
How to make code completion faster in Delphi 2010?

Is there any tweaks you'd made or third party add-in installed to improve the performance of the Delphi 2010 Code Completion? I find it very slow compared to the Code Completion of Delphi 7. ...

Register custom form so I can inherit from it from multiple projects, without copying the form to the Object Repository folder

I've got a custom frame I need to inherit from in multiple projects. This frame includes some code and some components, and it resides somewhere on disk, in it's own project directory. I don't want to COPY it to the Object Repository folder, that doesn't seem right to me: I'd end up having two copies of the form, one in my Mercurial-back...

Problem with Open-Save Dialog boxes under Windows 7

Hello! I am using Delphi 2010. I have to set UseLatestCommonDialogs to False and additionally set ofOldStyleDialog property of Open and Save dialogs to true if I want that Open and Save Dialogs works in Windows 7 (otherwise they do not open at all). It is also true that I reserve quite a lot of space for a stack: {$M 16384, 60048576} ...

Does Ribbon dynamic tabs exist in Delphi 2010?

I am writing an application with ribbon in Delphi. I don't know what are these tabs called technically, but is there any way that I can have tabs that are added when a condition is met and have a different color? Just like the one when you insert a shape in Word 2007 ("Format" tab) that comes at the end of all the tabs and is dynamic (a...

Delphi: How can I add a new category in ActionManager?

I'd like my actions to be organized in categories, but in the "Categories" box, I can't add a new category. When I click add standard action, it has different categories like "Edit", "Internet",... . Is it even possible to have custom categories or I am stuck with default categories? ...

Why doesn't TTimer work correctly?

Hello all, As you can tell, I am having a little trouble with the TTimer VCL component within my application developed using Delphi 2010. Whenever I call: Self.Timer1.Enabled := False; Self.Timer1.Enabled := True; The timer component does seem to indeed halt, but, it never starts up again. Like, it never calls the OnTimer event. I ...

GetDir in Delphi2010 not working under Windows 7?

Hello! I have the following sequence of commands in Delphi2010: var netdir:string; .... OpenDialog1.InitialDir:=netdir; .... OpenDialog1.Execute... .... GetDir(0,netdir); .... After executing OpenDialog I should have in string netdir the directory where I finished my OpenDialog.Execute. And in the next OpenDialog.Exec...

Looking for Keydb for delphi 2010

Hi, I have been using Keydb since 2003. I am having troubles converting the source of Keydb from 2007 to 2010. If any of you has done it already, I would appreciate if you send it over to me. (It is open source now) Regards, David Rosen ...

Convert emf to bmp

Hi, How can convert emf to bmp with delphi 2010? ...

Coding style tool for Delphi 2010

Possible Duplicate: FxCop / StyleCop for Delphi? Hi ! Has anyone encountered with some coding style tool like StyleCop, but for Delphi 2010 ? I would appreciate if someone recommends any free tool. ...

Bitmap with transparency

Hi With code procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var oMeta: TMetaFile; oBmp: TBitmap; begin Image1.Transparent := True; Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('D:\data\WMF.wmf'); oBmp := TBitmap.Create; try oMeta := TMetaFile(Image1.Picture.Graphic); oBmp.SetSize(oMeta.Width, oMeta.Height); oBmp.Canvas.Draw(0...

Problem using TEncodedStream with a Tstringlist

HAving this procedure (DELPHI 2010): procedure TfrmMainApp.ChangeLogon; var EncStr: TEncodedStream; // from M.Cantu, see below LogonName : tUserName; LogonPW : tPassword; MessageString: string; begin if MessageDlg('You are about to change the login to the Connection server. Do you wish to continue?', mtWarning, [mbYes, ...

Is it possible? TCollection descendant to implement storage of TPanel containers with arbitrary content

I'm new to component development in Delphi, therefore want to know, is it possible to implement my task at all. I need to create a visual component (user control) based on TScrollBox, which will represent a bunch of TPanel, all that panels will be aligned as "Top" inside that TScrollBox and can have different Height. It has to act as TC...

Why sometimes png transparent icons are not transparent with Delphi 2010?

I have a D2010 app with theme support enabled. Is using a TToolbar + TImageList with this setup: ColorDepth: cd32bit DrawingStyle: dsTransparent When run from Delphi, or the folder where is generated the exe the icons are transparent. When I move to another folder or install in another folder, the icons are show with a gray background...

Improve speed on Crc16 calculation

I need to calculate Crc16 checksums with a $1021 polynom over large files, below is my current implementation but it's rather slow on large files (eg a 90 MB file takes about 9 seconds). So my question is how to improve my current implementation (to make it faster), I have googled and looked at some samples implementing a table lookup b...

Why does the Delphi 2010 TRibbon control "flicker" on Windows XP, but not Vista/7?

I've noticed that when I use TRibbon control that comes with Delphi 2010, it works flawlessly on my Windows 7 system. However, the application has some weird painting issues on a Windows XP system with the "classic theme" (I haven't tried the playschool theme). I know there are other Ribbon components available from DevExpress and TMS...

How can I extract a image of specific size from an Icon

Hi How can I extract a image of specific size or all images from an Icon with multiple images? TIA and best regards ...

Delphi DeHL Deserialize XML File in newer class ?

Hi all, I use DeHL to serilize XML and class in Delphi and if add property to my class and try to deserialize my XML file. I have this error : ‘Deserializing « \TApp\FObject\test » failed. Serializer reported it’s missing or other entity is currently read!’. I understand quite well this problem but is there a way to put default value i...

Delphi 2010: How to save a whole record to a file?

I have defined a record which has lots of fields with different types (integer, real , string, ... plus dynamic arrays in terms of "array of ..."). I want to save it as a whole to a file and then be able to load it back to my program. I don't want to go through saving each field's value individually. The file type (binary or ascii or .....

Maintaining N simultaneous HTTP downloads

I have an application that queries a web service by a date range. The web service returns a list of GUID's. I then take each GUID and download a WAV file that it corresponds too. Right now I do it one by one and works fine. What I would like to do is download up to N number of WAV files simultaneously. For some reason I just can not g...