
database engine for windows mobile

I have to make an app for a device running windows mobile 6. I need a small, easy to use database engine or even a flat file database. It won't need to hold a big amount of data. I just want to be able to add/view stored data quickly. The app will be written in c/c++ or maybe .net. What do you recommend? Thanks ...

fastest way to persist changes

hi, in my web app the database has a blob(an xml file). The user is allowed to change the blob through a web interface. I take the blob show it in a html form, then the user can change some values and save it back. So the user submit request has a db save. Can I save the entry to a cache to speed up the submit request? But then there is ...

track changes to a db blob

hi, in my web app the database has a blob(an xml file). The user is allowed to change the blob through a web interface. I take the blob show it in a html form, then the user can change some values and save it back. So the user submit request has a db save. For some tracking purpose I want to store the previous and current state of the ...

iODBC does not work under Mac OSX 10.6.4

I've installed iODBC over the package ( and set up all config files as described here: I set up the same thing on a Linux machine and it worked fine. On my Mac OSX 10.6.4, I get this error if i test the connection: xxx@xxx:/op...

Forms Help Password and Confirm Password

Hey guys, Thanks for all your help in my previous questions. I have yet another question that I needed help with. I have developed a form and have two fields called password and confirm password. How do i make sure that Password and confirm password are equal? If they aren't I need to display a message. Thank You @richsage - Thanks. ...

What's the best database system if the only constraint is being schema-free?

I want to have a schema-free database, with as little maintenance as possible. What do you guys think is the best choice right now, a real no-sql database system like MongoDB, or an API like Friendly, a schema-free library on top of MySQL? I'm not worried right now with scalability nor performance, they're "nice to have". ...

Associations with Doctrine PHP

Hello, I'm trying to do an association of two objects with Doctrine (PHP). I have two objects : User and Conversation One user has many conversations and a conversation belongs to two users maximum (on initiator of the conversation, and one receiver). So, in my Doctrine class I have this in the Conversation class : $this->hasOne('Us...

SQL error stating invalid column name when I have verification if it exists. Why?

There is staging script, which creates new column DOCUMENT_DEFINITION_ID stages it with values of MESSAGE_TYPE_ID + 5 and then removes column MESSAGE_TYPE_ID. First time everything run ok, but when I run script second time I'm getting this error: Invalid column name 'MESSAGE_TYPE_ID'. It makes no sense since, I have verification i...

PHP mysqldump doesn't work

I've the code shown below but nothing happens after execution system('mysqldump -u USER -pPASS DB > /tmp/bckp.sql'); What is wrong with this code? Sultan ...

H2 Database error message localization

I have a problems with H2 Database exception messages. The language of the messages corresponds to the OS language(I'm using Windows). Is it possible to turn off localization feature to get messages only on English? ...

Designing a generic DB utility class

Time and again I find myself creating a database utility class which has multiple functions which all do almost the same thing but treat the result set slightly differently. For example, consider a Java class which has many functions which all look like this: public void doSomeDatabaseOperation() { Connection con =

Any SVN like database solutions\librarys which are opensource and work OK with Java?

I want to have my DB server opensource and capable of saving hystory of record changing. Meaning I do not want it to be way 2 complicated , I'd love to operate with it like with JDOs but with some kind of revision extention... or SQL like DB with extended sintax and search capabiletis... So is out there any such? ... ADO Inserting Parent + Child data?

I'm using 2008. And I am using ADO Update to Insert new data. So I have a Dataset with two tables - one a Parent and one a Child. When adding new Parent plus some child data on the client side, and then Inserting it into the DB (using TableAdapter.Update), how does the child get the new Parent ID? ...

NULL permitted in Primary Key - why and in which DBMS?

Subquestioning my question "Why to use “not null primary key” in TSQL?" [1] As I understood from other discussions, some RDBMS (for example, MySQL, SQLLite, which else?) permit "unique" NULL in primary key (PK). I read-read and could not grasp - why and what's for? Update: I believe it is beneficial for communication with other...

Schema design question

I have an industry lookup table: ID, Name. I have other industry properties such as Industry sector, Industry service, Industry products, etc. These are all required properties for each industry so any industry being entered will have these data. These data are fixed list items like Industry sector = (Primary, Secondary, tertiary). On s...

When to use JCR (content repository) over other options?

Hi, I'm trying to evaluate content repositories (JSR283) like Jackrabbit and ModShape but I must confess that I don't understand what problem resolves in first place and even if it is a good choice for the project. Which cases do you think is the best solution to apply? Is not the same thing as relational databases, except for the size? ...

What I must look into when porting big project from MySQL into Oracle?

So I have lots DB tables. I need to port my DB into Oracle. I have no problems on MySQL but must port onto oracle. so what are main tips&trics when going oracle from mysql? ...

DB for Commenting System

i wanna create a 2 level status message system. Which is the best way to create a tables ? Scope: User sets a Status Message Users Reply to the status message this is a picture showing it Tables i have created users (id, name .... ) status_messages (id, message, time, user_id) status_message_replies (id, message, time, status_me...

How to insert values into an MYSQL-Table by using Select-Statements

Okay, This one is pretty simmilar to my last one, but I don't get it...! I am trying the following: Insert into table b (Select column_1 from table_a where ID = 1), (Select column_2 from table_a where ID = 1), 0, (Select column_3 from table_a where ID = 1); But I always get a syntax-error...! I think it's quite logical what I...

Warning: sqlite_query() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given

ok so i've looked all over the place and cant find a solution that helps my case. I hope someone can help? basically i have this, and recieve "Warning: sqlite_query() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given" relating to $dbresult line - so a problem with the query :( function Up(){ $dbquery = "DELETE FROM toolList WHERE toolI...