
Delphi 2010 RTTI : How to interegate/explore an enumeration containing custom attribute

I've created an enumeration utilizing a TCustomAttribute descendant class (TEnumAttribute) to give each enumeration additional data (if successful, it will drive a custom component that can interrogate an enumeration and populate itself accordingly). type TShoppingCartType = ( [TEnumAttribute(0, 'All')] sctAll, [TEnumA...

Is TDirect2DCanvas slow or am I doing something wrong?

While looking for alternatives to replace GDI, I was trying to test Delphi's 2010 TDirect2DCanvas performance in Windows 7. I tested it by drawing a huge polyline using Direct2D and the result was absurdly slow, even with 500 times less data than the amount I've ran the same test using GDI (and I didn't even use a bitmap as backbuffer i...