
Can I use DataTable.Select(filterString) to control the displayed rows in a DataGridView and also use DataGridView.Sort() to control the order they're displayed in?

If I write: myDataGridView.DataSource = myDataTable.Select(fitlerString); myDataGridView.Sort(myDataGridView.Columns[1], ListSortDirection.Ascending) I get an InvalidOperationException with the Message "DataGridView control must be bound to an IBindingList object to be sorted." but I can't find a way to get a Datatable (instead of a D...

Get the method parameters from the throwing method in C#

I have a nasty exception that seems to occure deep inside the DataGridView Code. I have a class that inherits from BindingList which is the DataSource of a BindingSource which is the DataSoure of a DataGridView. Under some strange circumstances I get an exception during the overridden OnListChanged() method of my class: protected ...

Ordering Columns in a DataGridView alphabetically

I am using a DataGridView control in a VB.Net application where columns are being added dynamically to a DataTable which is being created in code. I need to order some of the columns alphabetically by name. E.g. Name, Surname, House Number, B, D, A, C I need as... Name, Surname, House Number, A, B, C, D the columns are as they are n...

C# Display Join Query in DataGridView at designTime using TableAdapter, etc.

I have a DataGridView I also have some tableAdapters (groupTableAdapter, userTableAdapter) generated from sqlserver database. I have created a JOIN query in userTableAdapter that shows users with their correspoding groupname. Of course, I've got the classic warning Visual Studio throws regarding it is not the original bla bla bla.....

How do I figure out which items' selected state was changed in a DataGridView?

I have a DataGridView that has MultiSelect turned on. When the SelectionChanged event is fired, I'd like to know what items were newly selected and which items were newly deselected. For instance, if you have multiple items selected (by Ctrl-clicking) and then you release the Ctrl key and select a single item, I'd like to know which it...

DataGridViewRow resize event?

is there an event triggered when a DataGridViewRow is resized? or any other way I can catch when that happens? ...

C# GUI, have to display a huge table and make it sortable

Hi, I am making a small C# GUI application that reads table-like (cells, rows, columns) data from a binary file and displays it to the end user. Some files are very small (5 columns / 10 rows), but some are very big (245 columns and almost 50,000 rows). The one and only method I found to easily display a MsExcel-like table was DataGridV...

Display SQL Server table in DataGridView

I think it's kind of noob question but I'm new to SQL Server in .NET and I've already lost several hours on this... I started new project, inserted DataGridView on empty form and as Data Source I chose Add->Database and I created new SQL Server Database File. I called it db.mdf. Now I get DataSet named dbDataset and BindingSource named ...

drag TreeView node to DataGridView cell problem.

I have written this routine to drag a TreeView node-value to drop it on a DataGridView cell. private void dataGridView1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(string))) { #region Find Row and Cell from Mouse Position Point grvScreenLocat...

DataGridView not updating in c#

Anyone got an explanation of what's going on? Changing code 1 to code 2 fixes the problem -although theoretically there should be no difference. (Theory hits practice like a pumpkin hitting a brick wall). Code 1: OutputDataGridView.DataSource = myList; Code 2: OutputDataGridView.DataSource = null; OutputDataGridView.DataSourc...

DataGRidView with DropDown style Combobox in Editmode

hi I have requirement to implement DropDown style combobox in DataGridView, Where i can Select value from Dropdown even can type new value. Here is the code that i have added for the same: #region dgv_TETV_T_Display_EditingControlShowing private void dgv_TETV_T_Display_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingContro...

How is the DataGridViewCell.FormattedValue updated?

I have a control which extends the DataGridView control. I am overriding the ProcessDialyKey event and throwing and event of my own, which the container form can respond to as the user types in a cell. The problem I am finding is that when I fire my "CellEditKeyPress" event from within the DataGridView's ProcessDialogKey method, the Val...

New item field on top of DataGridView

DataGridView in .Net has built-in support for adding new items at the bottom. Last row is treated in a special way. The IBindingSource interface supports this through AddNew/EndNew/CancelNew methods. Is it possible to change this to allow adding items in the top row of the grid instead? I know I can do sourceList.Insert(0, item) progra...

How to Print DataGridView with RightToLeft Layout(

When I try to Print the content of DataGridView and view it with PrintPreviewDialog , the layout of the DataGridView Content is From LeftToRight although the property of DataGridView (RightToLeft) is true . how can I handle this issue ? ...

Overcoming .NET problem of displaying binary columns in a DataGridView

If a DataSet contains a column that is a timestamp or other binary value, its associated DataGridView throws an ArgumentException, when displaying any data in that column. That is, assume you have some table containing a binary column such as: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DataTest]( [IdStuff] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProblemColumn] T...

How can I manualy fire RowEditing event?

How can I manualy fire RowEditing event WEB C# without clicking to autogenerated Edit button from any button clicked? ...

Selected row does't update in DataGridView

I have a datatable bound to my datagridview. One of the columns is a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. By clicking on a button you should change all checkboxes in the column to true. private void btnPublishAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int j = 0; j < this.dgrView.RowCount; j++) { this.dgrView[7, j].Value = true; } ...

BeginPrint event and dataGridView problem

hi, I have a dataGridView on the form and thats have many columns and rows. Now I want draw dataGrid column and rows to printDocument and then print. But when BeginPrint event of printDocument is in running, gridView columns and rows is empty, although it is not. What is mistake? private void printDocument_BeginPrint(object sender, Syst...

Windows DataGridView _RowCommand

Hello everybody, My background is pretty much ASP.Net, and I was asked to develop a small windows application. I tried to use a grid to present and select data, and I tough that the equivalent in windows forms to the ASP.Net's GridView was DataGridView. I'm not sure yet if that is the case, basically, in ASP.Net, you have the _RowComman...

INotifyPropertyChanged with threads

I have a BindingList<T> which is bound to a datagridview. One property in my class takes long to calculate, so I threaded the action. After the calculation I raise the OnPropertyChanged() event to notify the grid that the value is ready. At least, that's the theory. But since the OnPropertyChanged Method is called from a differend ...