
How to map a datasource for a java web service

I'm trying to figure out how to use datasources for my web service. I have the oracle-ds.xml deployed on my jboss 4.2.3 server, and the datasources are showing as bounded to JNDI names java:TestDS, java:WeatherDS, etc. I try doing an initialcontext.lookup but I can't find it. I tried referencing the resource in the web.xml but I get "...

datagrid add item to datasource lose viewstate

I do have a page that has a TextBox a Button and a Datagrid. The goal here is simple : Each time I input something in the TextBox and press the Button, it does a little check and then it adds the item to the datagrid and a business logic datasource. The problem is, if I want to make the item appear in the DataGrid I have to do a datagr...

c# Hide a property in datagridview with datasource

I think there must be an attribute to hide a public property from the datagridview. But I can't find it. ...

Where / When / How does BindingList<T> convert / wireup PropertyChanged to ListChanged event

Hello all, I have a hierarchy of objects that all implement INotifyPropertyChanged. I also have a custom list that derives from BindingList. It is my understanding that when I add an object that impelements INotifyPropertyChanged to the list, that somehow the PropertyChanged event is automagically wired-up / converted to the ListChange...

ColdFusion DataSource not found

I'm trying to connect ColdFusion 8 to SQL Server 2008 Express and I'm experiencing some issues when I try and run CF queries. When I try and run a query I get: (data source name removed, I didn't use [Name]) Datasource [Name] could not be found. The error occurred in [FilePath]: line 1 1 : <cfquery name="tasks" datasource="[Name]" > ...

How do I update the password for a Cognos Data Source?

The db password expired and it needs to be updated, how do I update the password for a Cognos Data Source? ...

C#/Winforms: sorting a datagridview by a column that is not part of the DataSource

I have a datagridview that has its datasource linked to a databinding from a database. All the columns are sortable by doubleclicking the header. Now I added one extra column by hand that just contains numbers. Strangely I cannot sort the datagridview by this column. If I doubleclick the header nothing happens. I have set sortmode to...

How to set a datasource on a nested control list on postback

I am trying here to set correctly a Datasource of a nested control list. Basic idea : I have an asp:repeater item. Inside there is a DropDownList and a BulletedList plus a Button. I want to add the selected Item in the DropDownList from the selected row in the Repeater to be added into the selected row's BulletedList. So far I manag... sorting Gridview custom datasource type

It seems that the only way to sort my gridview is by binding it to a datasource or datatable. I binded mine with a user custom list type and in this situation i can not convert my gridview datasource to a datatable or dataview. Is there any fast way, how to do this? Regards ...

Bind XML to editable DataGridView, allowing load and save

Hi, I have a settings dialog with a DataGridView, and an OK/Cancel button. When the dialog is opened, it is supplied an XML file that may or may not exist, and display the contents. Regardless of whether or not the file exists, the user must be able to modify the data in each cell in the DataGridView, along with being able to add or rem... check box label name from xml

I have a check box in an webpage How to fill the labek name of the check box from an xml file ? I did the same for dropdown but i want similar to checkbox xmlData.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("./App_Data/view1_" + txt_dropDownToLoad + ".xml")) DropDownName.DataSource = xmlData DropDownName.DataValueField = "ddl_cod" DropDownName.D...

DataGridView ( problems, nonvisible rows are still visible and the DataGridView is empty despite having a DataSource

I have several problems with rows in a DataGridView. Background information: The DataGridView (DataGridViewCalib) is in one TabPage of a TabControl, some columns of the DataGridView are automatically DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn as the DataSource have some colums which are Boolean. This is a Windows Form written in VB.Net with Visual Stu...

What is after LINQ?

In the spirit of All about LINQ Current LINQ providers: LINQ to Objects. LINQ to SQL. LINQ to XML. LINQ to Entities. LINQ to WMI. LINQ to LDAP. LINQ to Internet. LINQ to Dataset. LINQ to nHibernate. So, what is after LINQ? Does there any data source LINQ not cable of querying it? [Edit] From Adam Robinson's answer: What sort of da...

WPF IEnumerable<T> vs IQueryable<T> as DataSource

Hi. I have a WPF ListView and I bind it to a IEnumerable<T> collection. Everything works fine, but when I bind it to the IQueryable<T> collection, there are no items in list anymore.. Why? Is it not observable or what? When I look at the definition: public interface IQueryable<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable, IEnumerable and public...

Tomcat-6.0.18, expanded directory structure, datasource in context.xml

Environment: Tomcat-6.0.18 Oracle-Db JDK-1.6.0_1 -1- context.xml i a war file - works fine my-application.war/META-INF/context.xml: <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" maxActive="5" maxIdle="1" maxWait="-1" name="jdbc/dataource-name" password="pwd" type="javax.sql.DataSourc...

Spring Datasource and Database Schema

Hi I am trying to declare a Spring datasource pointing to a DB2 database. Presently I am using a org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource to setup the connection but am not finding any way to specify the database schema in the database in the datasource bean. Could anyone help me on this? ...

ASP.NET change a Repeater's DataSource without a postback?

I have a repeater that displays some data from a SQL query: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="damQuickList" OnItemDataBound="damQuickList_OnItemDataBound"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li><asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="damAnchor" /></li> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> ...

how to bind datasource to List<Dictionary<string, string>> ?

Hello, I have a class that stores a list of dictionary entries. I want bind that to a datasource for gridview from codebehind. Code for dictionary type of , representing ErrorMessage and failed field. public partial class FailedFields { private Dictionary<string, string> Code_Error = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public voi...

What property values does GridView retain across data binding operations ( besides SelectedIndex )?

1) Suppose GridView1 is bound to ObjectDataSource and that GridView1.SelectedIndex is set to value 7. If we then rebind GridView1 by calling GridView1.DataBind(), GridView.SelectedIndex will still retain its initial value ( 7 ). Are there any other properties which GridView remembers across rebinding operations? 2) Suppose GridView1...

ASP .NET DataSource Member source code

Does anyone has been able to step into the definition of the DataSource member of an ASP .NET control? They all inherit from BaseDataBoundControl. I've been trying to step into the framework but apparently the symbol for that assembly is not available in the public server I took from here. Basically I'd like to know how they serialize ...