datalist datalist RepeatDirection.Vertical shows horizontal? set repeatcolumns in code behind

hello everyone. i have a datalist in my aspx like this: <asp:DataList ID="dlSubs" runat="server" CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="5" RepeatDirection="Vertical">...</asp:Datalist> when i do this in the code-behind: this.dlSubs.DataSource = dtCat; // dtCat is a datatable with about 13 rows this.dlSu...

Get TextBox value from DataList in edit mode

I want to add a value to a row in a datalist. I have added a textbox and a LinkButton that shows up when the DataList is in edit mode. The LinkButton has CommandName="Add" and CommandArgument with the id of the row as a value. I have added a OnItemCommand to the DataList and in the code behind. But when try to retrieve the text from t...

JSF rich:dataList rendered per row?

Hey, Seems like this should be possible but ...? Using richfaces and JSF I'm iterating over a List using rich:dataList ... all is fine except I'd like the ability to selectively 'render' each iteration, is that possible? For example: <rich:dataList value="#{list}" var="item"> <h:outputText value="#{item.something}" /> </rich:dataL...

Datalist - No databind to server control, extract possible?

In a datalist, you usually extract row data with a FindControl on a control that is assigned a value via a databind using say, Eval. What if in your datalist, there is no bind to an ASP.NET server control? It's in a datalist, "straight up", in say a table cell or on its own. You can't do a FindControl, so is it possible to extract a r...

datalist mutiple selection fields

hi, In the datalist I contain one field and to that related i need mutiple record i wanted to display so How can i do this? ...

how to retrive a value in datalist on the button click in DataList

We have a Datalist in which we have some data, with every Item we have a button control, What i want to achieve is that on the button click, the data related to that particluar row of Datalist is fetched whose Button control is clicked. How to accomplish this, The problem is how to attach the button control with values related in that pa...

How do i add paging facility in my datalist control in 3.5?

Hi... I am using datalist control and want to show 5 records per page. My backend is oracle 9-i.Datalist displays Results of stored proceures. I dont want to change my stored procedures for that. can any1 help me by code?... Pls... ...

How to carry out edit mode to update datas in Datalist control ??

i have a datalist control <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblAddressID" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("StudentName") %>'/> <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" /> <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="cmdEdit" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit"/> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTempl...

datalist edit mode.

i have a datalist control <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td height="31px"> <asp:Label ID="lblStudentName" runat="server" Text="StudentName :" Font-Bold="true"></asp:Label> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "StudentName") %> </td> <t...

How to get current selected data in datalist from gridview inside it ?

i have a datalist and inside it there is many rows and in one of these rows i have a gridview,. i can say that it's like the following <DataList> <tr> <td> [textbox1 control] </td> </tr> <tr> <td> [textbox2 control] </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <gridview/> </td> </tr> </DataList> my problem is when...

How to assign ID to TR generated by datalist/datagrid in

Please help me.. how can i set ID to tabelrows generated by datagrid/datalist.. i mean.. i want to assign a row id by myself to every row of datalist ...

Can I place a asp:datalist inside a repeater control and databind it?

Hi folks, Can I place a asp:datalist inside a repeater control and databind it for each time its repeated? Using VB.NET btw.. Cheers! --Jonesy ...

Extending DataList to accept a new InsertCommand from LinkButtons

I'm trying to subclass DataList to accept a new Command from embedded LinkButtons. Here's my abstract class: public abstract class BaseFieldGroup : DataList { public const string InsertCommandName = "Insert"; public event DataListCommandEventHandler InsertCommand { add { base.Events.AddHandler(Ev...

Using a ControlParameter in FilterParameters when the property is null

I have a DataList and FormView; they have separate datasources, though they pull the same info. The FormView's datasource has a FilterExpression to pull whatever's been selected on the DataList. On first load, the SelectedValue of the DataList is null (naturally). I expect the FilterExpression to result in zero rows, but it doesn't. ...

using c# & ,how can I link data of anothet datalist to datalist containing link button

I m Using VS.NET 2008 I retrive data in to datalist containing link button.on click i want to open another iformation in another datalist according to its ID. ( I try to access Category to Sub category) ...

Need to Show a message when DataList is Empty

hello, i'm using DataList to show records on Client Site of My web page i need to show a message when my DataList is empty .... is there a property of Datalist... How to show that message ? ... UpdatePanel - Works first time then fails

I have a simple update panel that contains an ASP DataList. It shows a list of documents and their approval status. Here is some sample markup <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upDocuments" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DataList ID="dlDocuments" runat="server" RepeatLayout="Table"> <HeaderTempla...

Get data from aspx.cs page to aspx page.

So I am using a jquery plug in that allows me to change the order of things in a list by dragging and dropping them. So my goal is to be able to grab a list of my objects (AlertInfo) and using it in a javascript function. I was able to use a json webservice call in a test project to pass the data to the page. But we don't have a webser...

datalist itemdatabound event having issues changing item bg color on condition

Hey guys I'm trying to do something really simple.. I'm checking a data column in my datarow if it's > 0 I want the item back color in the datalist to be green if its < 0 remain transparent... if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { DataRowView drv = (DataRowVie...

ASP.NET C# DataList FindControl & Header/Footer template causes error

Hello, whenever I use the Header or Footer template of DataList, FindControl is unable to find a label part of the DataList, and throws a NullReferenceException. My SQLDataSource and DataList (no Header and Footer template - works): <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsMinaKop" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStri...