
copy records in a master/detail clientdataset delphi dbexpress

Hello everyone How can I copy the information of a record from a master/detail clientdataset to a new record or to an existing one. For example I want to copy te data of invoice No. 100 to Invoice No. 150 or the information of invoice No. 100 to a new Invoice With IBX I did that with storedprocedures but I am running into trouble with ...

Borderless TForm with drop shadow

I have made a TForm derivative that acts like the drop down part of a combo, or a hint window, or a popup menu - a temporary thing. It has no caption - its BorderStyle is set to bsNone. The form is displayed non-modally using Show, having set its position. To make it stand out, it needs a drop shadow around its border. However, a conseq...

C++ Builder DLL can not link unit obj from a Delphi Package (BPL). How to fix it?

I have a C++ Builder DLL that must link against a Delphi package (BPL), and I think it is possible that the Delphi package may need to be rebuilt to allow it to be used by both C++ Builder and Delphi, but I don't know which options need to be set on the Delphi package. The current problem is that "UnitX.obj" is not found (ILINK32 error)...

Error importing in Delphi 2010 WSDL generated from ColdFusion

Hello -- I'm a novice with SOAP and WebServices. Trying -for testing purposes- to import in RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi Update 4) any very simple WSDL produced from ColdFusion 9 WebService, I received immediately error message "syndicate.cfc SoapBindind is not a valid component name" Details [50074F4C]{rtl140.bpl } Classes.TComponent.Se...

Delphi: validate email without regular expressions

Hello. Since Delphi does not have any regular expressions library built-in, have you seen a good function to validate email addresses at least to some degree in using only Delphi RTL/VCL? I don't want to link additional *.dll to my product integrating regular expression support and I need also Delphi 7 compatibility. Embedding regex l...

Generic method returning generic interface in Delphi 2010

Given the code below, wich is a very trimmed down version of the actual code, I get the following error: [DCC Error] Unit3.pas(31): E2010 Incompatible types: 'IXList<Unit3.TXList<T>.FindAll.S>' and 'TXList<Unit3.TXList<T>.FindAll.S>' In the FindAll<S> function. I can't really see why since there is no problem with the previous ver...

Need to create a compiled delphi app that can make a separate compiled app

I need to make an app that will let users select some options, click a button, and a separate compiled app is created. Is this possible? I am using delphi 7 and 2010. Thanks for the replies. Here is a little more info. It would have to be a graphical app and create a graphical app. What I want is the user to fire up 'App A' (I orig...

Problem with using transaction in delphi when calling to MS SQL SERVER 2008 R2 ?

I need to call some Stored Procedures from Delphi and because they are related I have to use transactions. But It always returns an error when called : 'Transaction cannot have multiple recordsets with this cursor type. Change the cursor type ,commit the transaction, or close one of the recordsets.' And this error only occurs for...

how to get motherboard serial in Delphi ?

Possible Duplicate: how to get motherboard id or serial number ?[Delphi] Hi , is there any free component ? ...

Getting Jpeg error #51 when loading from BLOB with Delphi 2010, fine w Delphi 2006

I have an old application developed in Delphi 2006 that I now needed to make some changes in. In this app, I'm loading images from a MsSQL "image" field but when i compile with delphi 2010 I get the error : "raised exception class EJPEG with message 'JPEG error #51'." The code that get's the image from the database: aStream := TMemory...

Having a problem with XML-RPC and Delphi

unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdIntercept, IdCookieManager, IdZLibCompressorBase, IdCompressorZLib, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSS...

OleContainer - Opening a doc file from http ?

Hello everyone. I need some info about OleContainer. I embedded an OleContainer in the browser. And when I launch that html file,a microsoft word OleContainer is opened and I want to display content of a doc file from the web. For example, when I open html file, OleContainer should view the content of the whi...

Delphi Indy10: How IdTCPClient gets the response of Server,and the length of response is unknown.

host:; port:5001; ReadTimeout:3000; //Following codes to get the response procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var s:string; begin try while True do begin s := s+IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadChar(); end; finally showmessage(s); ....other operations... end; //.... When timerout the part...

TThread.Execute is not called as expected

I am trying to display an activity indicating overlay (a spinning circle of dots) during a lengthy operation in my application. For this, i created a borderless transparent form with a TImage and an Imagelist, which i sought to update in a thread during the time the main thread is busy. The problem i encountered is that the lengthy oper...

Handle Exceptions from Thread in Global Exception Handler?

Hi, I have a main application with a global exception handler installed. Now, for some specific exceptions being raised within another thread I want the global exception handler to be invoked. But it does only handle exceptions from the main thread. I also tried the following from within the thread but it does not work either: RunInMai...

Delphi 2010 - Rave Report runtime text change problem

Hi, I'm using Delphi 2010 and Rave Reports (comes built in, v. 7.7.0). I have been using this couple for 5 months without any problem. In my company i use two languages, first i use our primary language (Turkish) and when people wants to use another language i change the specific text and memo values according to their tag value. Thi...

Display Artefacts when Switching Pages in TMS TAdvOfficePager

Hi, I'm using TAdvOfficePagercomponent from TMS Software. Inside each page I use a frame. When switching between pages I get some ugly display artefacts like this: The controls from the old page and the controls from the new page are both visible for some time. Is there anything I can do about this? Note: There's nothing happening ...

How to proceed after Delphi 2010 "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" message?

I am getting a lot of occurences of the message "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" when trying to re-run my application after routine editing in Delphi 2010. My Application has already been run (maybe several times) and quits without any problem back into my editing mode, yet after completing my edit sometimes the Run option is disa...

How to Create an approximation of a 2-d Arc with line segments?

I have a poly-line-contour consisting of line segments and arcs of circles which i want to extrude to prisms. As my extrusion functions only support straight-edge polygons, i need to approximate the arcs using line segments. The arcs are defined through a starting point, center point and sweep angle (CCW). The sweep-angles i need to d...

Pressing Alt clears the embedded TWebBrowser

I have TWebBrowser embedded in a TForm. Whenever I press Alt button the browser window becomes white. If I drag the form around it repaints correctly. What I am doing wrong? I have DevExpress Bars and Quantum Grid if that matters? I use Delphi 2010 and Windows 7 and XP SP2. IE version is 7 and 8. Reproducible on all. Before pressing ...