
Recommendation needed for good database for Delphi desktop app

I am creating a desktop application written in Delphi and I am looking for a database for my application. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of available options. I'd really appreciate some recommendations and insights from other developers based on their experiences. Critical factors Low or no buyin cost. No distribution fees. E...

Remove focus rect on control - Delphi

Hi, Is there any option to not draw "focus rect" on a control in Delphi 2009? -Pavan. ...

How to do mouse panning on a custom component in Delphi 2009.

I'm using D2009. I have a component derived from TWinControl to which I'd like to add mouse panning. I see that there's a new control style, csPannable, and a new control state, csPanning. I've been looking at the vcl source to try to figure it out, but so far I'm a bit lost. Does anyone know of any documentation for this? Any sugge...

Runtime Error R6034 when trying to use Firebird Server 2.1 on Windows Server 2003 (Cannot Load gds32.dll)

I'm getting this runtime error R6034 when I try to execute an application in a Windows 2003 Server. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information. This s...

delphi 2009 unicode + ansi problem

Hello folks, I'm porting an isapi (pageproducers) application from delphi 7 to delphi 2009, the pages are based on html files in UTF8. Everything goes well except when Onhtmltag is fired and I replace a transparent tag with any value with special characters like accented characters (áé...) Those characters are replaced in the output wi...

Internal Error URW1135

When building my application in release mode, I get an internal error URW1135 at the end of one of my files. I searched the internet and found (here) that it could be about arrays of generic types like MyClass <T> = class FArray : array of T; end; So, I applied the proposed workaround (declaring a type TArrayType = array of T) throu...

Interfaces and Generics

I have problems to get generics to work in the following scenario: Delphi provides the interface IComparable: IComparable <T> = interface function CompareTo (Value : T) : Integer; end; I add another interface IPersistent: IPersistent = interface function ToString : String; procedure FromString (const Str : String); end; One...

Put together objects with different generic types

Given a generic type TMyClass <T> = class ... end; is there a way to put multiple instances (instantiated with different types) together like FList : TList <TMyClass>; FList.Add (TMyClass <Integer>.Create); FList.Add (TMyClass <String>.Create); or FArray : array [0..1] of TMyClass; FArray [0] := TMyClass <Integer>.Create; FArray...

Delphi 2009 gives access violation error when integrated debugging is enabled.

I'm pretty much at my wits end at the moment. I am using Delphi 2009 (Update 3) on Vista (service pack 2) and without fail, if integrated debugging is enabled and I try to run a project, it will give an access violation and the project will crash out. This happens even if I haven't even added any code to the default project template. ...

What is the build number of Delphi2009 after the fourth service pack?

I installed Delphi 2009 Update 4 yesterday (very painful process ;) Now, How can I make sure if it is properly updated? What is the build number shown in the IDE about box? ...

Constant breakpoints? How to remove them?

I downloaded a project made with Delphi 2009,which is also what I use,however there is one breakpoint that I just can't remove.If I try to remove it,its being executed again after the program is executed. I met such things in other debuggers known as Hardware breakpoints,but this is not important.How do I remove the breakpoint? EDIT: A...

GenoTechs GTSizer component

Does anyone know of a 3rd party component that works like GTSizer? It appears that GenoTechs no longer exists. We have a number of forms in our Delphi/Oracle enterprise application that have the GTSizer component. We have Delphi 2009 to install but GTSizer is not compatible, so we are holding off for now. Any and all suggestions are welc...

Getting Allen Bauer's TMulticastEvent<T> working

Hi all! First Question! :) I've been mucking around with Allen Bauer's code for a generic multicast event dispatcher (see his blog posts about it here). He gives just enough code to make me want to use it, and unfortunately he hasn't posted the full source. I had a bash at getting it to work, but my assembler skills are non-existent. ...

Vista 64 bit BSOD when running a Delphi 2009 Application.

Hi I have an application that I have converted to Delphi 2009 I have "String format checking" On and the standard memory manager. I downloaded the MS debugging tools at and got some debug files but I am not sure what to make of them. I would like some pointers on where ...

Delphi 2009 refactoring error

I use Delphi2009. When using Refactoring -> Change Params every time when I try to add new parameter to routine, when I setup new parameter and click “Refactor” I get an error: (NOTE: imageshack sometimes has problems, so sometimes you may not see this image). Do you know any workaround? ...

Why does TEnumerable<T> use pass-through methods?

TEnumerable<T>, the base class for all the Generics.Collections container classes, has a very strange declaration. It looks like this: type TEnumerable<T> = class abstract protected function DoGetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; virtual; abstract; public function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; end; function TEnumerable<T>.G...

Object orientation and serialization

Consider an interface like IMyInterface = interface procedure DoSomethingRelevant; procedure Load (Stream : TStream); procedure Save (Stream : TStream); end; and several classes that implement the interface: TImplementingClass1 = class (TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface) ... end; TImplementingClass2 = class (TInterfacedObject, ...

Delphi: Since when are interface references no longer released at the end of a with-block?

I recently stumbled over a problem caused by some very old code I wrote which was obviously assuming that interface references used in a with statement would be released as soon as the with-block is left - kind of like an implicit try-finally-block (similar to C#'s using-statement if I understood correctly). Apparently (in Delphi 2009) ...

Cast from TObject to interface type

Hi, related to my last question, I now have the following problem: function TNodeFactory <T>.CreateNode (ID : Integer) : INodeInterface <T>; var NodeClass : TClass; begin NodeClass := FindRegisteredClass (ID); Result := NodeClass.Create; end; This yields a compiler error: E2010 Incompatible Types: 'INodeInterface<TNodeFa...

"As" operator for constrained generic types

Consider: TTest <T : class, constructor> = class public function CreateMyObject : T; end; function TTest<T>.CreateMyObject : T; var Obj : TObject; begin Obj := T.Create; Result := (Obj as T); end; Why isn't this possible? Compiler yields an "Operator not applicable to this type" error message for the as operator. T is constr...