
How to wire a middle tier of Objects to a data tier consisting of a DataSet?

Howdy, I have a middle tier containing several related objects and a data tier that is using a DataSet with several DataTables and relationships. I want to call a Save method on one of my objects (a parent object) and have its private variable data transformed into a DataRow and added to a DataTable. Some of the private variable data ...

Synchronize DataSet

What is the best approach to synchronizing a DataSet with data in a database? Here are the parameters: We can't simply reload the data because it's bound to a UI control which a user may have configured (it's a tree grid that they may expand/collapse) We can't use a changeflag (like a UpdatedTimeStamp) in the database because changes ...

.Net: Convert Generic List of Objects to DataSet

Does anyone have code to do this? ...

How can I read multiple tables into a dataset?

I have a stored procedure that returns multiple tables. How can I execute and read both tables? I have something like this: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_mult_tables",conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure); IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); I'm n...

.NET Table Adapters: Get vs. Fill?

I always seem to use Get when working with data (strongly typed or otherwise) from the database and I have never really needed to use Fill although I just as easily could use Fill instead of get when pulling out and updating data. Can anyone provide guidance as to the implications and gotchas of each method? In what situations is it p...

When you are abstracting your database records and datasets into objects, what does your object model look like?

I'm asking all of you who aren't using a library for this, but are constructing your own objects for managing data flowing to and from your database tables. Do I have a recordset object? one object per row of data? Both? Neither? Any suggestions or experiences welcome. Please don't tell me to use an ORM or other such toolkit. It's ov...

Why recordsets initially were forward only

I have seen recent updates in term of record sets being updated so that we can scroll back and forth through the data it points to. My question is why they were initially designed for a forward only traversal. Is there any impact using the new version? ...

How do I find out if a column exists in a VB.Net DataRow

I am reading an XML file into a DataSet and need to get the data out of the DataSet. Since it is a user-editable config file the fields may or may not be there. To handle missing fields well I'd like to make sure each column in the DataRow exists and is not DBNull. I already check for DBNull but I don't know how to make sure the column...

Adding dummy Column to strongly typed dataset

I am writing a site that uses strongly typed datasets. The DBA who created the table made gave a column a value that represents a negative. The column is 'Do_Not_Estimate_Flag' where the column can contain 'T' or 'F'. I can't change the underlying table or the logic that fills it. What I want to do is to add a 'ESTIMATION_ALLOWED' colu...

DataReader or DataSet when pulling multiple recordsets in ASP.NET

I've got an ASP.NET page that has a bunch of controls that need to be populated (e.g. dropdown lists). I'd like to make a single trip to the db and bring back multiple recordsets instead of making a round-trip for each control. I could bring back multiple tables in a DataSet, or I could bring back a DataReader and use '.NextResult' to ...

Dataset ReadXmlSchema Errors

How is it possible for this to be true XmlDocument d = BuildReportXML(schema); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXmlSchema(schema); ds.ReadXml(new XmlNodeReader(d)); schema is the schema location that I apply to the xmldocument before I start setting data, assuring that all the columns are of the correct type. Then I set the schema t...

Multiple Data Tables in PHP/MySQL?

In, you can retrieve MULTIPLE datatables from a single call to the database. Can you do the same thing in php? Example: $sql ="select * from t1; select * from t2;"; $result = SomeQueryFunc($sql); print_r($result[0]); // dump results for t1 print_r($result[1]); // dump results for t2 Can you do something like this? ...

Is there a DBGrid component that can handle large datasets fast?

Large datasets, millions of records, need special programming to maintain speed in DBGrids. I want to know if there are any ready-made components for Delphi (DBGrids) that do this automatically? EDIT For Example: Some databases have features such as fetch 1st X records (eg 100 records). When I reach the bottom with scrolling, I want t...

Is there really no way to follow up dataset parent relation in xaml binding?

Suppose I have a dataset with those two immortal tables: Employee & Order Emp -> ID, Name Ord -> Something, Anotherthing, EmpID And relation Rel: Ord (EmpID) -> Emp (ID) It works great in standard master/detail scenario (show employees, follow down the relation, show related orders), but what when I wan't to go the opposite way (s...

How do I display only certain columns from a data table?

Hi guys... I'm using a web service that returns a dataset. in this dataset there are 5 table, let's say table A, B, C, D, E. I use table A. So DataTable dt = new DataTable() dt = dataset.Table["A"] Now in this datatable there are columns a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7. Let's say I only want to get columns a3 and a4 then bind it to my datagr...

Microsoft Access query seen as a Function or View by Visual Studio 2005

I have a Microsoft Access database query that I'm trying to import into a Visual Studio 2005 dataset. When the query is formed using an NZ() function like this: SELECT NZ(tblComponentSpecs.nPurchaseCostQuantity, 0) AS Quantity FROM tblComponentSpecs; it appears under the Functions list in the Data Connection. However, when the query...

Does a Poco to DataSet project exist?

I have a POCO object that goes 4 levels deep contained objects (like Invoice has line items that have taxes that have gl entries), and I want to turn the entire thing into a DataSet. So there would be 4 tables, each with constraints being applied to the parent table. Does anyone know of something that would automated this? ...

How can I sort a DataSet before doing a DataBind?

I have data coming from the database in the form of a DataSet. I then set it as the DataSource of a grid control before doing a DataBind(). I want to sort the DataSet/DataTable on one column. The column is to complex to sort in the database but I was hoping I could sort it like I would sort a generic list i.e. using a deligate. Is this ...

DataTable visualizer disappeared from my Visual Studio

A while ago I noticed I don't have a magnifying-glass next to my datatables. I used to have it, and somehow, sometime, it disappeared... Has anyone seen this happen? Do you know how to help me view my datatables again? Update: I'm still clueless about this. Could anyone point me in some direction, where should I even start looking for...

How to Convert complex XML structures to DataSet with multiple tables

What is the best way to convert an XML document to a .NET 2.0 DataSet. The XML document contains complex structures with parent-child relationships and should be transformed into multiple tables in the DataSet. The DataSet tables should also maintain the relationship among tables. right now, I've to write custom XSLT to do this transform...