
Is it possible with Java to delete to the Recycle Bin?

Java is the key here. I need to be able to delete files but users expect to be able to "undelete" from the recycle bin. As far as I can tell this isn't possible. Anyone know otherwise? ...

Use C# to delete files from remote computer

I'm trying to delete a directory that contains XML files from a remote computer. My code compiles and runs fine, but when I go to get a list of XML files in the path I specify, it is not returning anything. Am I missing something permission wise? I have ran it from my computer logged on as myself and from another computer logged on as a ...

Automatically Remove Subversion Unversioned Files

Hi, does anybody know a way to recursively remove all files in a working copy that are not under version control? (I need this to get more reliable results in my automatic build VMware.) Thanks, Stefan ...

Binary Search Tree Deletion (Inorder Pred method) C++

Ok so I thought it was fixed, but I'm getting totally inconsistent results. I rewrote it kind of from scratch to start fresh and here are my results. I get no errors, no crashing, it just doesn't remove them. It just totally messes up the tree and gives me a ton more leaves, and mixes everything up. Not sure where else to go template...

How do I cancel a Delete in SQL

I want to create a trigger to check what is being deleted against business rules and then cancel the deletion if needed. Any ideas? Update The solution used the Instead of Delete trigger. The Rollback tran stopped the delete. I was afraid that I would have a cascade issue when I did the delete but that did'nt seem to happen. Maybe a tri...

Mark an Active Directory Object as "Read-Only"?

We had a bad day yesterday. One of our Domain Admins deleted an OU containing 700+ users and the same amount of computers as well as assorted other useful things like groups etc. We restored from a backup, but it wasn't pretty. I know that ADUC asks you if you're sure etc... but I'd like it if it was not possible to delete this partic...

Is there a way to delete in perforce without syncing to your client?

I often accidentally create a branch that contains more code than it needs to. When that happens, I delete the branch files, the branch tag, and then start over. The thing that stinks is having to sync the huge pile of data just so I can delete it. Is there a way to delete server-side? ...

Browser back button - does it delete session data?

Does hitting the back button in a web browser cause the session data set in the preceding call to be deleted? ...

Deleting records in LINQ with foreign keys - invalid cast exception

I have a simple database: ARTICLE ---------- ArticleId (PK), ArticleTitle ..other stuff... USER-ARTICLE ------------ ArchiveId (PK), UserId, ArticleId ..other stuff... The articleId's are foreign keys. I want to be able to delete a user article row by UserArticleId using the following code UserArticle myobjtodelete = PersonalArc...

Does myVector.erase(myPtr) delete the object pointed by myPtr ?

If I have the following code Foo *f = new Foo(); vector<Foo*> vect; vect.push_back(f); // do stuff vect.erase(f); Did I create a memory leak ? I guess so, but the word erase gives the feeling that it is deleting it. Writing this, I am wondering if it is not a mistake to put a pointer in a STL vector. What do you think ? ...

C++ and memory question

I've read some C++ books explaining how it's important to delete new-allocated memory. I have learnt some strategies like encapsuling the created object inside another object where its destructor will be called, etc, etc. However, if we have a singleton used during all the life of a program.. is it "really" important to delete it? As ...

delete or virtual delete?

I am writing a lib and a demo project. The project doesn't care which version of the lib I use (I can use sdl, directx or whatever I like as the gfx backend). To get the object I do Obj *obj = libname_newDevice(); Now, should I use delete or should I do obj->deleteMe();? I ask because I am not exactly doing new so I shouldn't be doin...

How do I delete all directories matching a pattern using SVN?

I have checked in a huge Eclipse project from my desktop computer to the SVN server. I did it using the command line. However, by mistake I committed all the compiled classes also in the server. For every plug-in, there is a directory /bin/ that contains the compiled classes. Is there a way to quickly delete in the server all directo...

Updating sort keys after delete

I have a table which has a field sort_id. In this field there are numbers from 1 to n, that define the order of the data sets. Now I want to delete some elements and afterwards I want to reorder the table. Therefore I need a query that "finds" the gaps and changes the sort_id field according to the modifications. Sure, I could do someth...

Python object deleting itself

Why won't this work? I'm trying to make an instance of a class delete itself. >>> class A(): def kill(self): del self >>> a = A() >>> a.kill() >>> a <__main__.A instance at 0x01F23170> ...

Javascript onkeypress delete or dot

Is there any way to find out if the user pressed the delete key or dot? It has the same keycode in FireFox. ...

Hungry Backspace in Eclipse?

In some editors there exist plugins implementing a feature called "hungry backspace" or "hungry delete". If this mode is active in a text editor then one hit to the backspace key will automatically delete all whitespace chars backwards from the current cursor position up to the first non-whitespace character. For example, this feature ...

Delete a file in use in runtime

how to delete a file which is in use/open by some process in runtime. i am using for my project and a image is shown in picturebox. and that should be deleted, with out closing that file. thanks in advance, vijay ...

Does file.delete() return true or false for non-existent file?

In java, does file.delete() return true or false where File file refers to a non-existent file? I realize this is kind of a basic question, and easy to very through test, but I'm getting strange results and would appreciate confirmation. ...

How to delete files older than N weeks from a Microsoft FTP server

I run an OpenSuse server that uploads zipped source code backups to a Microsoft FTP server every night. I have written a Bash script that does this through a cron job. I want to delete backed up files that are older than a certain date. How could I do this? Thanks. ...