I have been looking online for some time now, but I still haven't figured out how to print a PDF file in Delphi without showing the document itself, or a print dialog. I just want to open a file without showing it, and print it to the default printer.
I'm trying to print a batch of PDF documents, and there is no need for user interfere...
I have an idea to enable FastMMs memleakreporting in the nightly automatic build. The messagebox should of course be disabled.
The simplest would probably be if the applications exitcode was > 0 if there was a memleak. I did a quick test and the exitcode was 0 with a memleak and FastMM.
So my question is how can I detect if there was a...
I want to get a list with all the threads (except the main, GUI thread) from within my application in order to do some action(s) with them. (set priority, kill, pause etc.)
How to do that?
is it possible to put methods in the properties of objects in the object inspector in rad studio 2010 (or an older version)?
if so how?
Hi all
Is there any way to change the color of the nodes in a TTreeView. I want to color my treeview with a dark color and then I can't see the nodes.
Possible Duplicate:
How to stop long executing threads gracefully?
I have a background thread which needs to perform an operation, it works fine all of the time except in one case : when the resource is corrupted. When that happens the thread gets Blocked in the Load (to that resource) calls in the Execute method.
When ...
Hi all,
I need call a DLL file in my delphi code, here is the code snippet of the DLL Head file:
#define BookInfoDLL __declspec(dllexport)
struct _BookTime
unsigned char day;
unsigned char month;
unsigned short year;
struct _stBookData
unsigned char encrypt;
_BookTime bkTime;
unsigned int PageCount;
I need to add TWAIN scanning to an Delphi application and am having trouble locating an off-the-shelf component to do so.
I downloaded TDelphiTwain but, when used in D2010 on Windows Vista, it does not appear to recognize any Twain sources on my system. I also tried the trial version of Twain Toolkit for Delphi from MCM which has the a...
I am trying to write a server and a set of clients that talk to the server. The server will maintain the status of different clients and allow them to alert the central server when there is a status change. A specialist client will allow the control of the other connected clients.
I have the server as a TIdCmdTCPServer and the clien...
In the computer, there is an C++ Builder 6 and was an C++ Builder Architect (the license isn't owned by the company) which was uninstalled.
I received the mission to install C++ Builder Professional 2010 recently bought on that machine, but the installer of the ISO (downloaded from Embarcadero) insists on installing the Architect editi...
I'm in the process of building a DataSnap Server that functions as WebDAV server and I'm trying to read the request headers when using a DSHTTPService and then modify the response headers.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've notice the Trace TDSRequest and TDSResponse are ancestors of TDSRequestIndy and TDSResponseIndy and...
I'm working on a Delphi/WIN32 application that uses an SQL Server database as back-end, using ADO to access the data. There are many users who use this application, but one user is using a special setup: they have multiple database schema's and every schema contains the complete datamodel for the application. Every schema also has a data...
I've written application in Delphi 2007, which some times hangs (not even every week, application is running 24/7). It looks like main thread gets stuck. What are the options to pinpoint the cause for this problem?
Application is written in Delphi 2007, it uses RemObjects, DBExpress with Firebird, OPC communication using COM.
I'm using Delphi 2006 and the TIdSMTPServer component (Version 10.1.5) to set up a SMTP server. This works fine, but I don't want to accept messages that are above a certain size. Is there a way to interogate the size of the incoming message before the server receives it and refuse it?
I try to debug a COM dll (TAutoObject) in Delphi and my break point are not green.
I put my option like this :
host : c:\Program Files\Internet
param : c:\software\test.html
My test is well lanched but no breakpoint in Delphi
what is the way to to this ?
I'm currently working on porting an existing Delphi 5 application to Delphi 2010.
It's a multithreaded DLL (where the threads are spawned by Outlook) that loads into Outlook. When compiled through Delphi 2010, whenever I close a form I run into an "invalid pointer operation" inside TMonitor.Destroy... the one in system.pas, that is.
Is it possible to call global methods from within a class where they are obscured by member functions of the same name?
I know in C++ you have the following syntax:
int var = 0;
void temp() {
int var = 2;
::var = var;
} //Global var is set to 2
i need to create a QuickReport in Delphi 5 that is laid out as:
| Report Header
| Detail Band (auto-stretching, repeats)
| Child band (fixed-size)
| Child ban...
Something very strange happened and I have no idea why. I've lost the icon in the top left corner for my Delphi 7 application. The icon still shows up attached to the executable in windows. But on the task bar and the top left corner, it's got the default Application box (for winXP Blue bar on top with white box)
Any idea what kind...
Some database application developers prefer to create a data module before main form by editing the project source file like this
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TDM, DM);
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
The question is - why...