
Devexpress Layout look and feel does not work on Windows 2003 server?

I am developing a Delphi 2010 application using the TMS Toolbar and the Devexpress layout control and grid. I used the styling options the make the program look like office. This works fine on windows 7 and windows XP. However the program has to run on Citrix (windows 2003 server). On the server the styling options of the TMS component...

Insert Unicode chars to MySQL with Delphi 2010

Trying to insert values with Unicode Chars into a MySQL-database using Delphi 2010 and TADOConnection with no luck. Connection with ODBC Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=mysrc;Initial Catalog=mydb The SQL command: INSERT INTO myTable (aCol) VALUES('Russian: русский язык') Tried inserting it directly with...

Application compiled with Delphi 2010 (Windows XP3 machine) don't run on Windows 7 - error at kernelbase.dll

Application compiled with Delphi 2010 (Windows XP3 machine) don't run on Windows 7. However, it runs fine on Windows XP. I see no special message when the program is compiled with D2010. Third party component used are AnyDAC and wwDBGrid (woo2wool). Here the event message produced when executed on W7 (the program just don't start, win...

Determine when a TRttiMethod is marked as overload, override or abstract

Is possible using the Rtti determine if a TRttiMethod is a marked as overload,override or abstract ? thanks in advance. ...

Enumerate global methods of a unit using delphi

suppose i have a unit like this unit sample; interface function Test1:Integer; procedure Test2; implementation function Test1:Integer; begin result:=0; end; procedure Test2; begin end; end. Is possible enumerate all the procedures and functions of the unit sample in runtime? ...

How can I list the Attributes of a property using the rtti?

I am currently using this code, but does not list anything. What I'm missing? program ListAttrs; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Rtti, SysUtils; type TPerson = class private FName: String; FAge: Integer; public [NonEmptyString('Must provide a Name')] property Name : String read FName write FName; [MinimumInteger...

Unicode string and TStringStream

Hello People, Delphi 2009 and above uses unicode strings for their default string type. To my understanding unicode char is actually 16 bit value or 2 bytes (note: I understand there is possibility of 3 or 4 bytes char, but let's consider the most usual case). However I found that TStringStream is not very reliable to manipulating this...

Delphi TButtonEdit buttons appear in one project but disappear in another.

I have a simple form that I use to list the names of all tables in the connected database and allow users to see and edit the data in the tables. This form includes a TButtonEdit control with left and right buttons to set and remove a filter expression typed in by the user. I have included this form in two related projects. It's the s...

How can I remotely read binary registry data using Delphi 2010?

I am trying to remotely read a binary (REG_BINARY) registry value, but I get nothing but junk back. Any ideas what is wrong with this code? I'm using Delphi 2010: function GetBinaryRegistryData(ARootKey: HKEY; AKey, AValue, sMachine: string; var sResult: string): boolean; var MyReg: TRegistry; RegDataType: TRegDataType; ...

Generic defined in unit breaking debug information

This must be a Delphi bug... I have a unit which is the basis of my persistance framework. In that unit I have a base class for all my domain objects, a list class and a generic list class. Just recently I noticed that when I step into the unit when debugging, execution will jump to a point a little further down in the file than it sho...

Extract query definition from JET database via ADO

I have a program in Delphi 2010 that uses a JET (mdb) database via ADO. I would like to be able to extract the definitions of some of the queries in the database and display them to the user. Is this possible either via SQL, some ADO interface, or by interrogating the database itself (I don't seem to have rights to MSysObjects). ...

How can I automatically give an .exe a unique name at compile time?

I want the exe name of an application given 'ProgramExeName + version number' at compilation time (exemple: Filename18190.exe, Filename18191.exe...) - so the exe name is never the same. Considering i have the version number put in a str variable, how to automatically append this number to the exe name currently built? Tx (Note: i want...

CreateFile not returning a proper Handle - devices in Delphi

Hoping to find somebody that has experience with services in windows. I am trying to use the NdisProt driver for ethernet adapters in Delphi my_Handle := CreateFile(PChar('\\.\NdisProt'), GENERIC_WRITE or GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); (have tried with \\.\\NdisProt too) After execution my_H...

Can a Delphi generic class descend from its class argument?

I've been trying to define a generic, inheritable TSingleton class. Here's what I had in progress: TSingleton<RealClass, InheritsFrom : class> = class(InheritsFrom) strict private class var FInstance : RealClass; protected procedure InstanceInitialization;virtual; public destructor Destroy; override; class proced...

Calling a function from a function pointer in Delphi

I'm trying to build a generic worker thread in Delphi, one that I can pass a function/procedure (doesn't matter) as an argument and let it execute. My guess is to add a field in the TThread class and call it from TThread.Execute. So the code outside the thread is gonna be: MyThread := TWorkerThread.Create(True); Mythread.CallBac...

Conditional compilation depending on current active project

I am developing a new module for a large Application in Delphi 2010. I have organized my sources in a project group of two projects, one to build the full application and one two launch my test suite (which shares some sourcecode with the main application). During the initalization of a unit, i need to act differently depending on whic...

Delphi TreeView: Can I have different styles in one node's text?

I want to show a string like this as a note's text: Name: John It has a bold part and a regular one. Is there a way that I can do this? ...

Compile Delphi 2010 Project with MSBuild

Hi Everybody, I am trying to compile a Delpho 2010 project using the msbuild tool. Unfortunately when firing the command msbuild Delphi.dproj it returns the error code MSB4040, which means that there is no target in the project. So far a RAD Delphi 2010 environment is still installed on the machine. Does anybody know which files do ...

Needed to be guided trought SSH Tunnel with a delphi Application

Hi there I created a Delphi 2010 application. It is use by many company in the region from trusted to untrusted users. The application authenticate users with MySQL behind MD5 encrypted password. Following this, the application need to upload and download many files trought ftp. The fact is : any network sniffer (such as Ethereal also ...

Can I run programs using TCP/IP from within IDE and expect them to work?

Hi, I just ventured into writing my first socket based programs in Delphi 2010. I tried with Indy, no success, just even writing a simple client and server that could send packets. Then I used TTCPServer and TTCPClient, same results using the following 'simple as it gets' demos :- Emmbercadero TTCPServer demo Emmbercadero TTCPClient de...