
Mail messaging schema question

Creating schema for the mail module. Two user flows: People message eachother onsite and eventually add in webamil functionality. My tech team created the schema like Messages, Trash_messages, Inbox, Sent_message... where each table has message_id, sender, received, message_text, message_subject. My view is to create only one message t...

Dealing with null values versus empty strings in a database when only empty strings are coming from the client via HTTP POST

My MySQL database has carefully defined fields. Some fields, if there is a chance that they can be unknown, allow a NULL value. I'm writing a web-based CMS to handle the data in said database. Obviously, the post arrays from the HTML forms never contain null values, only empty strings. I don't want to confuse the users of my CMS by ad...

How to have Android App communicate with external MySQL db

I am really confused on how to get data in and out of an android app from the internet. I imagined that i would store information in the mysql db on the server i already have set up. But from what I have read, I would need some type of in-between web service to make quiries with data sent from the app. Can anybody toss me some tips on...

Searching Database PHP Mysql

Hey, I know most of the time people just do a LIKE '%$search_query%' but see the thing is, in my case someone may be searching for things like that cow is fat now, the thing is in my database i wouldnt be storing it exactly as "the cow is fat" i'd be storing it something like "fat cow" so using LIKE '%$search_query%' wouldn...

How to use Benerator to generate random paragraph of text?

I am using Benerator to generate test data. I must be missing something very obvious, because I cannot figure out how to generate a random paragraph of data. I want to be able to generate a paragraph with a random number of words. Please share your <generate> section if you have an example of how to do this. ...

How should joins used in mysql?

If i have two tables like user table-"u" userid | name 1 | lenova 2 | acer 3 | hp pass table-"p" userid | password 1 | len123 2 | acer123 3 | hp123 as for as i learnt from tutorials I can join these 2 tables using many joins available in mysql as said here If i have a table like role table-"r" ...

Wich database i use to a medium SaaS CRM??

Wich database i use to a medium SaaS CRM??nosql or relational database.. Oracle Sql Server CouchDB etc.. Any suggestions? ...

Tables with a common primary key

What's the term describing the relationship between tables that share a common primary key? Here's an example: Table 1 property(property_id, property_location, property_price, ...); Table 2 flat(property_id, flat_floor, flat_bedroom_count, ...); ...

Recommended database design for relationship between business hour and it's staff and their hours

Been going back and forth on how to architect this. I'm using rails,and started with Single-Table-Inheritance, then changed my mind, now I'm not sure. BusinessHours business_id, day_of_week, start_time, stop_time StaffHours staff_id, day_of_week, start_time, stop_time Obviously a staff member belongs to a business, however the tables ...

Object Oriented Database like Caché but that is free and for .NET ?

Is there any alternative to caché that is as performant and scalable but free ?and if possible for .NET ? ...

Does any one have a complete sample ruby program (with sources) using sqlite3 + datamapper

I've been trying to figure out how to use the datamappings in a real ruby program. After I code all of my mappings, then what? How do I use it in a real program? If any one has a sample program that I can look through the codes, it would help me out tremendously. Thank you. ...

append new data to list vs request data and repopulate list

For instance adding new categories to a list. Once a new category has been added, and successfully submitted to the db, should I use JS to directly append this value to the list or should I query the table again and repopulate the list? ...

Install Oracle 11g Database (or 10g) on an old laptop

I'm trying to use an old laptop (Win2000 P3 1.1Ghz 256MB ram) as an oracle database server for a small group project of 3/6 people on my college. I don't need much, just some databases with 2 accounts, 10/15 tables, some views and triggers, however even the simplest database requires 1GB of physical ram (2GB of swap) and the installer re...

What's the best way to design an Entity / Relationship Model?

For example if I have 20 tables, I have to design it by section? i.e CLIENT (id, name...) -- orders -- ODERS_DETAIL(id, products...) . . . lives --- ADDRESS(...) Or I can use The MySQL Workbench EER Model (To me, it looks like the Pysical Model)? Or like this: Data Modeling Levels ...

Tableau as self service BI tool

We are planning to use Tableau tool. I would like to know from group what are the pro/cons for Self Service BI Tool. I would about existing users' experience with this tool. ...

Basic table design Q

I am trying to understand this concept. For example: I have two tables City and Country. Country ------- id abbreviation name City ----- id name Country (name or id, or both? - This is the question) To reference and keep a particular city in sync with the country it belongs to I guess this will be reference to country....

Essay Help. Database Design

When constructing a database, the designer must know what type of relationship exist between records in different data sets, such as ‘one to one’, ‘one to many’ and ‘many to many’. Choose only one type and give an example of this relationship. ...

Should I be adding a database index for every field I use find on?

I have quite a few fields, in a few different models, upon which I perform searches using Model.find_by_xxx Should I be adding a database index for every field I use find on? ...

Where find a free GPS coordinates database?

Hi to all for my app need to have a list of mayor woldwide cities with relative GPS coordinates for proximity search, anyone know how is possible to find a db of this type? (not API) ...

PHP foreach help

Hi. Currently producing a Wordpress plugin that allows for multiple image sliders. At the moment, to make sure that the code is valid I am having to load each sliders dynamic styling into the tags. This is fine, however it loads the styling for all the sliders, which can really start to add a lot of code to the pages source if the users ...