way i c...

Copy data from one database into another using bash

Hello, I need to copy data from one database into my own database, because i want to run it as a daily cronjob i prefer to have it in bash. I also need to store the values in variables so i can run various checks/validations on the values. This is what i got so far: echo "SELECT * FROM table WHERE value='ABC' AND value2 IS NULL ORDER B...

Patterns for caching related data

I'm currently developing the foundation of a social platform, and looking for ways to optimize performance. My setup is based on the CakePHP framework, but I believe my question is relevant to any technology stack, as it relates to data caching. Let's take a typical post-author relation, which is represented by 2 tables in my db. When I...

Improper retrieval of Spanish text from SQlite in Blackberry

Hi Folks, I have stored Spanish text into the SQlite database and I am retrieving the same through the java code using row.getString() method of BlackBerry API, But I am unable to fetch the exact text from the database, only the accent characters are displaying differently in to the device(BlackBerry bold 9700). Where I am doing wr...

Which NoSQL database for what purpose [large ro data]

Is there comparation which NoSQL is designed for what purpose? I'm especially interested in querying large amount of data practically read-only. Edit: I mean comparation between NoSQL databases not about comparation with SQL databases. ...

Database structure for modelling one-way follower system like Twitter

Would this be the ideal/most optimal way to implement a one-way 'following' relationship? I have 2 tables as follows Table1: User_Info_Table UserID Name JoinDate Table2: User_Follower_Table FollowerID FollowingID Status FollowerID and FollowingID are FK constraints to the User_Info_Table UserID column The following ...

MySQL NDBCLUSTER: is it good for large scale solutions?

Hi folks, one question about NDBCLUSTER. I inherited the writing of a web site basing on NDBCLUSTER 5.1 solution (LAMP platform). Unfortunately, who designed the former solution didn't realize that this database engine has strong limits. One, the maximum number of fields a table can have is 128. The former programmer conceived tables ...

Storing a hash as byte array with JPA

My User entity class contains password hash field, which is a byte array with a fixed length (32 since it's an SHA-256 hash). @Entity public class User { @Column(nullable=false) private byte[] passwordHash; ... } As you can see, I haven't annotated it with anything special, just a NOT NULL. This works, but will it perform...

Very very simple, secure database for static site.

Hi everyone, I have static website with a handful of pages for a bit of self-advertising. I'm wanting to put a small database online to store some clients details, preferably with the same layout as my current pages. I've tried looking at some PHP scripts to provide a static interface to a SQLite database but I'm a bit unsure as to the ...

Importing from one database to another, with confllicting ID fields

I have a Ruby on Rails application that has two active environments, Stage and Production. Our development team has been using Stage, but we would like to move our data onto the production server for various reasons. However, there are conflicting ID's in the new database, so it's not as simple as pulling the data from one location and...

sqlite3 preparing, binding and reseting statments

Hi there, Can someone put more light on the functions: sqlite3_reset(); sqlite3_clear_bindings() I understand that I can use sqlite3_prepare() to translate sql string to native byte code which engine understands. Therefor the engine does not have to translate it every time when it is used. I can also parametrize such prepared state...

Does NHibernate support mapping from SQL Views?

Does NHibernate support mapping of SQL VIEWS? Any examples would be helpful. ...

Passing string array to a prepared statement

Can I make the prepared statement SELECT * FROM STUDENTS WHERE STUDENT_ID IN ? into SELECT * FROM STUDENTS WHERE STUDENT_ID IN (1,2,3) Given that the collection of student ids is a string array. ...