
sql server deadlock issue on a single table..................

I have one table let's say "xxx "in sql server 2000 . One .exe is inserting data into that table "xxx" through sql job. But once data is inserted , one stored procedure is reading the data from that "xxx table "and inserting/updating into other two tables and updating back the status into the same "xxx" table. Now, client says that mult...

Java Synchronized List Deadlock

From Effective Java 2nd edition item 67 page 266-268: The background thread calls s.removeObserver, which attempts to lock observers, but it can’t acquire the lock, because the main thread already has the lock. All the while, the main thread is waiting for the background thread to finish removing the observer, which explains the dead...

ERROR NHibernate.Event.Default.AbstractFlushingEventListener Could not synchronize database state with session

I am using NHibernate with SQLServer 2005,.net 3.5 & WCF Service. I am getting the following error this error intermittently when trying to delete record from database. ERROR NHibernate.Event.Default.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Could not synchronize database state with session NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException: could not de...

deadlocks in Client Server Application

hi (excuse me about my english) I'm a dotnet propgrammer. recently i wrote a client-server application that use for connecting and use .net remoting for comunications. when number of client increased(e. up to 100) sometimes server application freezed and after several minuts comebacks. i use sql2005 with pooling and t...

Killing a deadlocked Task in .NET 4 TPL

I'd like to start using the Task Parallel Library, as this is the recommended framework going forward for performing asynchronous operations. One thing I haven't been able to find is any means of forcible Abort, such as what Thread.Abort provides. My particular concern is that I schedule tasks running code that I don't wish to complete...

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem new Form CreateHandle Deadlock

I have a thread that needs to create a popup Window. I start the thread using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(CreatePopupinThread)) Thew thread creats a new form. The application freases in the new Form constructor at CreateHandle. The Worker Thread is locked... How can I fix this? this is how I create the form var form ...

Deadlock problem

Hello i'm having a deadlock problem with the following code. It happens when i call the function getMap(). But i can't reealy see what can cause this. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Threading; using AForge; using AFor...

SQL server deadlock between INSERT and SELECT statement

Hi! I've got a problem with multiple deadlocks on SQL server 2005. This one is between an INSERT and a SELECT statement. There are two tables. Table 1 and Table2. Table2 has Table1's PK (table1_id) as foreign key. Index on table1_id is clustered. The INSERT inserts a single row into table2 at a time. The SELCET joins the 2 tables. (it'...

what is deadlock in a database?

What is deadlock in sql server and when it arises? What are the issues with deadlock and how to resolve it? ...

Any techniques to interrupt, kill, or otherwise unwind (releasing synchronization locks) a single deadlocked Java thread allowing other threads to continue?

I have a long-running process where, due to a bug, a trivial/expendable thread is deadlocked with a thread which I would like to continue, so that it can perform some final reporting that would be hard to reproduce in another way. Of course, fixing the bug for future runs is the proper ultimate resolution. Of course, any such forced in...

How can I tell whether a process hanging is due to filled buffers (TCP, stdin, stdout)?

I've got a C# application which launches a console application in a separate process. The two applications communicate via a TCP connection, as well as some (limited) standard input/output. The problem I'm experiencing is that whenever I "break" within the debugger, it seems to cause the console application to hang. If I leave the app...

Is this BlockingQueue susceptible to deadlock?

I've been using this code as a queue that blocks on Dequeue() until an element is enqueued. I've used this code for a few years now in several projects, all with no issues... until now. I'm seeing a deadlock in some code I'm writing now, and in investigating the problem, my 'eye of suspicion' has settled on this BlockingQueue<T>. I can't...

Java deadlock problem....

I am using java sockets for communication. On the client side I have some processing and at this point I send an object to the cient. The code is as follows: while (true) { try { Socket server = new Socket("localhost", 3000); OutputStream os = server.getOutputStream(); InputStream is = server.getInputStream(); CommMes...

How can I get the main thread to sleep while waiting for a delgate to be called?

Consider a class with these methods: - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame { if (!(self = [super init])) return nil; webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [webView setDelegate:self]; lock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition:LOCK_WAIT]; return self; } - (void) setHTML: (NSString *) html {...

Odd tcp deadlock under windows

We are moving large amounts of data on a LAN and it has to happen very rapidly and reliably. Currently we use windows TCP as implemented in C++. Using large (synchronous) sends moves the data much faster than a bunch of smaller (synchronous) sends but will frequently deadlock for large gaps of time (.15 seconds) causing the overall trans...

Recognizing synchronization object hanging two 3rd party executables

I'm using a 3rd party tool, which uses a 4th party plugin. Occasionally, the tool will hang when launched. Looking at the stack traces, I can see a few threads are waiting on WaitForSingleObject, and my bet is that they're blocking each other. Some of the threads start at the 3rt party tool, and some at the 4th party plugin. What I'd li...

how avoids deadlock condition

Hi I try to write a program like a compiler.In this case I must simulate these codes of SQLPL(This one can be just for example).for example in command prompt i wana do these: c:\> sqlplus .... Enter User-Name:(here we must enter username) xxxx Enter password:(same up)yyyyy ... sql>(now i want to send my sql command to shell)prompt "rim...

Deadlock between select and truncate (postgresql)

Table output_values_center1 (and some other) inherits output_values. Periodically I truncate table output_values_center1 and load new data (in one transaction). In that time user can request some data and he got error message. Why it ever happens (select query requests only one record) and how to avoid such problem: 2010-05-19 14:43:17 ...

Can a sub-procedure procedure lock and modify the same rows FOR UPDATE that its calling procedure already locked?

Will the following code lead to a deadlock or should it work without any problem? I've got something similar and it's working but I didn't think it would. I thought the parent procedure's lock would have resulted in a deadlock for the child procedure but it doesn't seem to be. If it works, why? My guess is that the nested FOR UPDAT...

Unresponsive threading involving Swing and AWT-EventQueue

I have an application that is unresponsive and seems to be in a deadlock or something like a deadlock. See the two threads below. Notice that the My-Thread@101c thread blocks AWT-EventQueue-0@301. However, My-Thread has just called java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(). So AWT-EventQueue-0 blocks My-Thread (I believe). My-Thread@101c,...