Is there a way to know which item has the focus in a WPF application?
I there a way to know which item has the focus in and WPF application? Is there a way to monitor all events and methods calls in wpf? ...
I there a way to know which item has the focus in and WPF application? Is there a way to monitor all events and methods calls in wpf? ...
As one who is relatively new to the whole support and bug fixing environment and a young programmer I had never come across a bug that only occurs in the Websphere environment but not on the localhost test enviroment, until today. When I first got this bug report I was confused as to why I couldn't reproduce it on the localhost test env...
This drives me nuts. I have one third-party product in particular that has about 11,000 files in one of the directories. On sites using this system, from the time when I press the "Play" button to the time when it gets done "Validating Web Site" and recursing through the directory tree, it can often be 10 full minutes. What is VS doin...
Is there a line number constant or way to dynamically trace the line number in actionscript? Does actionscript have the equivalent of __LINE__ in PHP? ...
Hi, I have a .NET 1.1 web app and I am using JQuery-1.3.2.min.js in a webpage. I am getting a Invalid Property Value when running in IE 7. Firefox is OK. Problem is being able to debug this in VS2003. How can I debug this and find what line is causing the error please? I put a break point on the js line where I think but debugger doe...
Somehow, since some time I'm experiencing problems with debugging my ASP.NET website. Every time I try to debug the website ASP.NET shuts down (global.asax_Application_End is called). I believe this is triggered because the site is built by Visual Studio. However, manually (re)build the site and then start debugging also restarts the sit...
I have set a breakpoint in an HTTPHandler in visual studio. The HTTPHandler is an .ashx file I am trying to debug by running my application in the VS development web server. My breakpoint is NOT getting hit. How can I step through it? EDIT: My breakpoint is NOT getting hit ...
Hi all, How do I go about tracking this warning? I know about where to look, but what exactly am I looking for ... does this mean "classname" instead of ".classname" for some selector? Thanks, Michael ...
I want to make an import dependent on which target I call MSBuild with from the commandline but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to programatically access the target name(s) the .proj file was called with i.e. <Import Project="some.targets" Condition="$(TargetName) == myTarget"/> In general is there a way to dump all defined env...
OK, this is driving me nuts -- please tell me I'm not losing my mind! I declare: NSMutableDictionary* generalSettingsDict; im my .h I init: generalSettingsDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:5]; in a viewWillAppear I set: [generalSettingsDict setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:control.on] ...
Coming from a PHP/Apache background I'm looking for the equivalent of the Access Log when I'm developing ASP.NET MVC applications in Visual Studio 2008. On the Unix box I'm used to tailing the access_log to get an real time view of which requests is send to the web server: tail -f access_log I'm currently looking into ASP.NET Traces. ...
Looks like these guys have bought some StackOverflow ad space. I watched the Video Tour on their site and read the blurb. Is anybody using this app? Is it actually as helpful as they claim, or even just 5% as helpful? ...
I've got a retain/release problem. My View is pretty complicated so I've set NSZombieEnabled to YES and am trying to locate which, exactly, object is causing me grief. To speed this process along I'm wondering if there hints or tricks to tracking the Zombies back to the grave they dug their way out of (sorry, had to) or, back to the obje...
Which is the best way to debug an PHP application as we can debug ASP.NET application with Visual Studio ? ...
Is there a good tool to debug Perl-based web applications? Output to stderr or stdout don't count as tool. ...
Hi, Can anyone show me a way (if there is any) to connect Flex Builder debugger with the SWF embedded in aspx page containing AJAX (meaning, let's say, http://localhost/default.aspx doesn't actually have the SWF, you have to select another view to get to the Flex app, but the URL remains the same; so just adding "http://localhost/defaul...
I get an access denied error when I try to attach to w3wp.exe from Visual Studio 2008 on Server 2008 64-bit, even though I have the application pool set to run as my own unprivileged user. On Server 2003 I was able to do this. Something weird is going on because when I run Process Explorer as myself I can't see any detailed process inf...
I'm currently developing a monitoring application for some in-house hardware using net-snmp. I have code that somewhat works, when calling snmp_pdu_free() my code segfaults. I am creating the pdu struct with snmp_create_pdu(). I would like an API reference to see if I am in fact writing my code correctly, but I haven't been able to find ...
What's the PHP config setting which allows or prevents newlines in debug output from being escaped? On two different installs (a dev laptop running MAMP/OSX, and a dev server running debian) I see different results in the error logs when debugging. error_log(print_r(array(1,2,4),1)); On Debian this appears in /var/log/apache2/error.l...
Hi! I'm try configure gwt app for debug in Idea. Seems there is no native support in Idea, so I try configure "Java application" manually. I'm set: Main class: Vm parameters: -Xmx256m Program parameters: -startupUrl test.html ru.shirtmaker.Test Check to use classpath from current module. But when I run ap...