
Can you merge two sqlite databases on the iPhone?

Well the question says it all. Is there an easy way to merge two sqlite databases on the iPhone? Their structure is identical and the primary key is guaranteed to be unique across the two databases. I know you can do a INSERT INTO SELECT, but I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution. ...

arabic dictionary database

hi! who can give me a way to get a database of an arabic dictionary? thks ...

Data migration from MySQL to HSQL

I was working on migrating data from MYSQL to HSQL. In MYSQL data file, there are plenty of records where date values are set as '0000-00-00' and HSQL database throws below error "data exception: invalid datetime format / Error Code: -3407 / State: 22007" for all such records. I would like to know what could be optimum solution for t...

How to find and store the number of times a user was part of a search criteria

LinkedIn provides a mechanism to say that the user was part of a search criteria "n" number of times in the last "x" days. How do you go about capturing and storing the information. Are you supposed to iterate the search results and put an appropriate counter whenever they get searched or is there a non-intrusive mechanism by which this ...

Need help in forumlating the query output in a certain fashion

We have a table which contains TV channel listings. create table listing (id, channel_name, event_name, event_time) a) listing (1, "ABC Channel", "All My Children", 6.00 AM) b) listing (2, "ABC Channel", "News", 7 AM) c) listing (3, "ABC Channel", "One life to live", 7.15 AM) d) listing (4, "ABC Channel", "General Hospital", 8.00 AM) e...

What databases are people using in Cloud environments with ASP.NET / ASP.NET MVC?

I am looking at hosting a new site on a cloud service. It looks like cool technology, pricing is attractive, and I can scale in case my plans for global internet domination come to fruition. I have spent a good chunk of time figuring out what back-end to use thought. The site is in ASP.NET MVC, and I have hit a brick wall when it come...

Can I call DB:connect without affecting the currently active DB?

I'm trying to merge to php code bases which each use a different DB. Can I call DB::connect which changing which DB is considered active? Or can I save the active DB and restore it after calling connect? Edit: The problem is one code base uses mysql_query() without providing $link_identifier, and I don't want to change all the calls, bu...

rails refactoring tips

Hi, I have been building a large scale rails app and it has come time to refactor it. What tips can you offer me, or resources can you point me to? I am especially interested in making my database calls more efficient. ...

MySQL - Searching with UNION ALL and GROUP BY

SELECT, p.title, p.uri, 'post' AS search_type FROM `posts` AS p WHERE title LIKE "%logo%" UNION ALL SELECT, p.title, p.uri, 'tag' AS search_type FROM posts AS p INNER JOIN post_tags AS pt ON pt.post_id = INNER JOIN tags AS t ON pt.tag_id = WHERE t.title LIKE "%logo%" UNION ALL SELECT, p.title, p.uri, 'c...

Find condition in cakePHP with Containable behavior

Hi, I have 2 models, User and Evolution. User has many Evolution, Evolution belongs to User. I have 10 000 users and I want to do a condition that give me 500 users that DON'T have today's date in the Evolution table. Originally, I was taking every one in the USER table and then I was looking if they had their row in Evolution like: ...

How large can the array passed to SQL where column_value IN (Array) be?

I am writing some code that will lookup for unique id's in a table with over 60,000 rows for the ones that are in an array using mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE unique_indexed_user_id IN('".join("', '", $array)."')") ; the amount of this array is not limited to the end user so they might end up selecting a large array. thus I...

. change to # when reading data from excell file

Hi,I use the following code to read excel data into a data table , however the column name P.O.BOX has changed to P#O#BOX in the data table.Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? Dim FileName As String = "C:\abc.xls" Dim conn As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection = Nothing Dim dt As New DataTable Try Try ...

How can I serialize and deserialize Perl data to/from database?

What is the best module or approach to serialize data into a database? Currently I am looking into Storable functions freeze and thaw, example: use Storable qw(freeze thaw); use strict; my %array_test = ('Year Average' => 0.1, 'Color Average' => 0.8, 'Humans' => 0, 'Units' => 1); my $serialized_data = freeze(\%array_test); my %deseria...

storing multiple formats in a table

So here's the basic problem: I'd like to be able to store various fields in a database. These can be short textfields (maybe 150 characters max, probably more like 50 in general) and long textfields (something that can store a whole page full of text). Ideally more types can be added later on. These fields are group by common field_gro...

loading html from android sqlite3

Hello, Now I've a sqlite3 database which contains html file in tables. Let's say like i just put my html file under description field and i need to get description file from database and have to show html file under description field which contains images.Any idea ? Thanks in advance ...

I'm completely stumped: checking two tables against eachother in MySQL query

I feel like I'm writing a word problem, but it's really puzzling me and I really hope someone here can solve it: I want to select one row from table A. Table A includes the attributes Name and Number. But before I finish the query, I want to check it against table B. Table B includes Name, Number, and the Username of the user. Based on ...

HSQL access from both Java and Ruby?

Is it possible to access a local HSQL database from Ruby as well as from Java? (separately of course, not concurrent) The Ruby SQL toolkit called Sequel, for example, claims to have "adapters" for JDBC, so I think the answer is yes, yes? =) If the answer is "kind of" or something, is there a better RDBMS that would allow straightforward...

Is it okay to add database indexes to a database that already has data?

I have some data in my production database already. If I'm adding some database indexes on a few fields, is that a problem? Rails 2.3.5, Ruby 1.8.7, sqlite3 database ...

fastest Import of a csv to a database table

Hi , I have implemented an import functionality which takes data from a csv file in an Asp.Net appication. The file of the size can vary from a few kb's to a max of 10 MB. However when an import occurs and if the file size is > 50000 it takes around 20 MINS . Which is way too much of a time. I need to perform an import for around 30000...

Cakephp: How to read User Data in Session ?

I wanna gather the latest information of a user from the User Model and store it in the session. so i am doing this // Before Render function beforeRender() { if($this->Session->check('Auth.User')) { $this->User->recursive = -1; $currentUser = $this->User->read(null, $this->Session->read('')); ...