
FreeTDS runs out of memory from DBD::Sybase

When I add client charset = UTF-8 to my freetds.conf file, my DBD::Sybase program emits: Out of memory! and terminates. This happens when I call execute() on an SQL query statement that returns any ntext fields. I can return numeric data, datetimes, and nvarchars just fine, but whenever one of the output fields is ntext, I get th...

In DBD::CSV what does a /r in the f_ext attribute mean?

Why does only the second example append the extension to the filename and what is the "/r" in ".csv/r" for. #!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use 5.012; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:CSV:f_dir=/home/mm", { RaiseError => 1, f_ext => ".csv/r"} ); my $table = 'new_1'; $dbh->do( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table" ); $dbh->d...

DBD::CSV: Problem with userdefined functions

From the SQL::Statement::Functions documentation: Creating User-Defined Functions ... More complex functions can make use of a number of arguments always passed to functions automatically. Functions always receive these values in @_: sub FOO { my( $self, $sth, $rowhash, @params ); } #!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.012; use warning...

DBD::CSV: How can I generate different behavior with the two f_ext-options ".csv" and ".csv/r"?

This is from the DBD::File-documentation: f_ext This attribute is used for setting the file extension where (CSV) files are opened. There are several possibilities. DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv In this case, DBD::File will open only table.csv if both table.csv and table exist in the datadir. The table will still b...

How do I insert null fields with Perl's DBD::Pg?

I have a Perl script inserting data into Postgres according to a pipe delimited text file. Sometimes, a field is null (as expected). However, Perl makes this field into an empty string and the Postgres insert statement fails. Here's a snippet of code: use DBI; #Connect to the database. $dbh=DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb','mydb',...

How do I get schemas from Perl's DBI?

I have using Perl DBI. In that $dbase->tables() will return all the tables in the corresponding database. Like this I want to know the schema's available in the database. Is there any function available for that? ...

Why does Perl's DBI complain about "failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate" when I try to connect to Oracle 11g?

I am getting the following error connecting to an Oracle 11g database using a simple Perl script: failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env var or PATH (Windows) and or NLS settings, permissions, etc. at The script is as follows: #!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; if ($#ARGV < 3) { print "Usage: perl te...

Is it possible for a Perl DBI script to do "buffered inserts" on db2?

Buffered Inserts are a feature of db2 allowing one to get greater insert performance. IBM's documentation describes needing to bind this option to your application. I can't figure out if this is possible to do with the Perl DBI interface, and if it is possible, how to do it. ...

Do you know a database written in Perl with DBI interface?

Hi, Do you know a database written purely in Perl with DBI interface? Or what can be used if there is no MySql or Postgresql installed and I want to use Perl only? Thank you. Ok, I just wanted something that can be used with Catalyst. ...

Access to Apache::DBI from DBI

Is it possible to access a Apache::DBI database handle from a perl script (that isn't running under mod_perl). What I am looking for is database pooling for my perl scripts, I have a fair number of database sources (oracle/mysql) and a growing number of scripts. Some ideas like SQLRelay, using Oracle10XE with database links and pooling...

how to build sql server 2008 datetime object and insert it using perl DBI

How can i build a sql server 2008 datetime object with perl and insert it using the dbi module to specific table could someone provide example ...

Perl Dbi and stored procedures

How can i retrive the return value of stored procedure by using perl and the dbi against sql server ? could someone provide example. ...

Who to contact regarding DBD::Advantage & bugs

I am in search of who specifically to contact at Sybase regarding Advantage Database Server's DBI driver, specifically DBD::Advantage. The only reference I can find is to one 'lancesc' in the README, but there are no references to a contact email, CPAN author etc. Inadvertantly I happened upon one StackOverflow user lancesc here. Woul...

Where is my associative array and how do I access it using Perl DBI?

I'm working with perl, and using DBI. Up to now, I've been using ->fetchall_arrayref to get the results of a database query, and just accessing the array by numeric keys. However, I much prefer to be able to access records by the field names (associative fetch) than numeric. How do I do this, and what is the correct syntax for accessing...

dbi::Oracle error while running from cron

Hi I am using DBD::Oracle in my script to query into oracle database. When I am running this script its working fine but when i schedule to run this from cron its giving below error install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.so' for module DBD::Oracle: libnnz1...

Perl Parallel::ForkManager with DBI database handlers

Hi all, im interested in performing multiple database actions in parallel. I have played with Perl Parallel::ForkManager but not used it with any databases yet. I have read that database connectivity is not supported very well with this. Does anyone have experience with this? As an example i would probably be spawning a system call(whic...

How can I correctly insert data containing special characters into a database field using Perl and DBI?

I have a form, not unlike the post question/comment on this site that I want to post to a field in a database. However if someone where to put special characters such as @#;"| either fails or does not insert correctly. Is there a way to insert said data into a database without Perl trying to treat certain characters as operators? ...

Reusing ?'s on a DBI prepare

Is there a way to reuse the ?'s used on a DBI prepare statement. Consider the following code: $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO mytable(a,b,c) SELECT ?,B(?),C(?)"); $sth->execute($a,$a,$a); It would be very nice to instead use something like this: #I'm making this up as something I hope exists $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO mytable...

Why am I seeing DBI errors on the console even though I have wrapped the DBI calls in an eval?

I have a database query that I am running inside an eval, to trap the error. Problem is that the error message is outputting to console, even though it is being trapped. How do I stop the error message from doing this, as I want to parse it myself and spit back my own messages? my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=database;host=localho...

Problem using Perl to connect to MySQL database on remote server

I have a Perl script that gets data from a MySQL database on one server (let's call it server1), does stuff with it and writes it out to another database on another server (server2). Both servers are remote to the server that runs the Perl script. I can connect to the DB on server1 OK, but when I try to connect to the DB on server2, usi...