
Silverlight 4 Printing: Getting a Blank Page

Hello, Trying to implement a simple print in SL4. I have a DataGrid that I would like to print out, but thus far whatever I try to print out comes out as a blank page in the printer. It also seems to take about 30-60 seconds to actually print out (but that could be an unrelated issue). My code is fairly straightforward: private void M...

iPhone - Table/Grid Data

For an iPhone app, I'm going to need to display read-only tabular data in a grid format. This data could potentially have many rows and columns. I could use UITableView, but the problem is the data will most likely be very wide and require scrolling. Is there a way to put a UITableView in a UIScrollView and allow zooming and scolling ...

Get Row from Index in Silverlight DataGrid

I am trying to implement reordering rows in a Silverlight DataGrid. For this I am extending the default DataGridDragDropTarget, and I need to override and implement the following method: protected override DataGridRow ContainerFromIndex(DataGrid itemsControl, int index) { } How can I get the DataGridRow from the DataGrid and the Inde...

ContextMenu for DataGrid

Hi, I have the following context menu for rows of the Data Grid. <ContextMenu x:Key="cm_rowMenu"> <!--ContextMenu For Row--> <MenuItem Header="Edit Info." Click="mnuEditInfo_Click" /> <MenuItem Header="Delete" Click="mnuDelete...

DataGrid: Dyanmically adding rows

I am new to windows application. I need to add rows in the DataGrid dynamically which has person data. when i do the following is see only the last person in the last row. i see rows populating but with no data. If i do a break on the first fetch i do get the right one. But something is wrong. Any ideas foreach (var p in personList) ...

Flex Upload XML to datagrid/database

Hi We have an requirement in our project to browse & upload an XML file and show it on the datagrid, edit the grid and then save the contents to the database. I'm able to see examples that take a XML from a specific folder and show on the datagrid, but not able to see any examples that browse for a XML and then upload it. It would be gr...

Is there a way to hide a specific column in a DataGrid when AutoGenerateColumns=True?

I have a WPF 4.0 DataGrid that is bound to a DataTable using AutoGenerateColumns=True. The columns are dynamic, however I know there is always going to be a column named ID and I would like to hide this column. Is there a way I can do this? ...

Flex DataGrid -- Setting Row Style?

Is there any way to set the style or container for the entire row inside a Flex DataGrid? Basically, I'd like to render each row with a rounded BorderContainer. I could always use a DataGroup for this, but really, I want DataGrid functionality, but I want to control the style or skin of the row. Is there any way to achieve this? ...

Delete DataGrid row (WPF) by clicking Delete key button

Hi, I have WPF 4 desktop-based application. In one of the windows of this application I have DataGrid with data, binded with SQL Server database (via ADO.NET Entity Framework). In order to manipulate with data I have delete button, that deletes selected row from DataGrid and call SaveChanges() method. Now I want to add support for keyb...

how to track change in datagrid to update database?

If i bind datagrid to a collection, how can i track changes, e.g. object deleted/modified, so that I know how to update the database, do I have to manually handle those event to record which object is deleted, which is modified? is there a better solution? ...

graphical gui editor which incorporate database tables with python

(from your own experience) Is there a graphical UI editor / designer tool, commercial or free, which is able do design forms, and supports database-bound tables, before writing any line of code? PyQt Designer can't work with Databases, AFAIK (do you know how?) Dabo is the only thing so far that more or less works, but is quite heavy o...

ComponentArt grid column right click filter

I am using ComponentArt grid in my project and my requirement is whenever we right click on each column in gridview show filter menu. How we can do this using AJAXToolKit? Below is the code for grid ...

Show ComboBox on Datagrid row edit, WPF

Hi, I have a DataGrid with data in my WPF 4 desktop-based application. When user click twice on row DataGrid switches to edit mode, where user can change values of cell. Now I want that on specific cell user could only choose values from combobox, e.g. sex — mail/female and not to type something else. How can I show comboox on edit mod...

Click on row in datagrid in

Hi, I have a datagrid with a button in each row that when I click on it, it redirects to another page. I want to be able to click on the entire row and not on that button. The problem is that now I go to database when I click on the button like so: DataTable dt = DataAccessLayer.selectFromTable(reviewedGrid.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Ce...

WPF DataGrid: Automatically re-sort on a DataGridTemplateColumn

In WPF's DataGrid control, if you set a column to one of the default column types (like DataGridTextColumn or DataGridCheckBoxColumn), sort on that column, and then change its value, the grid will automatically be re-sorted. However, if you use a DataGridTemplateColumn (and allow the column to be sorted), it can be sorted, but changing ...

WPF DataGrid not appear in Toolbox?

I am working with Visual studio 2008. I want to work on WPF DataGrid control. I downloaded WPF toolkit and install it, and then added toolkit reference in my project, but it does not recognize Datagrid control, and does not show it in Toolbox, I even try to add it in toolbox through choose Item.. but when I click WPFToolkit.dll, it giv...

flex 4: how can i have a datagrid with header that has a transparent background.

Hello. I would like to create a datagrid that it's header has a transparent background. i still want the separators to be shown between each column but the background itself (only of the header) will be transparent. i have a background image behind the datagrid and i want it to be displayed instead. thank you! ...

WPF DataGrid columns alternating coloring

How can I make columns coloring in DataGrid if I also want use AlternatingRowBackground property? I have some ideas, but it doesn't work :(. <de:DataGrid Name="dataGrid1" AlternationCount="2" AlternatingRowBackground="Salmon" > <de...

Silverlight Datagrid: Setting background of a template cell with custom behavior

I have a custom DataGrid mixed with DataGridTemplateColumns and a custom behavior derived from this answer The problem I'm experiencing is that any DataGridTemplateColumn's cells are not picking up the 'highlight'. The c...

Firing another event from one event ..

Hello.. i will try to be clear.. here i am working on a datagrid. in datagrid one column is editable as i am passing DataGridTextColumn to it and holding the data when users enter data into it and writing back to database. i am saving to database using datagrid_celleditending event also i am using the datagridcelleditendingeventargs to ...